McCabe complexity checker for Python


McCabe complexity checker

Ned's script to check McCabe complexity.

This module provides a plugin for flake8, the Python code checker.


You can install, upgrade, or uninstall mccabe with these commands:

$ pip install mccabe
$ pip install --upgrade mccabe
$ pip uninstall mccabe

Standalone script

The complexity checker can be used directly:

$ python -m mccabe --min 5
("185:1: 'PathGraphingAstVisitor.visitIf'", 5)
("71:1: 'PathGraph.to_dot'", 5)
("245:1: ''", 5)
("283:1: 'main'", 7)
("203:1: 'PathGraphingAstVisitor.visitTryExcept'", 5)
("257:1: 'get_code_complexity'", 5)

Plugin for Flake8

When both flake8 2+ and mccabe are installed, the plugin is available in flake8:

$ flake8 --version
2.0 (pep8: 1.4.2, pyflakes: 0.6.1, mccabe: 0.2)

By default the plugin is disabled. Use the --max-complexity switch to enable it. It will emit a warning if the McCabe complexity of a function is higher than the provided value:

$ flake8 --max-complexity 10 coolproject
coolproject/ C901 'CoolFactory.prepare' is too complex (14)

This feature is quite useful for detecting over-complex code. According to McCabe, anything that goes beyond 10 is too complex.

Flake8 has many features that mccabe does not provide. Flake8 allows users to ignore violations reported by plugins with # noqa. Read more about this in their documentation. To silence violations reported by mccabe, place your # noqa: C901 on the function definition line, where the error is reported for (possibly a decorator).



0.6.1 - 2017-01-26

  • Fix signature for PathGraphingAstVisitor.default to match the signature for ASTVisitor

0.6.0 - 2017-01-23

  • Add support for Python 3.6
  • Fix handling for missing statement types

0.5.3 - 2016-12-14

  • Report actual column number of violation instead of the start of the line

0.5.2 - 2016-07-31

  • When opening files ourselves, make sure we always name the file variable

0.5.1 - 2016-07-28

  • Set default maximum complexity to -1 on the class itself

0.5.0 - 2016-05-30

  • PyCon 2016 PDX release
  • Add support for Flake8 3.0

0.4.0 - 2016-01-27

  • Stop testing on Python 3.2
  • Add support for async/await keywords on Python 3.5 from PEP 0492

0.3.1 - 2015-06-14

  • Include in releases.
  • Always coerce the max_complexity value from Flake8's entry-point to an integer.

0.3 - 2014-12-17

  • Computation was wrong: the mccabe complexity starts at 1, not 2.
  • The max-complexity value is now inclusive. E.g.: if the value is 10 and the reported complexity is 10, then it passes.
  • Add tests.

0.2.1 - 2013-04-03

  • Do not require setuptools in It works around an issue with pip and Python 3.

0.2 - 2013-02-22

  • Rename project to mccabe.
  • Provide flake8.extension setuptools entry point.
  • Read max-complexity from the configuration file.
  • Rename argument min_complexity to threshold.

0.1 - 2013-02-11

  • First release
  • def inside def

    def inside def


    Why def inside def increase complexity of outer function? def inside def looks like method inside class. Maybe, complexity of inner function should be independent from outer function?

    For example, complexity of test_nested_functions_snippet equals to 1 instead of 3.

    opened by evvers 14
  • unify visitors for if and loop statements

    unify visitors for if and loop statements

    This addresses the issue I noted in #10 as well as closing a longstanding TODO (handle else clause of for).

    It also adds the support for global constructs (that loops had) to if statements.

    The core insight is that if statements are not really different from for loops in structure, so I've refactored such that they reuse code. In the course of events, I factored out the misfeatures of the two code paths.

    opened by bukzor 11
  • ignoring functions via special comments

    ignoring functions via special comments

    like # noqa for PyFlakes and # pragma: no cover for coverage it would be great if mccabe had a way of ignoring certain functions.


    1. functions are necessarily greater than the complexity level I want to enforce elsewhere.
    2. Starting to use mccabe to improve existing code bases without having to either have mccabe always fail or have to set a max-complexity which is way to high to have a real impact.

    (I kind of assumed there would be an existing issue about this but I couldn't see it, sorry if I'm being blind)

    opened by samuelcolvin 9
  • Use start of identifier as start position

    Use start of identifier as start position

    Would it be possible to have the ranges reported by this tool updated to start at the start of the offending identifier?

