SLIDE : In Defense of Smart Algorithms over Hardware Acceleration for Large-Scale Deep Learning Systems



The SLIDE package contains the source code for reproducing the main experiments in this paper.


The Datasets can be downloaded in Amazon-670K. Note that the data is sorted by labels so please shuffle at least the validation/testing data.

TensorFlow Baselines

We suggest directly get TensorFlow docker image to install TensorFlow-GPU. For TensorFlow-CPU compiled with AVX2, we recommend using this precompiled build.

Also there is a TensorFlow docker image specifically built for CPUs with AVX-512 instructions, to get it use:

docker pull clearlinux/stacks-dlrs_2-mkl controls the parameters of TensorFlow training like learning rate., are example files for Amazon-670K dataset with full softmax and sampled softmax respectively.

Build/Run on Intel platform


CMake >= 3.0 Intel Compiler (ICC) >= 19

Build with ICC compiler

source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/ -arch intel64 -platform linux
cd /path/to/slide-root
mkdir -p bin && cd bin 
# BDW (AVX2)
# SKX/CLX (AVX512)
# CPX (AVX512 + BF16)
make -j

Run on Intel SKX/CLX/CPX

cd bin
OMP_NUM_THREADS= KMP_HW_SUBSET=s,c,t KMP_AFFINITY=compact,granularity=fine KMP_BLOCKTIME=200 ./runme ../SLIDE/Config_amz.csv
For example, on CLX8280 2Sx28c:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=112 KMP_HW_SUBSET=2s,28c,2t KMP_AFFINITY=compact,granularity=fine KMP_BLOCKTIME=200 ./runme ../SLIDE/Config_amz.csv

For best performance please set Batchsize=multiple-of-logic-core-number from SLIDE/Config_amz.csv.

Results can be checked from the log file under dataset:

tail -f dataset/log.txt
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    Hello @nmeisburger, @uyongw & @iitkgpanshu,

    The MLSys '21 paper doesn't seem to mention how many cores (and hence, threads) were used on each machine to gather data, but based on the README file in this repo, it seems that the experiments were performed with different number of cores (and hence, threads) for both the machines.

    Besides the data reported in the paper, had you also compared performance (without BF16) on Cascade Lake & Cooper Lake by using equal number of cores for both?

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  • Problems during compilation

    Problems during compilation


    My name is André, and I'm trying to run some experiments with AVX512 and Deep Learning. I read your paper and found it's exciting. So I decided to test your optimized version of SLIDE, but I'm facing an error (below) during the compilation of the code.

    [ 58%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/SLIDE_LIB.dir/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.cpp.o
    /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/bin/intel64/icpc  -DOPT_AVX512=1 -DOPT_AVX512_BF16=1 -DOPT_IA=1 -I${HOMEDIR}/SLIDE/SLIDE_opt_ia/bin/ep/include  -qopenmp   -std=c++14 -O2 -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++14 -o CMakeFiles/SLIDE_LIB.dir/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.cpp.o -c ${HOMEDIR}/SLIDE/SLIDE_opt_ia/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.cpp
    In file included from ${HOMEDIR}/SLIDE/SLIDE_opt_ia/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.cpp(5):
    ${HOMEDIR}/SLIDE/SLIDE_opt_ia/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.h(27): error: expected a ";"
        DataLayerOpt() numRecords_{0}, numFeatures_ {0}, numLabels_ {0} {};
    compilation aborted for ${HOMEDIR}/SLIDE/SLIDE_opt_ia/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.cpp (code 2)
    make[2]: ** [CMakeFiles/SLIDE_LIB.dir/SLIDE/DataLayerOpt.cpp.o] Erro 2

    The file DataLayerOpt.h is as following:

    22   // labels
         23   std::vector<int> labelOffsets_;
         24   std::vector<int> labelLengths_;
         25   std::vector<int> labels_;
         27   DataLayerOpt() numRecords_{0}, numFeatures_ {0}, numLabels_ {0} {};
         28   void loadData(const std::string &srcFile);
         30   inline int lengthByRecordIndex(size_t n) {
         31     return lengths_[n];
         32   }

    Any suggestion on how to solve this?

    I used Intel PSXE 2020 and 2019, with both resulting in the same error. Below are the commands used to download and compile the code:

    git clone
    cd SLIDE
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    cd SLIDE_opt_ia
    module load cmake/3.17.3 
    module load intel_psxe/2020 
    mkdir -p bin && cd bin 
    # SKX/CLX (AVX512)
    # CPX (AVX512 + BF16)
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc -DOPT_AVX512=1 -DOPT_AVX512_BF16=1
    VERBOSE=1 make

    Thank you for your attention and best regards.

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