PyBo - A Crypto Inspired Discord Bot
Pybo (paɪ boʊ) is a Discord bot that utilizes the API wrapper to run the bot. Pybo also integrates the CoinMarketCap API to track and display the top 100 cryptocurrencies.
Quick Disclaimer:
This version of PyBo will be the most stable release of the bot, however, if you wish to access the offline non-stable releases please refer to DevBo.
Due to no longer being maintained and being updated to use the new Discord slash commands and button functionality, there may be some compatibility issues while trying to update the current modules.
Table of contents
Current Features
- Crypto coin tracking (Local database)
- Server leveling (Local database)
User functions
- Administrative commands
Future Features
- Increased interaction with cryptocurrency data
- Personal 'portfolio' of simulated gains and losses of coins you 'own.'
- Ability to buy/sell/trade coins based on current data
- Interaction between users with their coins
- Crypto coin tracking (Heroku database)
- Server leveling (Heroku database)
- Server economy (Heroku database)
User functions
- More admin commands
After inviting PyBo to your server, simply create a text channel called bot-spam and type ;help into the text bar to get a detailed list of commands. If you happen to join my personal , feel free to '@iTakeDonations#8077' to contact me.
Python >= 3.8
PostgreSQL >= 12.7
discord-py-slash-commands >= 3.0.1
MIT © 2021 AnotherCreator