A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection


Confluence: A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection

1. 介绍


用以替代 NMS,在所有 bbox 中挑选出最优的集合。 NMS 仅考虑了 bbox 的得分,然后根据 IOU 来去除重叠的 bbox。而 Confluence 则是利用曼哈顿距离作为 bbox 之间的重合度,并根据置信度加权的曼哈顿距离还作为最优 bbox 的选择依据。

2. 算法原理

2.1 曼哈顿距离

两点的曼哈顿距离就是坐标值插的 L1 范数:


推广到两个 bbox 对的哈曼顿距离则为:


该算法便是以曼哈顿距离作为两个 bbox 的重合度,曼哈顿距离小于一定值的的 bbox 则被认为是一个 cluster。

2.2 归一化

因为 bbox 有个各样的 size 和 position,所以直接计算曼哈顿距离就没有可比性,没有标准的度量。所以需要对其进行归一化:


2.3 置信度加权曼哈顿距离

NMS在去除重合 bbox 是仅考虑其置信度的高低,Condluence 则同时考虑了曼哈顿距离和置信度,构成一个置信度加权曼哈顿距离:


3. 算法实现



(1)针对每个类别挑出属于该类别的 bbox 集合 B

(2)遍历 B 中所有的 bbox bi,并计算 bi 和其他 boox的 曼哈顿距离 p,并归一化

2.1 选出 p < 2 的集合,作为一个 cluster,并计算加权曼哈顿距离 wp。 

2.2 在该 cluster 中挑选出最小的 wp 作为 bi 的 wp。 

(3)遍历完毕后,挑出 wp 最小的 bi 作为最优 bbox,添加进最终结果集合中,并将其从 B 去除

(4)把与最优 bbox 的曼哈顿距离小于阈值 MD 的的 bbox 从 B 中去除

(5)不断重复 (2) - (4),每次都选出一个最优 bbox,知道 B 为空


(1)原文伪代码第 5 行:optimalConfuence 初始化成一个比较大的值就可以,不一定要是 Ip

(2)原文伪代码第 12 行:应该是 Proximity / si

4. 实验结果


5. 代码解析

5.1 YOLOv3/4 的后处理

这个接口可以直接处理 YOLOv3/4 的 yolo 层的输出进行后处理

confluence_process(prediction, conf_thres=0.1, wp_thres=0.6)

支持多标签和单标签,并把数据重组后进行 confluence/NMS 处理

# Detections matrix nx6 (xyxy, conf, cls)
if multi_label:
    i, j = (x[:, 5:] > conf_thres).nonzero().t()
    x = torch.cat((box[i], x[i, j + 5, None], j[:, None].float()), 1)
else:  # best class only
    conf, j = x[:, 5:].max(1, keepdim=True)
    x = torch.cat((box, conf, j.float()), 1)[conf.view(-1) > conf_thres]

5.2 Confluence 算法

confluence(prediction, class_num, wp_thres=0.6)


index = np.arange(0, len(prediction), 1).reshape(-1,1)
infos = np.concatenate((prediction, index), 1)

不同类别单独处理,并遍历所有的剩余目标集合 B,直到集合为空,对应上面伪代码的(1)-(2)

for c in range(class_num):       
    pcs = infos[infos[:, 5] == c]             
    while (len(pcs)):                      
        n = len(pcs)       
        xs = pcs[:, [0, 2]]
        ys = pcs[:, [1, 3]]             
        ps = []        
        # 遍历 pcs,计算每一个box 和其余 box 的 p 值,然后聚类成簇,再根据 wp 挑出 best
        confluence_min = 10000
        best = None
        for i, pc in enumerate(pcs):

计算所有目标与其他目标的曼和顿距离 p 和加权曼哈顿距离 wp,p < 2 的目标作为一个 cluster,其中最小的 wp 作为该 cluster 的 wp

index_other = [j for j in range(n) if j!= i]
x_t = xs[i]
x_t = np.tile(x_t, (n-1, 1))
x_other = xs[index_other]
x_all = np.concatenate((x_t, x_other), 1)
# wp
wp = p / pc[4]
wp = wp[p < 2]

if (len(wp) == 0):
    value = 0
    value = wp.min()

选出最小的 wp,确定目标

# select the bbox which has the smallest wp as the best bbox
if (value < confluence_min):
   confluence_min = value
   best = i  

然后把与目标的曼哈顿距离小于阈值的目标和本身都从集合 B 中去除

if (len(ps) > 0):               
    p = ps[best]
    index_ = np.where(p < wp_thres)[0]
    index_ = [i if i < best else i +1 for i in index_]
    index_ = []
# delect the bboxes whose Manhattan Distance is below the predefined MD
index_eff = [j for j in range(n) if (j != best and j not in index_)]            
pcs = pcs[index_eff]

最后继续重复遍历集合 B,直到集合为空。

仓库里我放了一张测试照片和原始检测结果,大家可以直接用来调试 confluence 函数。



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  • Differences from paper

    Differences from paper

    Sorry for asking in English, but I have a couple of questions regarding your implementation of Confluence.


    May I ask where the following line comes from in the paper?


    In equation (6) of the paper, they weight the confidence score like so:


    where P is the Manhattan distance, and s is the confidence, however in your case it looks more like you're doing:

    P_w = P / s

    I suppose the outcome will likely be the same, but I was just wondering if this method was mentioned in the paper, as I can't see it?


    In section 3.5 of the paper, after selecting the optimal bounding box, they then decay the confidences of all bounding boxes within close proximity (p_thres) of this optimal bounding box.


    As far as I can see, in your implementation this stage was skipped, and instead your just delete all bounding boxes within p_thres of the optimal bounding box:


    May I ask why you decided to do this instead? Did you run some tests and this method performed better?

    Thanks so much in advance!

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