Cogs v3
Disclaimer: This is an unapproved repo, meaning no one has formally reviewed this repo yet and any loss of data in your bot isn't my fault (Any loss of data is highly unlikely as I use these cogs for my bot.)
Various fun and utility cogs for Red-DiscordBot V3. Discord User: Honkertonken#9221
To add cogs from this repo to your instance, do these steps:
[p]load downloader
[p]repo add Honkertonken-Cogs
[p]cog install Honkertonken-Cogs
Note: [p] here refers to your prefix.
About Cogs
Cog | Description | Authors |
Whoasked | Who the hell asked? This cog/ command was inspired by KableKompany#0001 | Honkertonken |
Pp | Detect the length of someones (or your) pp. Note: 100% accurate | Honkertonken |
BotStats | Get a shit ton of stats. Originally made by Draper slightly tweaked by me. | Draper, Honkertonken |
Pressf | A customizable pressf cog, pay some respects. | Aikaterna, Honkertonken |
- This can be done by
pip install -U black isort flake8 autoflake
- Then run the below commands to auto format your code
black .
isort . --profile black
flake8 . --ignore E203,E501,E731,W503 --select C,E,F,W --max-line-length 99
autoflake . --in-place --remove-unused-variables --remove-all-unused-imports
If you encounter bugs or just want to contact to me you can always shoot me a dm at Honkertonken#9221. For feature requests, issues, bugs, or suggestions open a PR/issue on this repo.