Password list generator for password spraying - prebaked with goodies



Password list generator for password spraying - prebaked with goodies

Version 1.5

Generates permutations of Months, Seasons, Years, Sports Teams (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL), Sports Scores, "Password", and even Iterable Keyspaces of a specified size.

All permutations are generated with common attributes appended/prepended (such as "!" or "#"), or custom separators (such as "." or "_").

Common letter replacement option (change all A -> 4/@ for example)

Users can extend the attributes and separators using comma delimited lists of characters.

Spraygen also accepts single words or external wordlists that allow you to generate tuned custom wordlists in addition to what is already provided.

You could use tools like crunch, a fancy bash loop over SecLists, or whatever have you but that takes time...this one is made for spraying, so get to it!

python3 -h
    (  \_
    (    \_
    (       \_  
    (         \_            ___
    ( Password   \         |   |
    (   Spray     |คคคคคคคค|___|
    (           _ /          |
    (       _ /         /~~~~~~~~~\
    (   _ /            (  Spray    )
    (_/                 |  This   |
                        |         |
                        | Get     |
                        |  Creds  |

    Original Art by Alex Chudnovsky (Unaffiliated)
    Spraygen tool by 3ndG4me
    Version 1.5
usage: [-h] [--year_start YEAR_START] [--year_end YEAR_END] [-s separators] [-a attributes] [-w wordlist] [-n single word]
                   [--mode {all,nosep,noattr,years,plain,letter,custom}]
                   [--type {all,iterative,sports,nfl,nba,mlb,nhl,months,seasons,password,custom} [{all,iterative,sports,nfl,nba,mlb,nhl,months,seasons,password,custom} ...]]
                   [--iter {ascii,num,spec,asciinum,asciispec,numspec,full}] [--size SIZE] [--min_length MIN_LENGTH] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH]
                   [-o output file] [-p] [--sort {nosort,asc,desc,random}] [-v]

Parse Spray List Arguments.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --year_start YEAR_START
                        starting year for a range of years
  --year_end YEAR_END   ending year for a range of years
  -s separators         a comma delimited list of one or more separators
  -a attributes         a comma delimited list of one or more attributes
  -w wordlist           path to a custom wordlist
  -n single word        single custom word to generate a custom wordlist with
  --mode {all,nosep,noattr,years,plain,letter,custom}
                        Mode for list generation. Can be all, no separators, no attributes, only years, plain, letter, or custom (will only use parameters
                        passed into -s or -a).
  --type {all,iterative,sports,nfl,nba,mlb,nhl,months,seasons,password,custom} [{all,iterative,sports,nfl,nba,mlb,nhl,months,seasons,password,custom} ...]
                        Type of list to generate. Can be all, iterative, sports, nfl, nba, mlb, nhl, months, seasons, password, or custom. Choosing 'all'
                        executes all options except for 'iterative' which must be run manually.
  --iter {ascii,num,spec,asciinum,asciispec,numspec,full}
                        Keyspace mode for iterative list generation. Only works when --type is set to 'iterative'. Can be ascii, num, spec, asciinum,
                        asciispec, numspec, or full. Will generate all permutations of the selected keyspace with a given length set with the --size
  --size SIZE           Length of passwords generated by a set keyspace. Only works when --type is set to 'iterative' and an --iter keyspace mode is set.
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimum length of passwords to include in the list. (Default: 1)
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        Maximum length of passwords to include in the list (Default: 999)
  -o output file        name of a file to create and write the final output to
  -p                    prints the output line by line as plaintext
  --sort {nosort,asc,desc,random}
                        Sort final output. Sorting methods supported are nosort, asc, desc, random.
  -v                    prints the current version of spraygen and exits

Basic Usage

  1. Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run python3 -p - this will generate all default built in wordlists with all permutations and print them to the screen

Usage Recommendations


  • @MarkoH17 - for the boolean python3.8 backwards compatibility fix
  • @absolomb - for enhancing type selection and attribute logic in year generation
  • Empty output file after generating iterative list

    Empty output file after generating iterative list

    Hello, again.

    Hope you're all well.

    I managed to pick some parameters which don't generate an error. However, it doesn't generate any output, either.

    Here's what I got...

    $ >python3 --type iterative --mode plain --sort random --max_length=2 --iter=ascii -o "PasswordList_$(date +%y%m%d@%H%M%S).txt"
        (  \_
        (    \_
        (       \_  
        (         \_            ___
        ( Password   \         |   |
        (   Spray     |คคคคคคคค|___|
        (           _ /          |
        (       _ /         /~~~~~~~~~\
        (   _ /            (  Spray    )
        (_/                 |  This   |
                            |         |
                            | Get     |
                            |  Creds  |
        Original Art by Alex Chudnovsky (Unaffiliated)
        Spraygen tool by 3ndG4me
        Version 1.6
    [*] Info: Year Start not provided, setting to current year...
    [*] Info: Year End not provided, setting to current year...
    [*] Info: Generating PLAIN list...
    [*] Info: Generating ITERATIVE list...
    [*] Info: List size will be: 4
    [*] Info: List keyspace will be: ascii
    [*] Info: This is generating literally every permutation in that keyspace, this will take some time...
    [*] Info: Generating ascii keyspace list |################################| 100%
    [+] Success: --- generated iterative in 66.94957995414734 seconds ---
    [*] Info: Skipping separators and attributes...
    [*] Info: Adding new generated items to the list...
    [*] Info: Adding relevant attribute/separator permutations to final list, this could take some time...
    [*] Info: Progress |################################| 100%
    [+] Success: --- initial list built in 66.95010900497437 seconds ---
    [+] Success: Bulding final list!
    [+] Success: Writing output to: [email protected]
    [+] Success: --- finished in 66.95020365715027 seconds ---
    [+] Success: Done!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    XXXX@XXXX-PC1 - Sun Mar 27 22:57 - Load: 1.09 
    ~/.../spraygen-main $ >ll [email protected] 
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 XXXX XXXX 0 Mar 27 22:57 '[email protected]'
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    XXXX@XXXX-PC1 - Sun Mar 27 22:58 - Load: 1.09 
    ~/.../spraygen-main $ >cat [email protected] 
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    XXXX@XXXX-PC1 - Sun Mar 27 22:58 - Load: 1.09 
    ~/.../spraygen-main $ >

