This application named ‘Tooth Paint’ version TP_2020.3 (64-bit) or version 3 was developed within a week. The purpose of building this application is to provide 2D image manipulation with features such edge detection and image segmentation. Operators such as Canny, Laplacian, Sobel and Prewitt are used to detect edges in image while segmentation techniques including Color thresholding, Contour thresholding, K-Means Clustering and Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) for Superpixel. Qt is a famous open source widget toolkit that chosen as GUI (Graphics User Interface) for this application while the main library used for image manipulation is OpenCV with the aid of scikit-image for SLIC. Other than that, library such as numpy, math, time, os, random and sys are used to assist the application.