Tools to download and aggregate feeds of vaccination clinic location information in the United States.



see results in vaccine-feed-ingest-results

Pipeline for ingesting nationwide feeds of vaccine facilities.


How to

  1. Configure your environment (instructions on the wiki).
  2. Choose an unassigned issue, and comment that you're working on it.
  3. Open a PR containing a new fetch, parse, or normalize script! (details on these stages)

Results are periodically committed to vaccine-feed-ingest-results. Once your PR is merged, you will be able to see the output of your work there!

Run the tool

See the wiki for instructions on how to run vaccine-feed-ingest.

Production Details

For more information on (pipeline stages) and how to contribute, see the wiki!

The below details on interacting with our production environment are intended for staff developers.

Overall setup

In production, all stages for all runners are run, and outputs are stored to the vaccine-feeds bucket on GCS.

If you are developing a feature that interacts with the remote storage, you need to test GCS then install the gcloud SDK from setup instructions and use the vaccine-feeds-dev bucket (you will need to be granted access).

Results are also periodically committed to vaccine-feed-ingest-results.


  1. Authenticate to gcloud with an account that has access to vaccine-feeds-dev bucket.
gcloud auth application-default login
  1. Run ingestion with an GCS --output-dir
poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest all-stages --output-dir=gs://vaccine-feeds-dev/locations/

Load Source Locations

VIAL Setup

  1. Request an account on the VIAL staging server

  2. Create an API Key for yourself at

  3. Store the API key in project .env file with the var VIAL_APIKEY

Load Usage

  • Load SF.GOV source feed to VIAL

    poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest load-to-vial ca/sf_gov
  • fetch tableau from Louisiana

    fetch tableau from Louisiana

    learn our pipeline: fetch

    Fetch data from:!/vizhome/pharmacies_desktop/Pharmacies_desktop

    Put your script in a file named: la/tableau/ (or, etc.)

    Store it (without processing) in a new file created in the directory passed as the first argument (sys.argv[1]).

    Check the wiki to learn more about the purpose of the fetch stage and how to get set up for development!


    1. While working on your code, run it at any point:
      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest fetch la/tableau
    opened by eliblock 22
  • Genericize wa/prepmod and use it to implement all stages of wy/wyo_appt_portal

    Genericize wa/prepmod and use it to implement all stages of wy/wyo_appt_portal

    | Key Details | |-| | Resolves #244 | | Resolves #245 | | Resolves #246 | | State: wy | | Site: wyo_appt_portal |

    Data sample

    {"id": "wyo_appt_portal:129", "name": "Museum of the Mountain Man", "address": {"street1": "Museum of the Mountain Man", "street2": null, "city": "Pinedale", "state": "WY", "zip": "82941"}, "location": null, "contact": [{"contact_type": "booking", "phone": null, "website": "", "email": null, "other": null}], "languages": null, "opening_dates": [{"opens": "2021-05-27", "closes": "2021-05-27"}], "opening_hours": [{"day": "Thursday", "open": "14:00", "closes": "15:30"}], "availability": {"drop_in": null, "appointments": true}, "inventory": [{"vaccine": "moderna", "supply_level": null}], "access": null, "parent_organization": null, "links": null, "notes": ["This is a drive-thru clinic at the Museum of the Mountain Man.  Please wear a mask and a short sleeve shirt.", "If you are signing up for a second dose, you must get the same vaccine brand as your first dose."], "active": null, "source": {"source": "wyo_appt_portal", "id": "Museum of the Mountain Man", "fetched_from_uri": "", "fetched_at": "2021-04-28T05:45:16.759080", "published_at": null, "data": {"name": "Museum of the Mountain Man", "date": "05/27/2021", "address": "Museum of the Mountain Man, Pinedale WY, 82941", "vaccines": "Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine", "ages": "N/A", "info": "This is a drive-thru clinic at the Museum of the Mountain Man.  Please wear a mask and a short sleeve shirt.", "hours": "02:00 pm - 03:30 pm", "available": "60", "special": "If you are signing up for a second dose, you must get the same vaccine brand as your first dose.", "clinic_id": "129"}}}

    Verified output of ak/arkgis, wa/prepmod, and wy/wyo_appt_portal

    Before Opening a PR

    • [*] I tested this using the CLI (e.g., poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest <state>/<site>)
    • [*] I ran auto-formatting: poetry run tox -e lint-fix
    opened by matthewg 18
  • (pt 1) support extraction of additional providers #254

    (pt 1) support extraction of additional providers #254

    | Key Details | |-| | Addresses #254 | State: | Site: |


    This PR uses a sample CSV provided on #254 that contains about 10K rows of parsed provider info to improve coverage of providers while extracting a provider id and name from data sources. Specifically, that CSV was sorted alphabetically, and support was added for providers in that sorted list whose names start from A through K.

