glip is a module for retrieve ip address like local-ip, global-ip, external-ip as string.
Run the following to install:
'''python pip install gle_ip_info '''
''' from gle_ip_info import IP
Ip = IP() # Initialize the IP class
os = Ip.Os # To get your os info.
dev = Ip.devices # Gives connected devices as list.
local_ip = Ip.get_local_ip() # TO get your local ipaddress.
global_ip = Ip.get_global_ip() # To get your global ipaddress.
external_ip = Ip.get_external_ip() # To get external(of connected device) ipaddress, returns the ip address of 1st device '''
How it works
It use's --> ''' --> os module, --> requests module, --> platfrom module, --> upnpclient module.
***Local_IP is collected from the cmd(in Windows) or Bash-Terminal(in Linux) using 'ipconfig'/ 'hostname -I' command.So there is no need to get the hostname like socket module does and the accuracy of the output is 100% in Linux Os.
***Global_IP is collected by sending request to '' or '' using python requests module.So to get the global_ip a stable net connection is needed.
***External_IP of any router or alike devices can be collected using upnpclient module. It takes a little more time to get the external_ipaddress Compare to other two functions.Though it don't require stable Internet connection but requires a stable connection between the devices. '''
MIT License