Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python


Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python

Open access and Code

This repository contains the open access version of the text and the code examples in the book. All of this can be more easily viewed at

See a mistake?

If you see any issues please create an issue on the issue tracker

Environment installation

To run the code you will need to install the correct packages in a computational environment. We have provided instructions below for common options.


conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate bmcp


The book code can also be run using Google Colab.

More instructions to come soon

  • add markdown files for chapter 1, 2, 3, and frontmatter sections

    add markdown files for chapter 1, 2, 3, and frontmatter sections

    This PR includes a first draft of a .md file for chapter 1 and 2. Also includes other files like a bibtext (with all citations in the book). Figures for chapter 1 and 2. And a couple of editions to config files.

    I think the .md is functional in the sense that equations are numbered, figures has captions, elements are crossreferenced (except for links to chapter still not available), the coolboxes are styled and code highlighted (although the style is not the same as the one used in the book), Tables are properly rendeted. Probably still room for improvements.

    I was not able to automatically crossreference code blocks, so instead of consecutive numbers (as in the book) I am using ad hoc text references. Tables needs to be rewritten.

    opened by aloctavodia 9
  • Manuscript Error:

    Manuscript Error:

    Manuscript code requires bambi package, please add to the environment.yml file.


    bambi library mentioned on page xix, Code 0.2 section, but not included in the environment.yml file so running the code on page xix yields a runtime error.

    Reference page xix

    opened by aaelony 8
  • ValueError: `as_list()` is not defined on an unknown TensorShape.

    ValueError: `as_list()` is not defined on an unknown TensorShape.

    Hi there, I'm encountering an issue in Chapter 06 at Code Block 6.14, when it comes to the section of the code where we're using generate_gam_ar_latent():

    mcmc_samples, sampler_stats = run_mcmc(
        1000, gam_with_latent_ar, n_chains=4, num_adaptation_steps=1000,
        seed=tf.constant([36245, 734565], dtype=tf.int32),

    When it comes to running MCMC function on this model I get the following error:

    ValueError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
    <timed exec> in <module>
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\util\ in error_handler(*args, **kwargs)
        151     except Exception as e:
        152       filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.__traceback__)
    --> 153       raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
        154     finally:
        155       del filtered_tb
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_probability\python\experimental\mcmc\ in windowed_adaptive_nuts(n_draws, joint_dist, n_chains, num_adaptation_steps, current_state, init_step_size, dual_averaging_kwargs, max_tree_depth, max_energy_diff, unrolled_leapfrog_steps, parallel_iterations, trace_fn, return_final_kernel_results, discard_tuning, chain_axis_names, seed, **pins)
        709       'unrolled_leapfrog_steps': unrolled_leapfrog_steps,
        710       'parallel_iterations': parallel_iterations}
    --> 711   return _windowed_adaptive_impl(
        712       n_draws=n_draws,
        713       joint_dist=joint_dist,
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_probability\python\experimental\mcmc\ in _windowed_adaptive_impl(n_draws, joint_dist, kind, n_chains, proposal_kernel_kwargs, num_adaptation_steps, current_state, dual_averaging_kwargs, trace_fn, return_final_kernel_results, discard_tuning, seed, chain_axis_names, **pins)
        883       samplers.sanitize_seed(seed), n=2)
        884   (target_log_prob_fn, initial_transformed_position, bijector,
    --> 885    step_broadcast, batch_shape, shard_axis_names) = _setup_mcmc(
        886        joint_dist,
        887        n_chains=n_chains,
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_probability\python\experimental\mcmc\ in _setup_mcmc(model, n_chains, init_position, seed, **pins)
        241                                    tf.nest.flatten(batch_shape))
    --> 243   lp_static_shape = tensorshape_util.concatenate(n_chains, batch_shape)
        245   if not tensorshape_util.is_fully_defined(batch_shape):
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_probability\python\internal\ in concatenate(x, other)
        131       dimensions in `x` and `other`.
        132   """
    --> 133   return _cast_tensorshape(tf.TensorShape(x).concatenate(other), type(x))
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_probability\python\internal\ in _cast_tensorshape(x, x_type)
         72     # as the shape, which we don't want.
         73     return np.array(as_list(x), dtype=np.int32)
    ---> 74   return x_type(as_list(x))
    ~\anaconda3\envs\pm3env\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_probability\python\internal\ in as_list(x)
         62     ValueError: If `x` has unknown rank.
         63   """
    ---> 64   return tf.TensorShape(x).as_list()
    ValueError: as_list() is not defined on an unknown TensorShape.

