A social networking service scraper in Python



snscrape is a scraper for social networking services (SNS). It scrapes things like user profiles, hashtags, or searches and returns the discovered items, e.g. the relevant posts.

The following services are currently supported:

  • Facebook: user profiles, groups, and communities (aka visitor posts)
  • Instagram: user profiles, hashtags, and locations
  • Reddit: users, subreddits, and searches (via Pushshift)
  • Telegram: channels
  • Twitter: users, user profiles, hashtags, searches, threads, and list posts
  • VKontakte: user profiles
  • Weibo (Sina Weibo): user profiles

Please note that some features listed here may only be available in the current development version of snscrape.


snscrape requires Python 3.8 or higher. The Python package dependencies are installed automatically when you install snscrape.

Note that one of the dependencies, lxml, also requires libxml2 and libxslt to be installed.


pip3 install snscrape

If you want to use the development version:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/JustAnotherArchivist/snscrape.git



The generic syntax of snscrape's CLI is:


snscrape --help and snscrape SCRAPER-NAME --help provide details on the options and arguments. snscrape --help also lists all available scrapers.

The default output of the CLI is the URL of each result.

Some noteworthy global options are:

  • --jsonl to get output as JSONL. This includes all information extracted by snscrape (e.g. message content, datetime, images; details vary by scraper).
  • --max-results NUMBER to only return the first NUMBER results.
  • --with-entity to get an item on the entity being scraped, e.g. the user or channel. This is not supported on all scrapers. (You can use this together with --max-results 0 to only fetch the entity info.)


Collect all tweets by Jason Scott (@textfiles):

snscrape twitter-user textfiles

It's usually useful to redirect the output to a file for further processing, e.g. in bash using the filename twitter-@textfiles:

snscrape twitter-user textfiles >twitter-@textfiles

To get the latest 100 tweets with the hashtag #archiveteam:

snscrape --max-results 100 twitter-hashtag archiveteam


It is also possible to use snscrape as a library in Python, but this is currently undocumented.

Issue reporting

If you discover an issue with snscrape, please report it at https://github.com/JustAnotherArchivist/snscrape/issues. If possible please run snscrape with -vv and --dump-locals and include the log output as well as the dump files referenced in the log in the issue. Note that the files may contain sensitive information in some cases and could potentially be used to identify you (e.g. if the service includes your IP address in its response). If you prefer to arrange a file transfer privately, just mention that in the issue.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

  • Twitter scrapes fail with `TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'thumbnailUrl'` (or `'title'`)

    Twitter scrapes fail with `TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'thumbnailUrl'` (or `'title'`)

    Last commit seems to break the execution of snscrape https://github.com/JustAnotherArchivist/snscrape/commit/25ee014e2970737e500e2964ab09584b11b19fb0

    I get missing 1 required positional argument: 'thumbnailUrl' when using

    /home/ambnum/.local/bin/snscrape --with-entity --max-results 1000 --jsonl twitter-search "+@nath_yamb " > "/tmp/information-manipulation-analyzer/@nath_yamb/original.json"

    bug module:twitter 
    opened by martinratinaud 51
  • "Unable to find guest token" after running many short Twitter scrapes

    I saw this error when I run my code

    ScraperException                          Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-18-000bfba11f8b> in <module>
          1 # Using TwitterSearchScraper to scrape data and append tweets to list
          2 for x in D_username:
    ----> 3     for i,tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('from:{}'.format(x)).get_items()):
          4         if i>maxTweets:
          5             break
    /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py in get_items(self)
        554                         del paginationParams['tweet_search_mode']
    --> 556                 for obj in self._iter_api_data('https://api.twitter.com/2/search/adaptive.json', params, paginationParams, cursor = self._cursor):
        557                         yield from self._instructions_to_tweets(obj)
    /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py in _iter_api_data(self, endpoint, params, paginationParams, cursor, direction)
        248                 while True:
        249                         logger.info(f'Retrieving scroll page {cursor}')
    --> 250                         obj = self._get_api_data(endpoint, reqParams)
        251                         yield obj
    /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py in _get_api_data(self, endpoint, params)
        218         def _get_api_data(self, endpoint, params):
    --> 219                 self._ensure_guest_token()
        220                 r = self._get(endpoint, params = params, headers = self._apiHeaders, responseOkCallback = self._check_api_response)
        221                 try:
    /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py in _ensure_guest_token(self, url)
        198                         self._apiHeaders['x-guest-token'] = self._guestToken
        199                         return
    --> 200                 raise snscrape.base.ScraperException('Unable to find guest token')
        202         def _unset_guest_token(self):
    ScraperException: Unable to find guest token

