[ICLR2021] Unlearnable Examples: Making Personal Data Unexploitable


Unlearnable Examples

Code for ICLR2021 Spotlight Paper "Unlearnable Examples: Making Personal Data Unexploitable " by Hanxun Huang, Xingjun Ma, Sarah Monazam Erfani, James Bailey, Yisen Wang.

Quick Start

Use the QuickStart.ipynb notebook for a quick start.

In the notebook, you can find the minimal implementation for generating sample-wise unlearnable examples on CIFAR-10. Please remove mlconfig from models/__init__.py if you are only using the notebook and copy-paste the model to the notebook.

Experiments in the paper.

Check scripts folder for *.sh for each corresponding experiments.

Sample-wise noise for unlearnable example on CIFAR-10

Generate noise for unlearnable examples
python3 perturbation.py --config_path             configs/cifar10                \
                        --exp_name                path/to/your/experiment/folder \
                        --version                 resnet18                       \
                        --train_data_type         CIFAR-10                       \
                        --noise_shape             50000 3 32 32                  \
                        --epsilon                 8                              \
                        --num_steps               20                             \
                        --step_size               0.8                            \
                        --attack_type             min-min                        \
                        --perturb_type            samplewise                      \
                        --universal_stop_error    0.01
Train on unlearnable examples and eval on clean test
python3 -u main.py    --version                 resnet18                       \
                      --exp_name                path/to/your/experiment/folder \
                      --config_path             configs/cifar10                \
                      --train_data_type         PoisonCIFAR10                  \
                      --poison_rate             1.0                            \
                      --perturb_type            samplewise                      \
                      --perturb_tensor_filepath path/to/your/experiment/folder/perturbation.pt \

Class-wise noise for unlearnable example on CIFAR-10

Generate noise for unlearnable examples
python3 perturbation.py --config_path             configs/cifar10                \
                        --exp_name                path/to/your/experiment/folder \
                        --version                 resnet18                       \
                        --train_data_type         CIFAR-10                       \
                        --noise_shape             10 3 32 32                     \
                        --epsilon                 8                              \
                        --num_steps               1                              \
                        --step_size               0.8                            \
                        --attack_type             min-min                        \
                        --perturb_type            classwise                      \
                        --universal_train_target  'train_subset'                 \
                        --universal_stop_error    0.1                            \
Train on unlearnable examples and eval on clean test
python3 -u main.py    --version                 resnet18                       \
                      --exp_name                path/to/your/experiment/folder \
                      --config_path             configs/cifar10                \
                      --train_data_type         PoisonCIFAR10                  \
                      --poison_rate             1.0                            \
                      --perturb_type            classwise                      \
                      --perturb_tensor_filepath path/to/your/experiment/folder/perturbation.pt \

Cite Our Work

    title={Unlearnable Examples: Making Personal Data Unexploitable},
    author={Hanxun Huang and Xingjun Ma and Sarah Monazam Erfani and James Bailey and Yisen Wang},
  • A problem with bi-level optimization in the article

    A problem with bi-level optimization in the article

    In the article, the author says "In order to find effective noise delta and unlearnable examples, the optimization steps for theta should be limited, compared to standard or adversarial training ".

    1. What is the meaning of using bi-level optimization? In traditional adversarial attack, most works are focusing on optimized on data but not on model.
    2. Why the limit on optimization step on model can help finding effective noises as in the article?

    I'm a new one studying on adversarial examples and I'm very interested in your brillant work, so my questions may sounds 'silly', but I'm really looking forward for your reply ! Thanks !

    Here's my email [email protected]

    opened by butybone 6
  • Several questions about this article

    Several questions about this article

    Hi, I'm a new one studying on adversarial examples, here I'd like to ask you for some questions. Q1: Is your scheme based on data poisoning?

    Q2: About the formula(2), it is said: "Note that the above bi-level optimization has two components that optimize the same objective. In order to find effective noise δ and unlearnable examples, the optimization steps for θ should be limited, compared to standard or adversarial training. Specifically, we optimize δ over Dc after every M steps of optimization of θ." Why optimize δ over Dc after every M steps of optimization of θ can help to find effective noise δ ? Does this strategy only work when the two min have a same objective?

    Q3: In section4.1, it is said:" However, in the sample-wise case, every sample has a different noise, and there is no explicit correlation between the noise and the label. In this case, only low-error samples can be ignored by the model, and normal and high-error examples have more positive impact on model learning than low-error examples. This makes error-minimizing noise more generic and effective in making data unlearnable." I know there is no explicit correlation between the noise in the sample-wise case. But why this makes error-minimizing noise more generic and effective in making data unlearnable? What does it mean?

    looking forward for your reply ! Thanks !

    opened by yyyliaQ 4
  • KeyError: 'train_subset'

    KeyError: 'train_subset'

    Hi, thanks for sharing your codes! I was able to run perturbation.py and main.py in the Sample-wise noise for unlearnable example on CIFAR-10 section. However, when I try to run perturbation.py in the Class-wise noise for unlearnable example on CIFAR-10 section, it raises the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "perturbation.py", line 483, in <module>
      File "perturbation.py", line 469, in main
        noise = universal_perturbation(noise_generator, trainer, evaluator, model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, random_noise, ENV)
      File "perturbation.py", line 191, in universal_perturbation
        for i, (images, labels) in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader[args.universal_train_target]), total=len(data_loader[args.universal_train_target])):
    KeyError: 'train_subset'

    Thus, I add an option --universal_train_target train_dataset to fix this error. Is this right to get the class-wise perturbation? BTW, there are two typos (--perturb_type samplewse=>--perturb_type samplewise) in README.md.

    opened by hkunzhe 4
  • Why use custom models? Cannot reproduce with torchvision model

    Why use custom models? Cannot reproduce with torchvision model

    Hi, thank you for sharing your code!

