autarquicas - local elections in Portugal
Repo with data from local elections in Portugal from 2009 to 2013
To provide, to all, raw data from the local elections that can be used to for analysis. The dataset has all information that is publicly available at this time
This datasets do not have the information about everyone that was on the lists for each party. This is a structural problem in Portugal, as each county (concelho)'s court deals with the approval, and publishing of the lists. Legislation in Portugal only demands that the lists are made public. Courts and city halls follow the law by printing the lists and have the lists glued to windows or at the entrance of the building. No digital format is available to citizens
Thanks to
Micael Carvalho that developed the scrapping and mining code
Luis Guimarais for launching this idea that is already causing some important discussions about transparency and data avaibility in the context of local elections
Filipe Barroso for being there and always trying to help
Miguel Romão for the help in understanding the json struture
Last but not least to Emma for providing such an elegant solution to the unnesting of the json files.
Contributing and Usage of these files
Everyone is most welcome to contribute with scripts that analyse this data. If you use these files please let me know, so we can add to this section.
Next Steps
- Create unique dataframe with all the data
- Arrange dataframe columns and rename them to user friendly names
- Perform indepth analysis of the data