UP It is a script to notify of a new update of your project, done in python and using GitHub, to modify the versions to notify users.
- OS | Documentation and install
- Requests | Documentation and install
- Ctypes | Documentation and install
Examples and instructions
[1] Create a new repository and in the same repository and create a json file and inside put the following:
"version": 1.0,
"announcement": "New update!"
[2] Once created, click on the json file that you created within the repository
[3] Then click on RAW and copy the link that appears in your browser
[4] Enter your link, Example :
import requests
import ctypes
def Mbox(title, text, style):
return ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, text, title, style)
def update():
r = requests.get('Your LINK!').json()
version_new = r['version']
announ = r['announcement']
if version == version_new:
print(" ")
Mbox('Your title', f'New version available!\n\nAnnoucement : {announ}', 0)
[5] Done!