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Chex Chex is a library of utilities for helping to write reliable JAX code. This includes utils to help: Instrument your code (e.g. assertions) Debug
auto-self-checker 자동으로 자가진단 해주는 프로그램(python 필요) 중요 이 프로그램이 실행될때에는 절대로 마우스포인터를 움직이거나 키보드를 건드리면 안된다(화면인식, 마우스포인터로 직접 클릭) 사용법 프로그램을 구동할 폴더 내의 cmd창에서 pip
POPPY: Physical Optics Propagation in Python POPPY (Physical Optics Propagation in Python) is a Python package that simulates physical optical propaga
Space Invaders This is a simple SPACE INVADER game create using PYGAME whihc hav
Snapchat like filter App using opencv python Backend : opencv and python Library
yolov5-opencv-cpp-python Example of performing inference with ultralytics YOLO V
Python Kafka reset consumergroup offset example This is a simple example of how
PyOpenVINO - An Experimental Python Implementation of OpenVINO Inference Engine (minimum-set) Description The PyOpenVINO is a spin-off product from my
A python-image-classification web application project, written in Python and served through the Flask Microframework. This Project implements the VGG16 covolutional neural network, through Keras and Tensorflow wrappers, to make predictions on uploaded images.
rrsim Simulator for FRC 2022 challenge: Rapid React out-1.mp4 Usage In order to run the simulator use the following: python3 [config_path] wh
Notes website. Try it in browser! / But how to run? Description. This is monorepository with notes website. Website provides web interface for creatin
README: python-timbl Authors: Sander Canisius, Maarten van Gompel Contact: [email protected] Web site: pytho
tinykernel - A minimal Python kernel so you can run Python in your Python
Python Experiments A Repository which contains python scripts to automate things
Crab - A Recommendation Engine library for Python Crab is a flexible, fast recommender engine for Python that integrates classic information filtering r
Python scripts to detect faces using Python with the BlazeFace Tensorflow Lite models. Tested on Windows 10, Tensorflow 2.4.0 (Python 3.8).
ray-tracing-one-weekend-taichi A fast python implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend using python and Taichi. Taichi is a simple "Domain specific
MyTT Technical Indicators implemented in Python only using Numpy-Pandas as Magic - Very Very Fast! to Stock Market Financial Technical Analysis Python
Welcome to Py-tests This is an open source python repository for various python tests. This is in response to the hacktoberfest2021 challenge. It is a