    I am pretty sure this does not come from my bug. Are there ways to fix it?

    bug module:twitter 
    opened by Logenleedev 41
  • KeyError: 'highlightedLabel'

    KeyError: 'highlightedLabel'

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/./sentiment.py", line 56, in <module>
        for i,tweet in tqdm(enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('bitcoin since:2000-01-01 until:2022-07-01').get_items())):
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/std.py", line 1195, in __iter__
        for obj in iterable:
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py", line 1454, in get_items
        yield from self._v2_timeline_instructions_to_tweets(obj)
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py", line 804, in _v2_timeline_instructions_to_tweets
        yield from self._v2_instruction_tweet_entry_to_tweet(entry['entryId'], entry['content'], obj)
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py", line 827, in _v2_instruction_tweet_entry_to_tweet
        yield self._tweet_to_tweet(tweet, obj)
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py", line 1266, in _tweet_to_tweet
        user = self._user_to_user(obj['globalObjects']['users'][tweet['user_id_str']])
      File "/lustre/scratch2/ws/1/s2575425-twitter-sentiment-analysis/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/snscrape/modules/twitter.py", line 1367, in _user_to_user
        if 'ext' in user and (label := user['ext']['highlightedLabel']['r']['ok'].get('label')):
    KeyError: 'highlightedLabel'


    I get the above error after scraping around 13000 entries: sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('bitcoin since:2000-01-01 until:2022-07-01').get_items()

    bug module:twitter 
    opened by renierts 31
  • How does this code works?

    How does this code works?

    Sorry, I am new to web crawling. How do I make this program work? I try tosnscrape twitter-user textfiles but it only shows the link of Jason Scott. How do I change the user I want to scrap? Also, if I want to scrap tweet by using keyword, how do I do that?

    opened by yangyangdotcom 26
  • AttributeError: module 'snscrape.modules.twitter' has no attribute 'TwitterProfileScraper'

    AttributeError: module 'snscrape.modules.twitter' has no attribute 'TwitterProfileScraper'

    @xmainguyen I assume you're asking about using the profile scraper from a Python script (instead of the CLI).

    import snscrape.modules.twitter.
    for tweet in snscrape.modules.twitter.TwitterProfileScraper('username').get_items():
    	# Do something with the tweet object, e.g.

    Originally posted by @JustAnotherArchivist in https://github.com/JustAnotherArchivist/snscrape/issues/83#issuecomment-805467618

    opened by isaZuluaga 23
  • Twitter scrape crashes after a long time following 'non-200 status code' error (403 response)

    Twitter scrape crashes after a long time following 'non-200 status code' error (403 response)

    python 3.8, windows 10 pro

    I got the following error:

    Error retrieving https://api.twitter.com/2/search/adaptive.json?include_profile_interstitial_type=1&include_blocking=1&include_blocked_by=1&include_followed_by=1&include_want_retweets=1&include_mute_edge=1&include_can_dm=1&include_can_media_tag=1&skip_status=1&cards_platform=Web-12&include_cards=1&include_ext_alt_text=true&include_quote_count=true&include_reply_count=1&tweet_mode=extended&include_entities=true&include_user_entities=true&include_ext_media_color=true&include_ext_media_availability=true&send_error_codes=true&simple_quoted_tweets=true&q=vaccine+since%3A2021-01-01+until%3A2021-05-31&tweet_search_mode=live&count=100&query_source=spelling_expansion_revert_click&cursor=scroll%3AthGAVUV0VFVBaAgKmRi82l5SYWgoC58fy05eomEnEV_5iSBBWAiXoYBE5FV1M1ARWasQMVAAA%3D&pc=1&spelling_corrections=1&ext=mediaStats%2ChighlightedLabel: non-200 status code

