Test finetuning of XLSR (multilingual wav2vec 2.0) for other speech classification tasks



Test finetuning of XLSR (multilingual wav2vec 2.0) for other speech classification tasks

  • Initial test: gender recognition on this dataset.
  • Finetune for autism detection
  • [] Clean up directory
  • [] Make training and evaluation scripts runnable with cmd line / shell scripts
  • [] Add random noise on training samples
  • [] Make baseline models
# make virtual env
pip install -r requirements.txt

mkdir data
mkdir preproc_data
mkdir model
cd data
wget https://zenodo.org/record/1219621/files/CaFE_48k.zip?download=1
unzip the file 

python preproc.py
python train.py
python evaluate.py


  • 11/9: success! Trained a sex classifier on a small dataset that performs soso. Everything seems to work though.


  • Chunk audio files - make predictions in batches of e.g. 5 seconds
  • Set up benchmark models



  • Look into SpecAugment for finetuning: https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08779 (on by default)
  • How to make the prediction?
    • Better way than a small feedforward projection? (LSTM or something?)
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    Submitting a new PR for this (will close the previous one - it's obsolete given new data) .

    So far I've made a first draft of preprocessing and of the training script.

    There's a couple of outstanding issues such as:

    • defining which models to use first (Roberta-XLM and Ælectra were our first choices, but I see there's a bunch of new DK models on the hub);
    • there's a few issues with missing data and inconsistent coding in the transcripts. We could maybe discuss these points in the next virtual meeting/hackathon.

    NB: not yet sure if it makes sense to keep this in the same repo (overlap in data/model use will probably only be on using the same train/val/test ids but it's one project so it may make sense). We can decide later.

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