    This is the first in a series of planned steps to improve coverage. Upcoming plans:

    1. Add the newly identified providers to the schema repo
    2. Support other providers (L through Z) from the provided CSV.
    3. Add a simple helper script that shows a measure of coverage by applying this script to a specified input file. Basically, it will spit out how many of the input rows had a matching provider name + id extracted. This helper can be used to track improvements to coverage over time.
    4. [Optimization] Rearrange the regexes in provider_id_from_name() in the order of expected national coverage, so that a national chain like COSTCO or WALGREENS with heavy coverage can be matched first, and the function can then exit early.


    This PR also updates the provider_id_from_name() method to return a VaccineProvider (previously str).

    Data sample

    As a sanity check, I ran:

    poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest all-stages ok/vaccinate_gov
    poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest all-stages ca/sf_gov

    and examined the normalized outputs.

    Before Opening a PR

    • [X] I tested this using the CLI (e.g., poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest <state>/<site>)
    • [X] I ran auto-formatting: poetry run tox -e lint-fix
    opened by shashank025 11
  • normalize dc/district

    normalize dc/district

    learn our pipeline: normalize

    Blocked by #401

    Normalize existing .ndjson records into the Vaccinate The States data schema.

    Read all files in the directory passed as the second argument (sys.argv[2]), transform each record into the normalized schema (filling in as much detail as possible), then output them to new files in the directory passed as the first argument (sys.argv[1]).

    Check the wiki to learn more about the purpose of the normalize stage and how to get set up for development!


    1. Fetch and parse data for this site before you start developing:

      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest fetch dc/district
      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest parse dc/district
    2. While working on your code, run it at any point:

      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest normalize dc/district


    Parsed files for ak/arcgis are converted to normalized files

    opened by Vaccinebot 10
  • Add normalizer for nv/immunizenevada_org.

    Add normalizer for nv/immunizenevada_org.

    Fixes #93

    Two questions:

    1. There wasn't a natural ID in the fetched data, so I used the name of the location. My IDs look like this: immunizenevada_org:Albertsons #1059. Is this acceptable?

    2. For the fetched_from_uri value I used the URL for the NV vaccine locator: That's not strictly accurate, since the data was actually fetched by POSTing to, but if you GET that url, you get a 404. That seems less helpful, despite being technically accurate. Thoughts?

    opened by toffer 10
  • Refactor stage

    Refactor stage

    | Key Details | |-| | Resolves #255 | State: | Site: |



    Data sample

    Ran all-stages for ak/arcgisvia:

     poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest all-stages ak/arcgis

    and examined the first line of normalization output via:

    head -1 out/ak/arcgis/normalized/2021-04-28T22\:44\:45/d92cbd6ff2524d7e92bef109f30cb366_0.parsed.normalized.ndjson
    {"id": "ak:arcgis:d92cbd6ff2524d7e92bef109f30cb366_0:85b07ac7-c9b6-4d09-83ec-a720998c2fbf", "name": "North Slope Borough Public Health Nursing-Wellness", "address": {"street1": "579 Kongosak St", "street2": null, "city": "Barrow", "state": "AK", "zip": "99723"}, "location": {"latitude": 71.29069998454801, "longitude": -156.7920099649541}, "contact": [{"contact_type": null, "phone": "(907) 852-0270", "website": null, "email": null, "other": null}], "languages": null, "opening_dates": null, "opening_hours": null, "availability": {"drop_in": null, "appointments": true}, "inventory": [{"vaccine": "pfizer_biontech", "supply_level": null}], "access": null, "parent_organization": null, "links": null, "notes": ["NSB PHN Wellness clinic, please call for appointments 907-852-0270"], "active": null, "source": {"source": "ak:arcgis", "id": "85b07ac7-c9b6-4d09-83ec-a720998c2fbf", "fetched_from_uri": "", "fetched_at": "2021-04-29T05:44:55.676901", "published_at": "2020-12-25T13:00:00", "data": {"attributes": {"address": "579 Kongosak St", "city": "Barrow", "cost_other": null, "datesubmited": 1608930000000, "flu_acceptsInsurance": "yes_please_contact_your_insuran", "flu_cost": "no_cost", "flu_vaccinations": "pfizer", "flu_walkins": "no_please_make_an_appointment", "globalid": "85b07ac7-c9b6-4d09-83ec-a720998c2fbf", "needs_review": "approved", "objectid": 9, "phone": "907-852-0270", "publicEmail": null, "publicNotes": "NSB PHN Wellness clinic, please call for appointments 907-852-0270", "publicWebsite": null, "vaccinationSite": "North Slope Borough Public Health Nursing-Wellness", "zipcode": "99723"}, "geometry": {"spatialReference": {"latestWkid": 4326, "wkid": 4326}, "x": -156.7920099649541, "y": 71.29069998454801}}}}