    For example with the following code:

    from example import (
        f401_unused as unused_module)
    def c901_too_complex(x):
        if x > 1:
            if x > 2:
                if x > 3:
                    if x > 4:
                        if x > 5:
                            if x > 6:
                                if x > 7:
                                    if x > 8:
                                        if x > 9:
                                            if x > 10:
                                                if x > 11:
    class Foo:
        def foo_c901_too_complex(x):
            if x > 1:
                if x > 2:
                    if x > 3:
                        if x > 4:
                            if x > 5:
                                if x > 6:
                                    if x > 7:
                                        if x > 8:
                                            if x > 9:
                                                if x > 10:
                                                    if x > 11:
    def indent_unaligned():
            print('H501 %(self)s' % locals())
        except:  # <- H201

    This module simply reports the start of the line as the problem location:

    > python -m mccabe --min 10
    5:1: 'c901_too_complex' 12
    21:1: 'Foo.foo_c901_too_complex' 12

    If the identifier start was reported instead, the positions would be 5:5 and 21:9 respectively. As it stands right now the column number is just plain wrong.

    opened by Arcanemagus 9
  • Why does adding a for loop increase cyclomatic complexity?

    Why does adding a for loop increase cyclomatic complexity?

    According to this article cyclomatic complexity directly measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code.

    Now observe the following code:

    def f():
        for i in range(10):
            print i

    This code outputs a complexity of 2 with the program.

    However, there is only one possible path of execution here.

    opened by robrechtdr 9
  • Add console script 'mccabe' for usability

    Add console script 'mccabe' for usability

    Hi! Thanks for useful tool! I use it at git-pre-commit-hook

    For debug reasons I often run mccabe alone without flake8. For me run


    is easier than

    python -m mccabe

    Yes, bash alias can help. But every developer must define that alias.

    opened by evvers 8
  • Add multiple files support

    Add multiple files support

    resolves #94 I've added support for entering multiple arguments as files to check for complexity. I also added handling of the case when the user does not enter anything as an argument for CLI.

    opened by Yourun-proger 7
  • max-complexity overwritten with string or bool in

    max-complexity overwritten with string or bool in

    Using flake8, mccabe and setuptools leads to setting wrong max_complexity option.

    When you set setup.cfg to

    max-complexity = 2

    the command

    ./ flake8 

    will not produce correct output, while calling



    Setting it to max-complexity=1 works, but the type of the option is set to boolean. When set to 2 it's a string instead of the requested int thus leading to always False comparisons at the mccabe code.

    The option is parsed correctly at pep8 but is overwritten at in class StyleGuide:1629:

           if options_dict:

    I don't know if the problem lies in the mccabe code, pep8 or flake8, so reporting it here.

    Versions used:

    Python 2.7.6

    argparse (1.2.1) autopep8 (0.9.1) coverage (3.7.1) flake8 (2.4.0) matplotlib (1.3.1) mccabe (0.3) nose (1.3.1) numpy (1.8.2) pandas (0.13.1) pep8 (1.5.7) pexpect (3.1) Pillow (2.3.0) pip (1.5.4) ply (3.4) Pmw (1.3.2) pyflakes (0.8.1) Pygments (1.6) pyinotify (0.9.4) pyparsing (2.0.1) python-dateutil (1.5) pytz (2012c) PyX (0.12.1) requests (2.2.1) ScientificPython (2.9.4) scikit-learn (0.14.1) scipy (0.13.3) SciTools (0.9.0) setuptools (2.2) Shapely (1.3.0) simplegeneric (0.8.1) simplejson (3.3.1) six (1.5.2) SQLAlchemy (0.8.4) ssh-import-id (3.21) statsmodels (0.5.0) sympy ( tables (3.1.1) Twisted-Core (13.2.0) UFL (1.5.0) urllib3 (1.7.1) virtualenv (1.11.4) VTK (5.8.0) Werkzeug (0.9.4) wheel (0.24.0) wsgiref (0.1.2) xlrd (0.9.2) xlwt (0.7.5)

    opened by PyGuy2 6
  • Python 3.7.0b4 test failures

    Python 3.7.0b4 test failures

    $ tox -e py37
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.7.0b4, pytest-3.6.0, py-1.5.3, pluggy-0.6.0
    rootdir: .../mccabe, inifile:
    collected 14 items                                                              ..F...........                                            [100%]
    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    ____________________ McCabeTestCase.test_expr_as_statement _____________________
    self = <test_mccabe.McCabeTestCase testMethod=test_expr_as_statement>
        def test_expr_as_statement(self):
            complexity = get_complexity_number(expr_as_statement, self.strio)
    >       self.assertEqual(complexity, 1)
    E       AssertionError: 2 != 1 AssertionError
    ===================== 1 failed, 13 passed in 0.06 seconds ======================
    ERROR: InvocationError: '.../mccabe/.tox/py37/bin/python test -q'
    ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
    ERROR:   py37: commands failed
    • pytest 3.6.0
    • six 1.11.0
    • py 1.5.3
    • pluggy 0.6.0
    • more_itertools 4.2.0
    • attrs 18.1.0
    • atomicwrites 1.1.5
    opened by hroncok 5
  • Cyclomatic complexity of code with path that will never be executed