    4 requests to https://api.twitter.com/2/search/adaptive.json?include_profile_interstitial_type=1&include_blocking=1&include_blocked_by=1&include_followed_by=1&include_want_retweets=1&include_mute_edge=1&include_can_dm=1&include_can_media_tag=1&skip_status=1&cards_platform=Web-12&include_cards=1&include_ext_alt_text=true&include_quote_count=true&include_reply_count=1&tweet_mode=extended&include_entities=true&include_user_entities=true&include_ext_media_color=true&include_ext_media_availability=true&send_error_codes=true&simple_quoted_tweets=true&q=vaccine+since%3A2021-01-01+until%3A2021-05-31&tweet_search_mode=live&count=100&query_source=spelling_expansion_revert_click&cursor=scroll%3AthGAVUV0VFVBaAgKmRi82l5SYWgoC58fy05eomEnEV_5iSBBWAiXoYBE5FV1M1ARWasQMVAAA%3D&pc=1&spelling_corrections=1&ext=mediaStats%2ChighlightedLabel failed, giving up.

    ScraperException: 4 requests to https://api.twitter.com/2/search/adaptive.json?include_profile_interstitial_type=1&include_blocking=1&include_blocked_by=1&include_followed_by=1&include_want_retweets=1&include_mute_edge=1&include_can_dm=1&include_can_media_tag=1&skip_status=1&cards_platform=Web-12&include_cards=1&include_ext_alt_text=true&include_quote_count=true&include_reply_count=1&tweet_mode=extended&include_entities=true&include_user_entities=true&include_ext_media_color=true&include_ext_media_availability=true&send_error_codes=true&simple_quoted_tweets=true&q=vaccine+since%3A2021-01-01+until%3A2021-05-31&tweet_search_mode=live&count=100&query_source=spelling_expansion_revert_click&cursor=scroll%3AthGAVUV0VFVBaAgKmRi82l5SYWgoC58fy05eomEnEV_5iSBBWAiXoYBE5FV1M1ARWasQMVAAA%3D&pc=1&spelling_corrections=1&ext=mediaStats%2ChighlightedLabel failed, giving up.

    I used the following code:

     import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter
     import pandas as pd
     tweets_list2 = []
     for i, tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('vaccine since:2021-01-01 until:2021-05-31').get_items()):
        attribute_list = [tweet.date, tweet.id, tweet.user.username, tweet.user.id, tweet.user.displayname, tweet.user.location,  
                          tweet.user.followersCount, tweet.user.friendsCount, tweet.user.statusesCount, 
                          tweet.retweetedTweet, tweet.content, tweet.lang, tweet.mentionedUsers
    bug module:twitter 
    opened by zwang31 17
  • snscrape not working giving ScraperException error

    snscrape not working giving ScraperException error

    ScraperException: 4 requests to https://api.twitter.com/2/search/adaptive.json?include_profile_interstitial_type=1&include_blocking=1&include_blocked_by=1&include_followed_by=1&include_want_retweets=1&include_mute_edge=1&include_can_dm=1&include_can_media_tag=1&skip_status=1&cards_platform=Web-12&include_cards=1&include_ext_alt_text=true&include_quote_count=true&include_reply_count=1&tweet_mode=extended&include_entities=true&include_user_entities=true&include_ext_media_color=true&include_ext_media_availability=true&send_error_codes=true&simple_quoted_tweets=true&q=from%3AAITCofficial&tweet_search_mode=live&count=100&query_source=spelling_expansion_revert_click&pc=1&spelling_corrections=1&ext=mediaStats%2ChighlightedLabel failed, giving up.

    opened by tasnimaziz 17
  • How to get video or photo of media in a tweet?

    How to get video or photo of media in a tweet?

    Hi, I don't know how to use issue insert code,sorry! If in json files,i can use this code output the fullUrl and store photo.

    with open("trump.json",'r',encoding='utf-8') as load_f:
        for line in load_f:
            data = json.loads(line)
            if data['media']:
                for medium in data['media']:
                	if medium['type'] == 'photo':

    Use other ways:

    import snscrape
    for tweet in snscrape.modules.twitter.TwitterUserScraper(username=name).get_items():

    print result

    [Photo(previewUrl='https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ek_hodXVMAEo9pc?format=jpg&name=small', fullUrl='https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ek_hodXVMAEo9pc?format=jpg&name=large', type='photo')]


