Exports saved posts and comments on Reddit to a csv file.



Exports saved posts and comments on Reddit to a csv file.

Columns: ID, Name, Subreddit, Type, URL, NoSFW

  • ID: Starts from 1 and increments for each saved Post or Comment.
  • Name: Title of the post.
  • Subreddit: Display name of the subreddit.
  • Type: Either #Comment or #Post.
  • URL: Link of the comment or the post.
  • NoSFW: True or False based on the post.

How to Use

  • Download or clone the code to your pc.
  • Install Python3 and then install praw.
  • Go to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps and create a script.
    • Give any name and description.
    • Redirect uri: http://localhost:8080
    • Create
    • Text below "personal use script" is your client id. We'll need that and the secret.
  • Open reddit_saved_to_csv.py file with any text editor.
  • You'll see below lines at the top:
client_id='' # Enter your client ID
client_secret='' # Enter you client secret
username='' # Enter Username
password='' # Enter password
  • Enter the necessary information into the quotation marks.
  • Save the .py file.
  • Now you can run the script through command line/ VSCode/ Spyder etc.
  • Wait until you get the "COMPLETED!" message.
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  • Not all my saved posts were saved.

    Not all my saved posts were saved.

    Hi! So I got this program up and running and I was really excited, but I've noticed that I don't think it saved all of my saved posts.

    I found this really cute post that I saved in raindrop.io and according to Reddit, I saved this post. image

    However, I literally cannot find it in my csv file? I searched for it using Notepad++'s search by searching its ID, keywords like "fireworks" and "psa" and "animal crossing," and I still couldn't find this particular post. I then imported it to Notion and searched for AnimalCrossing, and it didn't appear there either.

    Is it possible that it's not a part of the 1000 saved posts that Reddit shows you? I mean, according to the program and updoot.app I have 949 saved posts, so I don't know. I mean, I did have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't saving all my saved posts to CSV because there were some subreddits that had a surprisingly low number of saved posts, when I'm almost certain I've saved many more.

    Thank you in advance!

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