    Is there something that I need to fix in the generate_gam_ar_latent() function itself?

    def generate_gam_ar_latent(training=True):
        def gam_with_latent_ar():
            seasonality, trend, noise_sigma = yield from gam_trend_seasonality()
            # Latent AR(1)
            ar_sigma = yield root(tfd.HalfNormal(.1, name='ar_sigma'))
            rho = yield root(tfd.Uniform(-1., 1., name='rho'))
            def ar_func(y):
                loc = tf.concat([tf.zeros_like(y[..., :1]), y[..., :-1]],
                                axis=-1) * rho[..., None]
                return tfd.Independent(
                    tfd.Normal(loc=loc, scale=ar_sigma[..., None]),
            temporal_error = yield tfd.Autoregressive(
            # Linear prediction
            y_hat = seasonality + trend + temporal_error
            if training:
                y_hat = y_hat[..., :co2_by_month_training_data.shape[0]]
            # Likelihood
            observed = yield tfd.Independent(
                tfd.Normal(y_hat, noise_sigma[..., None]),
        return gam_with_latent_ar

    I upgraded to TensorFlow Probability 0.15.0 and now my Kernel just dies; is there any possible known solution to this? Many thanks for this incredible book!

    opened by scroobiustrip 6
  • Solutions to selected problems of CH3

    Solutions to selected problems of CH3

    Solutions to selected problems of CH3 at the bottom of the notebook (top of the notebook are the codes from the original chapter, which contains some snippets useful to solving the solutions at the bottom).

    Problem 3H17 is incomplete but left for reference in case it maybe of help to others (feel free to delete if you want to keep full solutions only).

    opened by ikarosilva 5
  • SARIMAX - Time Series Models

    SARIMAX - Time Series Models

    Hey, thanks once again for the great book - I was just revisiting the section on the Tensorflow Probability implementation of SARIMAX in Chapter 6, I have a couple quick questions:

    1. Is it possible to use / include a demo of how you'd make out of sample forecast predictions using the SARIMAX models? (Probably requires more effort, but similar to the forecast examples given using the STS models at the end?)

    2. While it's stated that we can't combine the seasonal_order with the design_matrix - is it possible to model external regressors (e.g. holidays, covariates etc) in addition to using the fourier_seasonality() basis function, and just add a couple extra columns to the design matrix, or is something more clever / sophisticated required?

    Many thanks again!

    question 2nd_Edition 
    opened by scroobiustrip 5
  • More errata fixes

    More errata fixes

    Zen of Python Footnote error

    • [x] Changed manuscript
    • [x] Changed code notebook reference
    • [x] Added to Errata

    New York times truncated sentence

    • [x] Changed manuscript
    • [x] Changed open access
    • [x] Added to Errata

    Misspelled name and uncapitalized plinko

    • [x] Changed manuscript
    • [x] Changed open access
    • [x] Added to Errata

    Bad grammar in Figure 9.17 caption title

    • [x] Changed manuscript
    • [x] Changed open access
    • [x] Added to Errata

    Missing vertical line in Figure 3.3

    • [x] Changed manuscript
    • [x] Changed code notebook reference
    • [x] Added to Errata
    opened by canyon289 4
  • Update / Section 10.2.2

    Update / Section 10.2.2

    Clean up equation and make code example consistent

    • \text for text within equations
    • \texttt to set the variable names in monospace as in the following code example
    • use same names in code example as in equation (also fixes bug in code example)
    opened by st-- 4
  • Replace salad with sandwhich in list of stable categories in hierarchical modeling

    Replace salad with sandwhich in list of stable categories in hierarchical modeling

    In the unpooled estimate the mean of the $\sigma$ estimate for salads is 21.3, whereas in the hierarchical estimate the mean of the same parameter estimate is now 25.5, and has been “pulled” up by the means of the pizza and sandwiches category. Moreover, the estimates of the pizza and salad categories in the hierarchical category, while regressed towards the mean slightly, remain largely the same as the unpooled estimates.

    In the Hierarchical models section, the text lists salad as a category notably influenced by the hyperprior, then immediately lists salads as a stable category lightly effected by the hyperprior. I think this is meant to be sandwhiches instead of salads—since it's much more stable.

    opened by paw-lu 3
  • Manuscript Error: (Grammar) Missing subject in intro to Hierarchical Models

    Manuscript Error: (Grammar) Missing subject in intro to Hierarchical Models


    This phrase in the intro to Hierarchical Models is missing a subject:

    I'm assuming it's meant to be something like hyperparameter. eg

    The partial refers to the idea that groups that do not share one fixed parameter, but share a hyperparameter which describes the distribution of for the parameters of the prior itself.


