(@Tablada32BOT is my bot in twitter) This is a simple bot, its main and only function is to reply to tweets where they mention their bot with their @
Remember If you are going to host your twitter bot on a page where they can read your code, I recommend that you create an .env file and put your twit
Simple bot to receive feedback,same as livegram bot but with more features & full control over bot
Kontak Simple bot to receive feedback,same as livegram bot but with more features & full control over bot Deploy to VPS
Telegram bot implementing Lex Arcana using python-telegram-bot library.
Lex Arcana Telegram Bot 🤖 Telegram bot implementing Lex Arcana using python-telegram-bot library. This bot was evaluated for the course "Computer Eng
A simple Telegram bot, written in Python, that you can use to shill (i.e. send messages) your token, or whatever, to channels.
Telegram Shill Bot Ever wanted a Shill Bot but wankers keep scamming for one OR wanted to charge you an arm and a leg? This is a simple bot written in
Simple contact bot for telegram, written in python.
🔗 | Install Install the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt 📋 | Setup Get your token from BotFather Get your UserId with Nicegram or w
A simple Discord bot written in Python
Acolyte A small and simple little Discord bot written in Python that utilizes the discord.py library. Dependencies The bot depends on Python 3.9 and u
A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place
A simple Discord Bot A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place. We