Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection (CVPR 2021)



Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection

Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Tao Kong, Lu Qi, Ruihang Chu, Lei Li, Jiaya Jia

[Paper] [BibTeX]

This project provides the implementation for the CVPR 2021 paper "Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection". Scale-aware AutoAug provides a new search space and search metric to find effective data agumentation policies for object detection. It is implemented on maskrcnn-benchmark and FCOS. Both search and training codes have been released. To facilitate more use, we re-implement the training code based on Detectron2.


For maskrcnn-benchmark code, please follow for instruction.

For FCOS code, please follow for instruction.

For Detectron2 code, please follow for instruction.


(You can skip this step and directly train on our searched policies.)

To search with 8 GPUs, run:

cd /path/to/SA-AutoAug/maskrcnn-benchmark
export NGPUS=8
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS tools/ --config-file configs/SA_AutoAug/retinanet_R-50-FPN_search.yaml OURPUT_DIR /path/to/searchlog_dir

Since we finetune on an existing baseline model during search, a baseline model is needed. You can download this model for search, or you can use other Retinanet baseline model trained by yourself.


To train the searched policies on maskrcnn-benchmark (FCOS)

cd /path/to/SA-AutoAug/maskrcnn-benchmark
export NGPUS=8
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS tools/ --config-file configs/SA_AutoAug/CONFIG_FILE  OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/traininglog_dir

For example, to train the retinanet ResNet-50 model with our searched data augmentation policies in 6x schedule:

cd /path/to/SA-AutoAug/maskrcnn-benchmark
export NGPUS=8
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS tools/ --config-file configs/SA_AutoAug/retinanet_R-50-FPN_6x.yaml  OUTPUT_DIR models/retinanet_R-50-FPN_6x_SAAutoAug

To train the searched policies on detectron2

cd /path/to/SA-AutoAug/detectron2
python3 ./tools/ --num-gpus 8 --config-file ./configs/COCO-Detection/SA_AutoAug/CONFIG_FILE OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/traininglog_dir

For example, to train the retinanet ResNet-50 model with our searched data augmentation policies in 6x schedule:

cd /path/to/SA-AutoAug/detectron2
python3 ./tools/ --num-gpus 8 --config-file ./configs/COCO-Detection/SA_AutoAug/retinanet_R_50_FPN_6x.yaml OUTPUT_DIR output_retinanet_R_50_FPN_6x_SAAutoAug


We provide the results on COCO val2017 set with pretrained models.

Based on maskrcnn-benchmark

Method Backbone APbbox Download
Faster R-CNN ResNet-50 41.8 Model
Faster R-CNN ResNet-101 44.2 Model
RetinaNet ResNet-50 41.4 Model
RetinaNet ResNet-101 42.8 Model
Mask R-CNN ResNet-50 42.8 Model
Mask R-CNN ResNet-101 45.3 Model

Based on FCOS

Method Backbone APbbox Download
FCOS ResNet-50 42.6 Model
FCOS ResNet-101 44.0 Model
ATSS ResNext-101-32x8d-dcnv2 48.5 Model
ATSS ResNext-101-32x8d-dcnv2 (1200 size) 49.6 Model

Based on Detectron2

Method Backbone APbbox Download
Faster R-CNN ResNet-50 41.9 Model - Metrics
Faster R-CNN ResNet-101 44.2 Model - Metrics
RetinaNet ResNet-50 40.8 Model - Metrics
RetinaNet ResNet-101 43.1 Model - Metrics
Mask R-CNN ResNet-50 - Training
Mask R-CNN ResNet-101 - Training

Citing SA-AutoAug

Consider cite SA-Autoaug in your publications if it helps your research.

  title={Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection},
  author={Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Tao Kong, Lu Qi, Ruihang Chu, Lei Li, Jiaya Jia},
  booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


This training code of this project is built on maskrcnn-benchmark, Detectron2, FCOS, and ATSS. The search code of this project is modified from DetNAS. Some augmentation code and settings follow AutoAug-Det. We thanks a lot for the authors of these projects.

Note that:

(1) We also provides script files for search and training in maskrcnn-benchmark, FCOS, and, detectron2.

(2) Any issues or pull requests on this project are welcome. In addition, if you meet problems when applying the augmentations to other datasets or codebase, feel free to contact Yukang Chen (

  • 模型训练时使用的增强策略,参数和论文中的不一样


    感谢作者的伟大贡献,我在detectron2环境下训练了自己的数据集,训练时输出了使用的增强策略,发现和论文中的表9的增强策略有些不一样,这是为什么呢? {'zoom_out': {'prob': 0.30000000000000004, 'level': 9}, 'zoom_in': {'prob': 0.25, 'level': 3}} {'policies': [[('Color', 0.4, 2), ('translateX', 0.4, 4)], [('Brightness', 0.2, 4), ('rotate', 0.4, 2)], [('Sharpness', 0.4, 2), ('shearX', 0.2, 6)], [('SolarizeAdd', 0.2, 2), ('hflip', 0.5, 1)], [('Color', 0.0, 8), ('translateY', 0.2, 8)]], 'scale_ratios': {'area': [7, 5, 1], 'prob': [3, 3, 3]}} 论文中的表9的增强策略 image

    opened by gfzwytc 2
  • Translate set to (0, 0) in geometric _augs scripts

    Translate set to (0, 0) in geometric _augs scripts

    The translate variable to be used in the box-level geometric augmentations in the FCOS training scripts is set to (0, 0) here:

    opened by deepanshi-s 1
  • Regarding the geometric bbox augmentation.

    Regarding the geometric bbox augmentation.

    Hi, @yukang2017

    On this line of code you set the translation value to (0,0) even if you apply the translate augmentation.

    That being said translate[0] + translate[1] != 0 will never be True.

    Is this the expected behaviour?

    opened by gkagkos 1
  • Question about bounding boxes augmentation

    Question about bounding boxes augmentation

    I saw the bounding box augmentation codes and I think there are some differences with AutoAugment-Det codes.

    What I understand is AutoAugment-Det implement translate_only_bbox as translate image patch with bounding box unchanged, but SA-AutoAug implement translate bounding boxes also image patches (there may be some redundant object cause of paste)

    And just curious why just paste the image patches rather than translate the image patch?

    There could be visual artifacts cause of paste on translation

    opened by Jasonlee1995 1
  • Search script with detectron2

    Search script with detectron2

    Hi I'm curious if there is a search script for detectron2? I know there is a for maskrcnn framework, but I want to put all my work with detectron2 :D

    Thanks for this great work!

    opened by james77777778 1
  • Training with already searched policy.

    Training with already searched policy.

    The 6x schedule is too long for training. If I want to search augmentation policy in the first time and use the searched policy after, How can I do that? @yanwei-li Thanks.

    opened by qianwangn 1
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