    Before Opening a PR

    • [x] I tested this using the CLI (e.g., poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest <state>/<site>)
    • [x] I ran auto-formatting: poetry run tox -e lint-fix
    opened by shashank025 8
  • Expand `provider_id_name()` to cover more chains

    Expand `provider_id_name()` to cover more chains

    We have a function (provider_id_from_name()) that tries to parse retail pharmacy store numbers from a string with the location's name (e.g., "Walgreens #7150 -> 7150).

    We want to support this on every chain of retail pharmacies that we know about.

    pipeline infrastructure priority 
    opened by nschiefer 8
  • normalize il/sfsites

    normalize il/sfsites

    normalize sfsites for il

    | Key Details | |-| | Resolves #215 | State: il | Site: sfsites |


    Here's an example of the parsed data:

      "Id": "a05t00000096y7sAAA",
      "Geolocation__Latitude__s": 42.37019,
      "Geolocation__Longitude__s": -88.83004,
      "Testing_Center__c": "4-29 - Boone County - Fire District 3 - First Dose",
      "Website__c": "",
      "Postal_Code__c": "61065",
      "Street__c": "305 West Grove St",
      "City__c": "Poplar Grove",
      "Location_Type__c": "Public health provider - public health clinic",
      "County__c": "Boone"

    Couple questions:

    1. ~There's a statewide.parsed.ndjson, which specifies locations that allow vaccinations for anyone in the state of IL, but there wasn't a clear attribute in the Normalize schema to denote this. Anyone know of an alternative? Maybe notes?~ Added something to the notes, per PR convo
    2. ~I filter out all locations that point to, because those will likely be dupes from il/juvare. Is that the right choice, or are dupes ok?~ Left in the dupes
    3. ~Some of these are Walgreens/Costco locations, but no specific identifiers so I can't use the authority field. Should I still fill out the parent_organization?~ Added the parent_organization

