proman is a project manager. It helps you manage your projects from a terminal. The features are listed below.
Step 1: Download or Clone this repository to any location. Step 2: cd proman/ Step 3: bash
Now you can use proman from anywhere, it's in your path. To UNINSTALL come back to the directory and run: bash
To UNINSTALL go to the cloned directory and run: bash
Add your project directories
proman reads your project directories and imports all the absolute paths to your projects. To add a project directory do this: proman -d /home/user/pythonProjects
Access your projects from any directory instantly
Now all the directories under pythonProjects will be added to the ~/.proman/project-directories.json file.
Now you can open them using the terminal instantly with the editor of your choice by typing:
proman -p ProjectName
or simply use:
proman ProjectName
Open your projects in an editor or file manager of choice
By default the editor is vim, to set the editor to something else use the name your editor uses to identify itself in the terminal. Then run this command: proman -e EditorName
Default FileManger is thunar set it to something else with: proman -f fileManagerName
Open a project directory in the filemanager with: proman -o projectName
Remove and list projects
To list all projects run: proman -s
To remove a project run: proman -r ProjectName
Generate ctags for your projects before opening
Pre-requiste: ctags
proman -p ProjectName -t
-t is to be used after specifying the project name not before.
Use proman -v to see the version and -h to see the usage
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.