A set of functions from TIC-80 tiny computer platform ported to Pygame 2.0.1. Many of them are designed to work with the NumPy library to improve performance and per pixel access.
Some of the highlights of using this library are:
- TIC-80 friendly
- Highly customizable (any screen resolution, different screen modes, any number of audio channels, custom FPS)
- Python as programming language
- Practically no memory restrictions regarding the number of assets that can be used (code size, tilesets, spritesheets, music, sfx, color palette)
- Expandable with the use of modules and libraries
- Support of multiple audio and image formats
pip install pygame
pip install numpy
To run the demo program, you can use Thonny IDE or GNU/Linux shell or Windows shell
- Thonny IDE: Open and press F5 or CTRL+R or CTRL+T
- GNU/Linux shell:~@ python3 /path/
- Windows shell: >python /path/
Functions available so far:
btn: use pygame.key.get_pressed
cls: use pygame.Surface.fill
circ & circb: use
elli & ellib: use pygame.draw.elipse
exit: use pygame.quit and raise SystemExit
font: use pygame.Surface.subsurface and pygame.transform.scale
line: use pygame.draw.line
map: use pygame.Surface.subsurface and pygame.transform.scale
mget & mset: VRAM 2D array indexing, read/write
pix (!: numpy library dependant): use pygame.surfarray.pixels3d
print: use pygame.font.Font
rect & rectb: use pygame.draw.rect
sfx (!: note and speed parameters not supported by Pygame): use pygame.mixer.Sound, pygame.mixer.Channel and pygame.mixer.Sound.set_volume
spr (!: 0-255 index only): use pygame.Surface, pygame.Surface.subsurface, pygame.transform.flip, pygame.transform.scale and pygame.transform.rotate
time: use pygame.time.get_ticks
trace (!: builtins built-in module dependant): use builtins.print with ANSI escape sequences for RGB color
tstamp (!: time built-in module dependant): use time.time()
tri & trib: use pygame.draw.polygon
Some excluded functions:
TIC, SCN(n), OVR, BDR: Callbacks
peek & peek4, poke & poke4, memcpy & memset: Memory Mapping
fset & fget: Sprite flags
To do list:
- btnp: button input
- key & keyp: keyboard input
- textri (!: pygame.gfxdraw library dependant): textured triangle
- mouse: mouse input
- TIC-80 smallfont: system font variant
- pix (!: numpy library dependant): per pixel read or write access
- sync: function for asset management (!: important)
- wiki (20/23): for show examples and tutorials