    Normalized Data sample

      "id": "sfsites:a05t000000972VtAAI",
      "address": {
        "street1": "310 E TORRANCE AVE",
        "street2": null,
        "city": "PONTIAC",
        "state": "IL",
        "zip": "61764"
      "location": {
        "latitude": 40.8663711547852,
        "longitude": -88.6266403198242
      "contact": [
          "contact_type": "booking",
          "phone": null,
          "website": "",
          "email": null,
          "other": null
      "languages": null,
      "opening_dates": null,
      "opening_hours": null,
      "availability": {
        "drop_in": null,
        "appointments": true
      "inventory": null,
      "access": null,
      "parent_organization": null,
      "links": null,
      "notes": [
        "Public health provider - public health clinic"
      "active": null,
      "source": {
        "source": "sfsites",
        "id": "a05t000000972VtAAI",
        "fetched_from_uri": "",
        "fetched_at": "2021-05-04T03:24:10.938829",
        "published_at": null,
        "data": {
          "Id": "a05t000000972VtAAI",
          "Geolocation__Latitude__s": 40.8663711547852,
          "Geolocation__Longitude__s": -88.6266403198242,
          "Testing_Center__c": "LIVINGSTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (Moderna)",
          "Website__c": "Livingston",
          "Postal_Code__c": "61764",
          "Street__c": "310 E TORRANCE AVE",
          "City__c": "PONTIAC",
          "Location_Type__c": "Public health provider - public health clinic",
          "County__c": "LIVINGSTON"
      "id": "sfsites:a05t000000972YGAAY",
      "name": "VNA Health Care",
      "address": {
        "street1": "801 Villa Street",
        "street2": null,
        "city": "Elgin",
        "state": "IL",
        "zip": "60120"
      "location": {
        "latitude": 42.027997,
        "longitude": -88.260293
      "contact": [
          "contact_type": "booking",
          "phone": null,
          "website": "",
          "email": null,
          "other": null
      "languages": null,
      "opening_dates": null,
      "opening_hours": null,
      "availability": {
        "drop_in": null,
        "appointments": true
      "inventory": null,
      "access": null,
      "parent_organization": null,
      "links": null,
      "notes": [
      "active": null,
      "source": {
        "source": "sfsites",
        "id": "a05t000000972YGAAY",
        "fetched_from_uri": "",
        "fetched_at": "2021-05-04T03:24:10.938829",
        "published_at": null,
        "data": {
          "Id": "a05t000000972YGAAY",
          "Geolocation__Latitude__s": 42.027997,
          "Geolocation__Longitude__s": -88.260293,
          "Testing_Center__c": "VNA Health Care",
          "Website__c": "",
          "Postal_Code__c": "60120",
          "Street__c": "801 Villa Street",
          "City__c": "Elgin",
          "Location_Type__c": "FQHC",
          "County__c": "KANE"
      "id": "sfsites:a05t000000972ffAAA",
      "name": "Walgreens",
      "address": {
        "street1": "345 N LAKE ST",
        "street2": null,
        "city": "MUNDELEIN",
        "state": "IL",
        "zip": "60060"
      "location": {
        "latitude": 42.2670565,
        "longitude": -88.0040094
      "contact": [
          "contact_type": "booking",
          "phone": null,
          "website": "",
          "email": null,
          "other": null
      "languages": null,
      "opening_dates": null,
      "opening_hours": null,
      "availability": {
        "drop_in": null,
        "appointments": true
      "inventory": null,
      "access": null,
      "parent_organization": {
        "id": "walgreens",
        "name": null
      "links": null,
      "notes": [
      "active": null,
      "source": {
        "source": "sfsites",
        "id": "a05t000000972ffAAA",
        "fetched_from_uri": "",
        "fetched_at": "2021-05-04T03:24:10.938829",
        "published_at": null,
        "data": {
          "Id": "a05t000000972ffAAA",
          "Geolocation__Latitude__s": 42.2670565,
          "Geolocation__Longitude__s": -88.0040094,
          "Testing_Center__c": "Walgreens",
          "Website__c": "",
          "Postal_Code__c": "60060",
          "Street__c": "345 N LAKE ST",
          "City__c": "MUNDELEIN",
          "Location_Type__c": "Pharmacy",
          "County__c": "LAKE"

    Before Opening a PR

    • [x] I tested this using the CLI (e.g., poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest normalize il/sfsites)
    • [x] I ran auto-formatting: poetry run tox -e lint-fix
    opened by shaqq 8
  • LA tableau

    LA tableau

    | Key Details | |-| | Resolves #94 State: LA | Site: Louisiana Department of Health Tableau |


    Kudos to @krouskop and @nuchi for figuring out how to extract JSON from the site.

    Data sample

    3339663;{"sheetName":"Pharmacies_desktop","layoutId":"10601967672443134028","newSessionId":"48AA9CEF3D1C40B288695149E8FDC864-0:0","isDeferredBootstrap":true,"workbookLocale":"en_US","allowSubscriptions":true,"allowSubscribeOnDataPresent":true,"repositoryUrl":"pharmacies_desktop/Pharmacies_desktop","worldUpdate":{"applicationPresModel":{"renderMode": "render-mode-client","workbookPresModel":{"dashboardPresModel":{"sheetPath":{"sheetName": "Pharmacies_desktop","isDashboard": true},

    Before Opening a PR

    • [X] I tested this using the CLI (e.g., poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest <state>/<site>)
    • [X] I ran auto-formatting: poetry run tox -e lint-fix
    opened by cdjj 8
  • normalize arcgis from Maryland

    normalize arcgis from Maryland

    learn our pipeline: normalize

    Normalize existing .ndjson records into the Vaccinate The States data schema.

    Read all files in the directory passed as the second argument (sys.argv[2]), transform each record into the normalized schema (filling in as much detail as possible), then output them to new files in the directory passed as the first argument (sys.argv[1]).

    Check the wiki to learn more about the purpose of the normalize stage and how to get set up for development!


    1. Fetch and parse data for this site before you start developing:

      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest fetch md/arcgis
      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest parse md/arcgis
    2. While working on your code, run it at any point:

      poetry run vaccine-feed-ingest normalize md/arcgis


    Parsed files for ak/arcgis are converted to normalized files

    opened by eliblock 8
  • Prepmod sites have inconsistent Identifiers

    Prepmod sites have inconsistent Identifiers


    it appears that one, and possibly more (pending verification) of the prepmod scrapers do not have stable identifiers


    screenshot of many matched locations with different ids

    opened by MoralCode 7
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