    Is there any specific reason you chose to build your own models than using the models provided by torchvision?

    I am trying to reproduce the results in the quickstart notebook with a clean, default resnet-18 (torchvision.models.resnet18()), leaving every other code unchanged. It generates the error-minimizing noise normally. But on the training stage, it produces accuracies far higher (50%) than reported in the paper and in the notebook (Screenshot below). Also, when using your code to visualize the noise (the cell "Visualize Clean Images, Error-Minimizing Noise, Unlearnable Images"), it produces a black image in-place of the noise.

    However, when using your provided Resnet-18 model, I can reproduce your notebook's results, but generating the noise is far slower than using the torchvision resnet-18 (almost 2hrs on yours vs 20 minutes on torch model) .

    Inspecting your resnet code, I don't see any specific component that would purposefully slow it down. I did have to remove import mlconfig in your model's init and associated references to it because it seems to not be part of your package, and I was getting an import error otherwise

    Here is the training accuracy (on unlearnable train dataset) and test accuracy (on clean test dataset) on a torchvision Resnet-18 image

    opened by ajsanjoaquin 3
  • Questions about training casia-webface dataset

    Questions about training casia-webface dataset

    I'm using your InceptionResnet.yaml to train clean casia-webface, but got 0% acc, and 50%~55% acc when only using 50 num_classes of the same casia-webface dataset. Is the resullts reasonable?

    opened by butybone 1
  • Two problems in training code of ImageNetMini

    Two problems in training code of ImageNetMini

    1. In line 173 of main.py, 20% of the PoisonImageNetMini were selected as the training data but with "shuffle=True", then how could you make sure these data are exactly the same 20% of the data that have been used for generating the noise?

    2. I also find the same problem about the sample-wise noise as the one mentioned in https://github.com/HanxunH/Unlearnable-Examples/issues/5. in line 634 of dataset.py:

    if self.poison_samples[index]:
                noise = self.perturb_tensor[target]
                sample = sample + noise
                sample = np.clip(sample, 0, 255)

    so by using 'target' as the index, the perturb_tensor[target] will only select one of the top '0~99' components of the perturb_tensor, and add the same noise to all samples that are from the same [target] class. In this way, it definitely does it wrong but can lead to good results because it is doing class-wise noise.

    opened by ZhengyuZhao 1
  • Mismatch of the training data augmentation between QuickStart.ipynb and main.py

    Mismatch of the training data augmentation between QuickStart.ipynb and main.py

    Thanks for the interesting work and the detailed code.

    1. I may have noticed some mismatch of the training data augmentation between QuickStart.ipynb and main.py. Let's denote the clean image as x and the perturbations as noise, and the poisoned image as x'.

    In QuickStart.ipynb,

    unlearnable_train_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root='../datasets', train=True, download=True, transform=train_transform) perturb_noise = noise.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).to('cpu').numpy() unlearnable_train_dataset.data = unlearnable_train_dataset.data.astype(np.float32) for i in range(len(unlearnable_train_dataset)): unlearnable_train_dataset.data[i] += perturb_noise[i] unlearnable_train_dataset.data[i] = np.clip(unlearnable_train_dataset.data[i], a_min=0, a_max=255)_

    , which means that x' = train_transform(x)+noise.

    However, in the main.py, we can see that the input to the training process is the PoisonCIFAR10, which has been defined in line 376 of dataset.py. There, if I understand correctly, the construction of PoisonCIFAR10 by adding CIFAR10 and the perturbation.pt instead follows x' = train_transform(x+noise)

    Could you please confirm if my understanding is correct? If so, which version have you used for generating the results in your paper?

    1. By the way, I also notice that for generating the perturbations via perturbation.py, no train_transform has been used at all, could you please explain why it is the case?
    opened by ZhengyuZhao 1
  • A problem when training model on ImageNetMini

    A problem when training model on ImageNetMini

    Thanks for releasing the code. I found that you are using cls_id to choose the sample-wise noise from perturb_tensor. Should I change cls_id to the data index of the dataloader to choose the sample-wise noise from perturb_tensor?

    opened by czb2133 1
  • Some questions about training Inception-ResNet

    Some questions about training Inception-ResNet

    Hi, thanks for open source. I am very interested in your paper. I have some questions. When you use the WebFace dataset to train the Inception-ResNet network, how are the training set and test set divided?

    opened by jimo17 11
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