    Author Section

    Do not close until

    • [ ] Added to Errata
    • [ ] Fixed in Open Access
    • [ ] Fixed in latex source

    Once again, enjoying the book here, thanks!

    opened by paw-lu 3
  • Using prior instead of hyperprior for group level prediction in section 4.6.2

    Using prior instead of hyperprior for group level prediction in section 4.6.2

    Model model_hierarchical_salad_sales_predictions in listing 4.17 is

    def out_of_sample_prediction_model():
        model = yield root(non_centered_model)
        β = model.beta_offset * model.beta_sigma[..., None] + model.beta_mu[..., None]
        β_group = yield tfd.Normal(
            model.beta_mu, model.beta_sigma, name="group_beta_prediction")
        group_level_prediction = yield tfd.Normal(
            β_group * out_of_sample_customers,
        for l in [2, 4]:
            yield tfd.Normal(
                tf.gather(β, l, axis=-1) * out_of_sample_customers,
                tf.gather(model.sigma, l, axis=-1),

    In the distribution for group_level_prediction, model.sigma_prior is used for the standard deviation. However, model.sigma_prior is the distribution of the hyperprior, not the prior that goes into the model.

    I don't understand this. Shouldn't the standard deviation in group_level_prediction be a half-normal distribution whose scaling parameter in turn is influenced by the hyperprior, like this (see s = ... as well as the line afterwards):

    def out_of_sample_prediction_model():
        model = yield root(non_centered_model)
        β = model.beta_offset * model.beta_sigma[..., None] + model.beta_mu[..., None]
        β_group = yield tfd.Normal(
            model.beta_mu, model.beta_sigma, name="group_beta_prediction")
        s = yield tfd.HalfNormal(model.sigma_prior, name="s")
        group_level_prediction = yield tfd.Normal(
            β_group * out_of_sample_customers,
        for l in [2, 4]:
            yield tfd.Normal(
                tf.gather(β, l, axis=-1) * out_of_sample_customers,
                tf.gather(model.sigma, l, axis=-1),
    question 2nd_Edition 
    opened by JeanLuc001 3
  • add license

    add license

    This adds a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    Not sure this is the best option. Just following other CRC books.

    opened by aloctavodia 3
  • Manuscript Error: Typo in word marginalize

    Manuscript Error: Typo in word marginalize


    Marginalize should be marginalizing

    Reference image

    Author Section

    Do not close until

    • [ ] Added to Errata
    • [ ] Fixed in Open Access
    • [ ] Fixed in latex source
    opened by canyon289 0
  • Manuscript Error: Extra word added

    Manuscript Error: Extra word added


    may many

    Need to delete may

    Reference image

    Author Section

    Do not close until

    • [ ] Added to Errata
    • [ ] Fixed in Open Access
    • [ ] Fixed in latex source
    opened by canyon289 0
  • Eq. (11.58) in section 11.6.1 has a sign error

    Eq. (11.58) in section 11.6.1 has a sign error


    In section 11.6.1, I think Eq. (11.58) is not correct. The "+" should be "-". And the following Eqs. (11.59) - (11.61) should be rectified. Thanks. image


    Section 11.6.1

    Author Section

    Do not close until

    • [x] Added to Errata
    • [ ] Fixed in Open Access
    • [ ] Fixed in latex source
    opened by yingzhuo1994 0
  • Manuscript Error: code may not be consistent with figure

    Manuscript Error: code may not be consistent with figure


    The code in Listing 5.1 splines_patsy line 1 may not be consistent with figure 5.6. We generate 500 data points using "x = np.linspace(0., 1., 500)" in the code. However, there are 20 data points in figure 5.6.

    Reference Link to page for chp5 Splines


    Author Section

    Do not close until

    • [ ] Added to Errata
    • [ ] Fixed in Open Access
    • [ ] Fixed in latex source
    opened by Yan9564 0
  • Manuscript Error: Equation (5.2) /markdown/chp_05.html

    Manuscript Error: Equation (5.2) /markdown/chp_05.html

    Maybe there is an typo below Equation (5.2).

    This is known as polynomial regression. At first it may seem that Expression (5.2) is representing a multiple linear regression of the covariates $ \bm X, \bm X^2, \ldots +\bm X^m $.

    should be

    This is known as polynomial regression. At first it may seem that Expression (5.2) is representing a multiple linear regression of the covariates $ \bm X, \bm X^2, \ldots , \bm X^m $

    opened by Yan9564 0
Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python
Code, references and all material to accompany the text
Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python
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