    [Video(thumbnailUrl='https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1320348316639532008/pu/img/leM_UOyxiYELn-Nz.jpg', variants=[VideoVariant(contentType='application/x-mpegURL', url='https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1320348316639532008/pu/pl/_wvWUV5zYvh3ldaX.m3u8?tag=10', bitrate=None), VideoVariant(contentType='video/mp4', url='https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1320348316639532008/pu/vid/1280x720/6CN65DiSr9JokWRg.mp4?tag=10', bitrate=2176000), VideoVariant(contentType='video/mp4', url='https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1320348316639532008/pu/vid/480x270/gspLjGW5fYeYRWZG.mp4?tag=10', bitrate=256000), VideoVariant(contentType='video/mp4', url='https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1320348316639532008/pu/vid/640x360/hvE-BMIGCjj5ZceS.mp4?tag=10', bitrate=832000)], duration=17.595, type='video')]

    it seems not json format,I tried to get photourl or videourl,but I don't know how to get ,can you help me?

    question module:twitter 
    opened by gxwyz 15
  • No Request Limits? Proxy needed?

    No Request Limits? Proxy needed?

    Hey there,

    two weeks ago, I set up a Twitter Scraper that used Docker to run e.g. 10 workers/scrapers simultaneously with the GetOldTweets3 package and continuously changed to a Proxy within the Tor-Network. Assigned single days with a query as tasks to my workers. Modified the GOT3 package, so that it keeps scraping/finishing a day even if a request limit occurred during the day/task, by forcing the scraper to retry with a new Proxy from the Network. Then GOT3 broke down..

    Now I am trying to integrate your Scraper into my Docker Framework. Tried to understand the source code and got the idea that I could possibly add the proxy parameter to the requests that it performs myself. But then I got stuck, because I don't really understand what happens with the "TwitterSearchScraper" if it runs into a rate limit. Just wanted to watch the behaviour and let it scrape two days of Bitcoin during the hype end of 2017, must have been ten thousands of tweets, most certainly over 100.000. But it finished the task without running into any request limit like GOT3 did after it scraped approx. 10.000-15.000 tweets in a specific timeframe. Moreover it was blasting fast. So my question: Does it ever run into rate limits? Is a proxy or rotating proxies therefore even needed when I scrape several years of a specific term? How does it behave if it runs into a limit? Does it just stop the scraping then? If so, how could I force it to keep running with a new proxy?

    I know that's many questions, but hope you find the time. Keep up the great work.


    question module:twitter 
    opened by WhiteLin3s 15
  • TwitterThreadScraper (twitter-thread) crashes with a TypeError

    TwitterThreadScraper (twitter-thread) crashes with a TypeError

    First off, thanks for the great library, I've been using TwitterSearchScraper and it works great for me.

    I'm trying to use TwitterThreadScraper now like so:

    for i,tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterThreadScraper(tweetID=str('1343829375804977153')).get_items()):

    However, when I run it I keep getting errors like Tweet does not exist, is not a thread, or does not have ancestors. The given tweet definitely exists (was posted by CNN), so I'm not sure what the problem is here. Looking at the source code, maybe Twitter changed the source page so that the BeautifulSoup search doesn't work anymore? Do you know how it can be fixed?

    bug module:twitter 
    opened by hockeybro12 14
  • Support for scraping tweet based on its ID

    Support for scraping tweet based on its ID

    I was wondering if we could use snscrape to fetch the tweet text for a given twitter status id or a set of status ids. I could not find this in the documentation.

    enhancement module:twitter 
    opened by santoshbs 14
  • Cant able to scrape from the latest tweet to final tweet...

    Cant able to scrape from the latest tweet to final tweet...

    For example: for i, tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('from:vistara').get_items()): if i >= 100: break else: tweets_detail.append([tweet.user.username, tweet.date.date(), tweet.content])


    Username | Date | Content -- | -- | -- Vistara | 2022-11-03 | @elonmusk Same can be said about morons Vistara | 2022-10-28 | @RealCliveBarker\nMy heart... 🥰 https://t.co/W... Vistara | 2022-10-19 | @Yairir Something is always growing with you... Vistara | 2022-06-13 | @sayollo #CandyCrush has probably eaten as muc... Vistara | 2021-11-12 | @tridentgum Flavor flavor ... | ... | ... Vistara | 2019-08-05 | @hotpockets my imaginary friends! :D :/ :( Vistara | 2019-07-31 | @neilhimself Now I need an audio recording of ... Vistara | 2019-07-31 | @Klondikebar Israel... Vistara | 2019-07-21 | @amithpr How do we get this to go viral? ;)\n... Vistara | 2019-07-21 | @FullFrontalSamB Dickhole. The word you're loo...

