Bear-Shell is a shell based in the terminal or command prompt.


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What IS Bear-Shell?

Bear-Shell is a command-line based shell developed by Michael. This shell specializes in high efficiency and ease of use.

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Why should I use Bear-Shell?

I do not expect Bear-Shell to be used for real life applications, as it requires python 3 to be ran. In the future, I will more than likely be adding things like running commands as root, cd'ing into directories, and lots more. As of right now, it basically has the bare minimum to be used as, technically an os. With the new addition of the ls, and pwd command, you can now navigate even inside of the terminal.

Running and installing

To run/install the shell, run the command: make start To uninstall the shell, run the command: make uninstall


As of now, Bear-Shell is compatible with Windows and Linux. No plans have been made to make Macintosh compatibility.

Known Unstable Branch Bugs

Right now, I am currently working on an updater so that a user doesnt have to clone the repo, cd into the directory, and all of that, but instead make an option for it in the menu. However, this has come with some bugs though. I'm currently having trouble installing the Github library so I can read files from a repo, which I need to check if the users current version is the same as the one in the repo. Make sure on startup you answer 'n' to the prompt when it asks you to install PyGitHub!!


To use Bear-Shell, you'll need to install:

  • Python 3.*
  • Tkinter (pip3 install tk)
  • Curses (Go to here to install it.)
  • This goes into more depth on how to install it.
  • If you are on linux, curses is included with python and wont need to be installed.
  • Vim 8.2

Upcoming Ideas

I have many plans for this Shell. Right now, the biggest thing is the cd command, as it will allow you to stay inside of the Shell without having to leave to navigate to other folders.

Some other ideas:

  • Sudo
  • Cosmetics
  • Flavors?

By cosmetics I mean when typing a number in the menu for example, if the number is the same as one of the numbers on the screen, it will be green, but if it is one of the numbers that aren't listed in the menu, it will show as red.

By flavors I mean making new flavors of Bear-Shell, like Ubuntu is a flavor of Debian, and such.

Newest Updates

Disclaimer! Patches will not be shown here! This area is for big releases only! The fourth digit is for patches, and those are pretty much always bug fixes, so they wont be put here.
In the most recent update, version 1.3.3, I added the calculator, import verification, and better command handling for the root testing. Root testing is accessable by typing in the password, 'testing' and then once in the framework, type 'test' then you can test the one line commands, that are being tested. (e.g. 'ls /home' 'cd /home')

  • calculator: allows you to add, subtract, divide, and multiply two nums.
  • import verification: checks if the user has the correct libraries installed to run Bear-Shell
  • better command handling: allows for two word, and one word commands to work in the root testing.

I wanted to add this feature because I thought about Bear-Shell's whole point, which is to be fast, efficient, and easy. Which before this update, you had to manually install some of the libraries/packages. Which isn't very easy, and efficient, so I made it so that all the user has to do is start the shell. (e.g. via make)

Newest Patches

The newest patch is v1.3.3

The newest patch includes A LOT of things. Mostly just for debugging and some extra small things. In this patch, I added the frame to start on github branch changing, better import verficiation, a counter that counts missing imports, the ability to see what github branch you are using for your copy of the shell, the frame for the updater (allows user to update their ENTIRE bear-shell installation from the menu), and I fixed a bios bug.

Newest Framework Updates

This are the new Framework updates. The framework can be accessed by typing 'testing' in for the password in the login page. Then, type the command 'test' to be taken to the root test terminal

The newest framework patch/update is 13023a. This update adds vim support for windows and linux.

Newest Changes

This is just an area for what the most recent changes are, not updates or patches. In the most recent commit, I made less confusing version numbers. Previously, I was making the numbers have 4 digits, instead there should've only been 3. I figured this caused confusion, so I removed the 3rd number in the previous version numbers.

Older Updates

  • Ver (Patch)
  • Ver
  • Ver
  • Ver
  • Ver 1.3.0
  • Ver 1.2.9
  • |
  • Ver 1.2.1
  • Ver 0.2.1
  • Ver 0.0.1

To see previous updates, you can go here, or you can run the shell and when in the menu, and go to the update log. (Hit 7 and then Enter)

Current Commands

The current commands that can be used in the included terminal are as listed:

  • root
  • python3
  • ls (When the prompt asks for the directory you want to look through, you can type 'ls' to view the contents of the current directory)
  • pwd
  • clear
  • exit
  • userinfo
  • cd
  • neofetch
  • apt-get
  • cat
  • git

Additional Resources Used:

(Text Editor, and Soon, Web Browser) Bear-Utils: Created by Michael

Everything else has been created by me, terminal, menu, etc.

Guide for Developers

If you're a dev looking to play around with this the developer mode passwords are:

  • 559907: Opens up to dev menu
  • 559908: Goes right to dev console

Framework Info

If you'd like to view to documentation for the framework included with Bear-Shell read the docs here.


Disclaimer: Updates come out randomly and aren't scheduled.

Updates will also be a little slow, as I suck at organizing my code, so it takes a while for me to find code, update and change things, but I will definitely still be pushing updates out as fast as possible.

If you'd like to contact me, shoot me a DM on discord at MicBearr#5816

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