A Chinese to English Neural Model Translation Project


ZH-EN NMT Chinese to English Neural Machine Translation

This project is inspired by Stanford's CS224N NMT Project

Dataset used in this project: News Commentary v14


This project is more of a learning project to make myself familiar with Pytorch, machine translation, and NLP model training.

To investigate how would various setups of the recurrent layer affect the final performance, I compared Training Efficiency and Effectiveness of different types of RNN layer for encoder by changing one feature each time while controlling all other parameters:

  • RNN types

    • GRU
    • LSTM
  • Activation Functions on Output Layer

    • Tanh
    • ReLU
    • LeakyReLU
  • Number of layers

    • single layer
    • double layer

Code Files

├─ utils.py # utilities
├─ vocab.py # generate vocab
├─ model_embeddings.py # embedding layer
├─ nmt_model.py # nmt model definition
├─ run.py # training and testing

Good Translation Examples

  • source: 相反,这意味着合作的基础应当是共同的长期战略利益,而不是共同的价值观。

    • target: Instead, it means that cooperation must be anchored not in shared values, but in shared long-term strategic interests.
    • translation: On the contrary, that means cooperation should be a common long-term strategic interests, rather than shared values.
  • source: 但这个问题其实很简单: 谁来承受这些用以降低预算赤字的紧缩措施的冲击。

    • target: But the issue is actually simple: Who will bear the brunt of measures to reduce the budget deficit?
    • translation: But the question is simple: Who is to bear the impact of austerity measures to reduce budget deficits?
  • source: 上述合作对打击恐怖主义、贩卖人口和移民可能发挥至关重要的作用。

    • target: Such cooperation is essential to combat terrorism, human trafficking, and migration.
    • translation: Such cooperation is essential to fighting terrorism, trafficking, and migration.
  • source: 与此同时, 政治危机妨碍着政府追求艰难的改革。

    • target: At the same time, political crisis is impeding the government’s pursuit of difficult reforms.
    • translation: Meanwhile, political crises hamper the government’s pursuit of difficult reforms.


Preprocessing Colab notebook

  • using jieba to separate Chinese words by spaces

Generate Vocab From Training Data

  • Input: training data of Chinese and English

  • Output: a vocab file containing mapping from (sub)words to ids of Chinese and English -- a limited size of vocab is selected using SentencePiece (essentially Byte Pair Encoding of character n-grams) to cover around 99.95% of training data

Model Definition

  • a Seq2Seq model with attention

    This image is from the book DIVE INTO DEEP LEARNING

    • Encoder
      • A Recurrent Layer
    • Decoder
      • LSTMCell (hidden_size=512)
    • Attention
      • Multiplicative Attention

Training And Testing Results

Training Colab notebook

  • Hyperparameters:
    • Embedding Size & Hidden Size: 512
    • Dropout Rate: 0.25
    • Starting Learning Rate: 5e-4
    • Batch Size: 32
    • Beam Size for Beam Search: 10
  • NOTE: The BLEU score calculated here is based on the Test Set, so it could only be used to compare the relative effectiveness of the models using this data

For Experiment

  • Dataset: the dataset is split into training set(~260000), validation set(~20000), and testing set(~20000) randomly (they are the same for each experiment group)
  • Max Number of Iterations: 50000
  • NOTE: I've tried Vanilla-RNN(nn.RNN) in various ways, but the BLEU score turns out to be extremely low for it (absence of residual connections might be the issue)
    • I decided to not include it for comparison until the issue is resolved
Training Time(sec) BLEU Score on Test Set Training Perplexities Validation Perplexities
A. Bidirectional 1-Layer GRU with Tanh 5158.99 14.26
B. Bidirectional 1-Layer LSTM with Tanh 5150.31 16.20
C. Bidirectional 2-Layer LSTM with Tanh 6197.58 16.38
D. Bidirectional 1-Layer LSTM with ReLU 5275.12 14.01
E. Bidirectional 1-Layer LSTM with LeakyReLU(slope=0.1) 5292.58 14.87

Current Best Version

Bidirectional 2-Layer LSTM with Tanh, 1024 embed_size & hidden_size, trained 11517.19 sec (44000 iterations), BLEU score 17.95

Traning Time BLEU Score on Test Set Training Perplexities Validation Perplexities
Best Model 11517.19 17.95


  • LSTM tends to have better performance than GRU (it has an extra set of parameters)
  • Tanh tends to be better since less information is lost
  • Making the LSTM deeper (more layers) could improve the performance, but it cost more time to train
  • Surprisingly, the training time for A, B, and D are roughly the same
    • the issue may be the dataset is not large enough, or the cloud service I used to train models does not perform consistently

Bad Examples & Case Analysis

  • source: 全球目击组织(Global Witness)的报告记录, 光是2015年就有16个国家的185人被杀。
    • target: A Global Witness report documented 185 killings across 16 countries in 2015 alone.
    • translation: According to the Global eye, the World Health Organization reported that 185 people were killed in 2015.
    • problems:
      • Information Loss: 16 countries
      • Unknown Proper Noun: Global Witness
  • source: 大自然给了足以满足每个人需要的东西, 但无法满足每个人的贪婪
    • target: Nature provides enough for everyone’s needs, but not for everyone’s greed.
    • translation: Nature provides enough to satisfy everyone.
    • problems:
      • Huge Information Loss
  • source: 我衷心希望全球经济危机和巴拉克·奥巴马当选总统能对新冷战的荒唐理念进行正确的评估。
    • target: It is my hope that the global economic crisis and Barack Obama’s presidency will put the farcical idea of a new Cold War into proper perspective.
    • translation: I do hope that the global economic crisis and President Barack Obama will be corrected for a new Cold War.
    • problems:
      • Action Sender And Receiver Exchanged
      • Failed To Translate Complex Sentence
  • source: 人们纷纷猜测欧元区将崩溃。
    • target: Speculation about a possible breakup was widespread.
    • translation: The eurozone would collapse.
    • problems:
      • Significant Information Loss

Means to Improve the NMT model

  • Dataset
    • The dataset is fairly small, and our model is not being trained thorough all data
    • Being a native Chinese speaker, I could not understand what some of the source sentences are saying
    • The target sentences are not informational comprehensive; they themselves need context to be understood (e.g. the target sentence in the last "Bad Examples")
    • Even for human, some of the source sentence was too hard to translate
  • Model Architecture
    • CNN & Transformer
    • character based model
    • Make the model even larger & deeper (... I need GPUs)
  • Tricks that might help
    • Add a proper noun dictionary to translate unknown proper nouns word-by-word (phrase-by-phrase)
    • Initialize (sub)word embedding with pretrained embedding

How To Run

  • Download the dataset you desire, and change all "./zh_en_data" in run.sh to the path where your data is stored
  • To run locally on a CPU (mostly for sanity check, CPU is not able to train the model)
    • set up the environment using conda/miniconda conda env create --file local env.yml
  • To run on a GPU
    • set up the environment and running process following the Colab notebook


If you have any questions or you have trouble running the code, feel free to contact me via email

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