    Cyclomatic complexity of code with path that will never be executed

    Is cyclomatic complexity supposed to count paths that will never be executed?

    Observe the following code:

    def f(n):
        if n > 4:
            return "bigger than four"
        elif n > 5:
            return "is never executed"
            return "smaller than or equal to four"

    The program outputs a cyclomatic complexity of 3 even though the elif path will never be executed.

    Regardless of if cyclomatic complexity as described in this article does (type I) or does not (type II) count code paths that will never be executed I think it is useful to make this distinction more clear than it is now.

    Depending on what cyclomatic complexity is supposed to represent you could name their specific types. Some suggestions:

    Type I cc : 'unminimized cc' or 'unreduced cc' (this is what the mccabe program currently evaluates for) Type II cc : 'minimized cc' or 'reduced cc'

    opened by robrechtdr 5
  • Add property-based fuzz test

    Add property-based fuzz test

    A test is added that runs mccabe against plenty of random yet valid Python source code. Right now, the test does not do much - it only tests whether mccabe accepts the code. Already this is an achievement because now weird edge cases are covered.

    Having this test suite integrated will also allow to build up on that. The author of Hypothesis claimed to work on a coverage guided test runner. Also more general properties to hold on any valid source code now can be tested.

    opened by MaxG87 4
  • [docs] Incorrect date on release note for 0.7.0

    [docs] Incorrect date on release note for 0.7.0

    Really minor issue, but I noticed that in the changes section of the README it shows the release date of 0.7.0 to be 2021-01-23 when presumably it should be 2022-01-23?

    opened by amrishparmar 1
  • [Proposal] Allow disabling

    [Proposal] Allow disabling "try-except" clauses evaluation.

    When using third party services libraries, or even on your own code, you may find a scenario were a function may return several different types of exceptions each of them requiring a simple but different action to be taken.

    Exhaustive Exception treatment on those cases leads to a high complexity result which is right, as per the complexity calculation strategy, but an undesired result.

    def foo(bar):
        except TypeA:
        except TypeB:
        except TypeC:
        except TypeD:
        except TypeE:
        except TypeF:
        except TypeG:
        except TypeH:
        except TypeI:
        except TypeJ:
    python -Bm mccabe                     
    1:0: 'foo' 12

    It will be interesting being able to ignore exceptions branching to properly compute the complexity of the actual function logic without the burden of the exception treatment one.

    opened by CaBazaga 1
  • [Proposal] Add a check for none/multiple positional arguments

    [Proposal] Add a check for none/multiple positional arguments

    The current behaviour of python -m mccabe (no positional argument provided) is an IndexError

    File "/home/junior/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 327, in main
        code = _read(args[0])
    IndexError: list index out of range

    Also, for python -m mccabe file1 file2 it just ignores file2.

    Would it be possible to add a check for a missing positional argument, and another for multiple ones?

    opened by jrom99 0
  • 0.7: test failure

    0.7: test failure

    When running the self tests on the pypi sdist file, I see:

    #  test
    running test
    WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Users looking for a generic test entry point independent of test runner are encouraged to use tox.
    running egg_info
    writing manifest file 'mccabe.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
    running build_ext
    test_mccabe (unittest.loader._FailedTest) ... ERROR
    ERROR: test_mccabe (unittest.loader._FailedTest)
    ImportError: Failed to import test module: test_mccabe
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.10/unittest/", line 436, in _find_test_path
        module = self._get_module_from_name(name)
      File "/usr/pkg/lib/python3.10/unittest/", line 377, in _get_module_from_name
      File "/scratch/devel/py-mccabe/work/mccabe-0.7.0/", line 244, in <module>
    NameError: name 'settings' is not defined
    Ran 1 test in 0.000s

    I see that it trys to import hypothesmith, but this is not installed on my system, and it has an except clause just ignoring the problem.

    opened by 0-wiz-0 3
Python Code Quality Authority
Organization for code quality tools (and plugins) for the Python programming language
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