    It start from the year of 2022. How can i scrape from the latest 2023 ?

    opened by Aravindh-123 0
  • Creating Documentation For the Library

    Creating Documentation For the Library

    Describe the feature

    Hi @JustAnotherArchivist

    Thank you so much for creating this library. It has really helped a lot of people which I am a beneficiary of and will continue to help. However, I will love to give back to the community by writing documentation on how users can use this library because a lot of resources are not available for it. I have written an article in the past that teaches users how to scrape Twitter content using snscrape which you can see below. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-web-scraping-tutorial/amp/

    But I will love to improve this repo by writing docs so users can best navigate it. I await your thoughts on it thank you

    Would this fix a problem you're experiencing? If so, specify.

    No response

    Did you consider other alternatives?

    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    opened by ibrahim-ogunbiyi 1
  • Scrap old Tweets

    Scrap old Tweets

    Hi Dev, I try to scrap old tweet from the particular user like

    record_tweets = []
    for i, tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper(('from:Rajnikanth') since :2019-01-01 untill; 2023-01-01).get_items()):
        data = {
            "user_name": tweet.user.username,
            "content": tweet.content,
            "lang": tweet.lang,
            "Date": tweet.date
        if i > 1000:
        result = record_tweets.append(data)

    but i cant able to scrap this Any solution?

    opened by Aravindh-123 1
  • Display Viewcount since it's now publicly available

    Display Viewcount since it's now publicly available

    Describe the feature

    Repeat of https://github.com/JustAnotherArchivist/snscrape/issues/306, but now that viewcount is a public number it would be nice to see :)

    Would this fix a problem you're experiencing? If so, specify.

    No response

    Did you consider other alternatives?

    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    enhancement module:twitter 
    opened by TheUltimateAbsol 0
  • TwitterSearchScraper bugs when given a place ID to scrape tweets from

    TwitterSearchScraper bugs when given a place ID to scrape tweets from

    Describe the bug

    I want to get tweets from certain location so I use this code for tweet in sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper(f'{query} and place:{place_id}').get_items()

    It works well but when it doesnt find anymore results, the for loop doesnt quit, instead it bugs, doesnt advance with the code, making the code stop.

    How to reproduce

    The for loop shall quit when it doesnt find results anymore, I tried setting a time to make it quit after a certain time, but that doesnt work as it bugs, stopping the code from executing

    Expected behavior

    The for loop shall quit when it doesnt find results anymore

    Screenshots and recordings

    No response

    OS / Distro

    Windows 11

    Output from snscrape --version




    doesnt gives any errors

    Dump of locals

    No response

    How are you using snscrape?


    Additional context

    No response

    opened by MazenTayseer 11
  • Thread safety

    Thread safety

    Since people seem to keep trying to use snscrape with threads (despite this not being listed as a feature anywhere) and running into problems (seemingly without searching the issues)...

    snscrape is currently not thread-safe.

    I'd like to evaluate at some point whether it's easy enough to make snscrape thread-safe. One known issue is the Twitter module's guest token manager. Testing thread safety will be an issue, too.

    Relevant prior issues: #307 #584 #622

    (SEO keywords: threading multithreading)

    opened by JustAnotherArchivist 0
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Louie Cai 13 Oct 15, 2022
Web scraper build using python.

Web Scraper This project is made in pyhthon. It took some info. from website list then add them into data.json file. The dependencies used are: reques

Shashwat Harsh 2 Jul 22, 2022
VG-Scraper is a python program using the module called BeautifulSoup which allows anyone to scrape something off an website. This program lets you put in a number trough an input and a number is 1 news article.

VG-Scraper VG-Scraper is a convinient program where you can find all the news articles instead of finding one yourself. Installing [Linux] Open a term

null 3 Feb 13, 2022
Python based Web Scraper which can discover javascript files and parse them for juicy information (API keys, IP's, Hidden Paths etc)

Python based Web Scraper which can discover javascript files and parse them for juicy information (API keys, IP's, Hidden Paths etc).

Amit 6 Aug 26, 2022