    No write errors, no syntax or code errors this time, in fact no errors of any kind. It spent over a minute bulding the list but didn't actually produce anything!

    I must be missing something incredibly obvious, but I can't think what. Maybe I'm just tired and making oversight after oversight.

    Thank you for any correction you can give me.

    Best regards.

    opened by ghost 1
  • [!] Error: local variable 'numspec_items' referenced before assignment

    [!] Error: local variable 'numspec_items' referenced before assignment


    I just had a quick go with your program when this happened...

    $ >python3.8 --mode plain --type iterative --iter full --max_length 12 --sort random -o AllASCIIpasswd.txt
        (  \_
        (    \_
        (       \_  
        (         \_            ___
        ( Password   \         |   |
        (   Spray     |คคคคคคคค|___|
        (           _ /          |
        (       _ /         /~~~~~~~~~\
        (   _ /            (  Spray    )
        (_/                 |  This   |
                            |         |
                            | Get     |
                            |  Creds  |
        Original Art by Alex Chudnovsky (Unaffiliated)
        Spraygen tool by 3ndG4me
        Version 1.6
    [*] Info: Year Start not provided, setting to current year...
    [*] Info: Year End not provided, setting to current year...
    [*] Info: Generating PLAIN list...
    [*] Info: Generating ITERATIVE list...
    [*] Info: List size will be: 4
    [*] Info: List keyspace will be: full
    [*] Info: This is generating literally every permutation in that keyspace, this will take some time...
    [!] Error: local variable 'numspec_items' referenced before assignment

    I think something needs double-checking ;)

    AFAIK I installed the prerequisites as instructed:

    $ >pip install -r requirements.txt 
    Collecting argparse
      Downloading argparse-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (23 kB)
    Requirement already satisfied: colorama in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) (0.4.3)
    Collecting progress
      Downloading progress-1.6.tar.gz (7.8 kB)
    Building wheels for collected packages: progress
      Building wheel for progress ( ... done
      Created wheel for progress: filename=progress-1.6-py3-none-any.whl size=9615 sha256=07d849d4f4388f27a6341ff1eb624f62d28510f22f0aa4fd6bb1b83bd1badb10
      Stored in directory: /home/XXXX/.cache/pip/wheels/bb/01/5a/c916509df9b12c6465864251dbe826def8e31a16fa7da54f08
    Successfully built progress
    Installing collected packages: argparse, progress
    Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 progress-1.6
    opened by ghost 1
  • Addition of quick mode; short and common types

    Addition of quick mode; short and common types

    Alright so lots of changes, here's the overview of what was added:

    • New common type and common list. This adds passwords like Welcome, Letmein, and others into the mix.
    • New short type. This adds in some of the various lists and creates a nice shortlist of words to generate for and only does the first letter capitalized. Useful when combined with quick mode.
    • New quick mode. This strips down the variations of passwords to the most commonly found formats. So usually things like the first letter being capitalized for the word, followed by the attributes. There is also some logic to make it more concise when combined with years and try to be a bit smarter. I suspect there could be more enhancements here later.

    So to use some of these new features nicely together if you are constrained on time with spraying, you could do something like: python3 --type short --mode quick -p -n companyname

    Happy to hear any feedback! Thanks for the tool!

    opened by absolomb 1
  • Dev/v1.5


    v1.5 release adds:

    • Common letter replacement (convert A -> 4/@, S->5,$, etc...)
    • Multi type selection (generate both months + seasons, seasons + sports, etc...)
    • Optimization for year appending for logical attributes to not create unlikely permutations that simple need to be years (for example MonthYEAR! but not MonthYEAR1234)
    • Auto capitalize when building list in addition to the upper and lower so it doesn't matter what custom lists start with, every permutation will be built and de-duped if it already exists.
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by 3ndG4me 0
  • Fixed append attribute logic when combined with years and added options to pick and choose types

    Fixed append attribute logic when combined with years and added options to pick and choose types

    I noticed attributes weren't being appended with years, so for example there weren't passwords like "Spring2021!" in the lists being generated. So I added some logic to do that but only with "!" and "#" variations on the default attributes since it didn't make sense to me to make passwords like "Spring2021123". Also there is logic now to append custom attributes as well with years.

    The other change just allows to pick and choose different list types when being generated, but you have to use spaces like --type months seasons.

    opened by absolomb 0
Casey Erdmann
Offensive security nerd, researcher, and software developer. I make software and distribute it under @InjectionSoftwareandSecurityLLC
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