1st place solution to the Satellite Image Change Detection Challenge hosted by SenseTime


SenseEarth2020 - ChangeDetection

1st place in the Satellite Image Change Detection Challenge hosted by SenseTime.

Our Method

Task Description

Given two images of the same scene acquired at different times, we are required to mark the changed and unchanged areas. Moreover, as for the changed areas, we need to annotate their detailed semantic masks.

The change detection task in this competition can be decomposed into two sub-tasks:

  • binary segmentation of changed and unchanged areas.
  • semantic segmentation of changed areas.



Pseudo Labeling

The core practice is using self-distillation strategy to assign pseudo labels to unchanged areas.

Specifically, in our experiments, predictions of five HRNet-based segmentation models are ensembled, serving as pseudo labels of unchanged areas.

The overall training process can be summarized as:

  • Training multiple large segmentation models.
  • Ensembling their predictions on unchanged areas.
  • Training a smaller model with both labeled and pseudo labeled areas.

For more details, please refer to the technical report and presentation.

Getting Started


Description | Download [password: f3qq]

Pretrained Model

HRNet-W18 | HRNet-W40 | HRNet-W44 | HRNet-W48 | HRNet-W64

Final Trained Model

PSPNet-HRNet-W18 | PSPNet-HRNet-W40

File Organization

# store the whole dataset and pretrained backbones
mkdir -p data/dataset ; mkdir -p data/pretrained_models ;

# store the trained models
mkdir -p outdir/models ; 

# store the pseudo masks
mkdir -p outdir/masks/train/im1 ; mkdir -p outdir/masks/train/im2 ;

# store predictions of validation set and testing set
mkdir -p outdir/masks/val/im1 ; mkdir -p outdir/masks/val/im2 ;
mkdir -p outdir/masks/test/im1 ; mkdir -p outdir/masks/test/im2 ;

├── data
    ├── dataset                    # download from the link above
    │   ├── train                  # training set
    |   |   ├── im1
    |   |   └── ...
    │   └── val                    # the final testing set (without labels)
    └── pretrained_models
        ├── hrnet_w18.pth
        ├── hrnet_w40.pth
        └── ...


# Please refer to utils/options.py for more arguments
# If hardware supports, more backbones can be trained, such as hrnet_w44, hrnet_w48
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python train.py --backbone hrnet_w18 --pretrained --model pspnet --lightweight

Pseudo Labeling & Re-training

# This step is optional but important in performance improvement
# Modify the backbones, models and checkpoint paths in L20-40 in label.py manually according to your saved models
# It is better to ensemble multiple trained models for pseudo labeling

# Pseudo labeling
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python label.py

# Re-training
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python train.py --backbone hrnet_w18 --pretrained --model pspnet --lightweight --use-pseudo-label


# Modify the backbones, models and checkpoint paths in L39-44 in test.py manually according to your saved models
# Or simply use our final trained models
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python test.py
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    楼主你好,在阅读楼主的源代码的时候,有些地方不是很明白,希望能得到楼主的指点: 1、在change_detection.py中 CLASSES = ['未变化区域', '水体', '地面', '低矮植被', '树木', '建筑物', '运动场'] 以及商汤提供的标签都指明 未变化区域标记为0,水体标记为1,地面为2,低矮植被为3,树木为4,建筑物为5,运动场为6。 但是,在随后的一段代码中: if self.mode == 'train': gt_mask1 = np.array(Image.open(os.path.join(self.root, 'label1', id))) mask_bin = np.zeros_like(gt_mask1) mask_bin[gt_mask1 == 0] = 1 mask_bin = Image.fromarray(mask_bin) 为什么把mask_bin 标签为0都改为1?标签为0不是表示改区域未发生变化吗?

    2、在训练代码train.py中: out1, out2, out_bin = self.model(img1, img2)

                loss1 = self.criterion(out1, mask1 - 1)
                loss2 = self.criterion(out2, mask2 - 1)
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        print(x1.shape)  # 打印出四张shape为[1, 3, 512, 512]的Tensor
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    self.stage4_cfg = extra['STAGE4']
    num_channels = self.stage4_cfg['NUM_CHANNELS']
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