Time should be taken seer-iously


Unit Tests


seers - (Noun) plural form of seer - A person who foretells future events by or as if by supernatural means

TimeSeers is an hierarchical Bayesian Time Series model based on Facebooks Prophet, written in PyMC3.

The goal of the TimeSeers project is to provide an easily extensible alternative to Prophet for timeseries modelling when multiple time series are expected to share parts of their parameters.


TimeSeers is designed as a language for building time series models. It offers a toolbox of various components which can be arranged in a formula. We can compose these components in various ways to best fit our problem.

TimeSeers strongly encourages using uncertainty estimates, and will by default use MCMC to get full posterior estimates.

from timeseers import LinearTrend, FourierSeasonality
import pandas as pd

model = LinearTrend() + FourierSeasonality(period=pd.Timedelta(days=365)) + FourierSeasonality(period=pd.Timedelta(days=365))
model.fit(data[['t']], data['value'])

Multiplicative seasonality

from timeseers import LinearTrend, FourierSeasonality
import pandas as pd

passengers = pd.read_csv('AirPassengers.csv').reset_index().assign(
    t=lambda d: pd.to_datetime(d['Month']),
    value=lambda d: d['#Passengers']

model = LinearTrend(n_changepoints=10) * FourierSeasonality(n=5, period=pd.Timedelta(days=365))
model.fit(passengers[['t']], passengers['value'], tune=2000)

model.plot_components(X_true=passengers, y_true=passengers['value']);
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, beta, m, delta, k]
Sampling 4 chains, 0 divergences: 100%|██████████| 10000/10000 [00:57<00:00, 173.30draws/s]



PR's and suggestions are always welcome. Please open an issue on the issue list before submitting though in order to avoid doing unnecessary work. I try to adhere to the scikit-learn style as much as possible. This means:

  • Fitted parameters have a trailing underscore
  • No parameter modification is done in __init__ methods of model components
  • Settle on the API for hierarchical models

    Settle on the API for hierarchical models

    # 1) class option
    model = LinearTrend() + FourierSeasonality()
    model = HierarchicalLinearTrend(group='subject') + FourierSeasonality()
    model = GroupedLinearTrend(group='subject') + FourierSeasonality()
    # 2) metaclass option
    model = LinearTrend() + FourierSeasonality()
    model = Hierarchical(LinearTrend(), on='subject') + FourierSeasonality()
    model = Distinct(LinearTrend(), on='subject') + FourierSeasonality()
    # 3) seperate hierarchy object 1
    partial_subject = Share(type='partially_shared', on='subject')
    distinct_subject = Share(type='distinct', on='subject')
    model = LinearTrend() + FourierSeasonality()
    model = LinearTrend().share(partial_subject) + FourierSeasonality()
    model = LinearTrend().share(distinct_subject) + FourierSeasonality()
    # 4) seperate hierarchy object 2
    shared_subject = Share(type='shared')  # default
    partial_subject = Share(type='partially_shared', on='subject')
    distinct_subject = Share(type='distinct', on='subject')
    model = LinearTrend(share=shared_subject) + FourierSeasonality(share=shared_subject)
    model = LinearTrend(share=partial_subject) + FourierSeasonality()
    model = LinearTrend(share=distinct_subject) + FourierSeasonality()
    # 5) keyword option
    model = LinearTrend(shared='full') + FourierSeasonality()  #  shared='full' is default
    model = LinearTrend(group='subject', shared='partial') + FourierSeasonality()
    model = LinearTrend(group='subject', shared='none') + FourierSeasonality()
    # Cannibalism in this option
    model = Constant(range=(0, None), shared='none') + LinearTrend(shared='full') + ((FourierSeasonality(perios=365) + FourierSeasonality(period=7)) * Constant(range=[-1, 1], group='subject', shared='none'))
    model = LinearTrend() + (FourierSeasonality(perios=365) * Constant(range=[-1, 1], group='subject', shared='none')) + FourierSeasonality(period=7)
    # 6) keyword option
    model = LinearTrend() + FourierSeasonality()
    model = LinearTrend(partially_shared_on='subject') + FourierSeasonality()
    model = LinearTrend(distinct_on='subject') + FourierSeasonality()
    # 7) bitwise or Operator option
    model = LinearTrend()                                         # single estimation for all subjects
    model = (LinearTrend() | 'subject') + FourierSeasonality()    # hierarchical estimation
    model = (LinearTrend() || ('subject') + FourierSeasonality()  # independent estimation

    #return day well spent

    opened by MBrouns 6
  • Add RBFSeasonality

    Add RBFSeasonality

    I have been working on this feature, and had chance to play with it on some highly seasonal series. If you think this would be a nice feature, I can wrap it up, open a PR and hopefully share some plots.

    opened by kori73 4
  • Provide robustness to outliers

    Provide robustness to outliers

    Sometimes there is an unknown special effect that results in very high values in the time series. (let's say a hurricane). I might be okay not getting accurate predictions for those unknown special days. But the neighboring points might also be affected due to the Fourier seasonality. I think it could be nice to provide a model that is robust to outliers. One approach could be adding an option to use pm.StudentT for the observations.

    PyMC3 docs has a nice example that includes other (more advanced) methods as well. GLM: Robust Regression example

    Here is a motivating example:

    from timeseers.utils import seasonal_data
    from timeseers import FourierSeasonality, LinearTrend
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    df, _ = seasonal_data(5)
    df.loc[630, "value"] = 100.
    df.loc[631, "value"] = 100.
    df.loc[632, "value"] = 100.
    df.loc[633, "value"] = 100.
    model = FourierSeasonality(n=5, period=pd.Timedelta(days=365)) + LinearTrend(n_changepoints=1)
    model.fit(df[["t"]], df["value"], tune=2000, cores=1, chains=1)
    model.plot_components(X_true=df, y_true=df['value'])

    Using normal distribution I get the following predictions.


    Changing to StudentT (two line diff), I get:


    Do you think this would be a useful addition to the library?

    Afterthought: There is a similar discussion on fbprophet too. See: #1500.

    It might be nice if the users could define the likelihood in TimeSeriesModel as they please.

    opened by kori73 2
  • Does/can timeseers support external models for trend ?

    Does/can timeseers support external models for trend ?

    Sorry for writing this question as an issue. One of the applications I deal with is forecasting short-mid life sku (2-10months). With prophet, you cannot model the trend for the product lifecycle with introduction-growth-maturity-decline phases. However, we can model trend with some kind of scikit/random forest type model based on other SKUs that have completed their lifecycle.

    Is there any way to insert an external model for the trend component, for an application such as above?

    opened by akrishnamo 1
  • Add RBFSeasonality

    Add RBFSeasonality

    Closes #39

    Add RBFSeasonality class and its tests. One might directly specify the peaks by passing peaks argument. Otherwise default peaks are obtained by evenly placing 20 peaks in a single period. I have also added rbf_seasonal_data utility for testing purposes.

    I have tried running it with seasonal_data and rbf_seasonal_data. Both seems fine. I have also tested it some real sales data (both with partial pooling and complete pooling). It seems to perform well especially with highly seasonal series (such as fruit sales). I hope I can share such plots in the future.

    Here is a sample of peaks (features):


    Code to reproduce:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from timeseers.utils import MinMaxScaler
    def _X_t(t, periods, p, sigma, year):
        year = year / p
        mod = (t % year)[:, None]
        left_difference = np.sqrt( (mod - periods[None, :]) **2 )
        right_difference = np.abs(year - left_difference)
        return  np.exp(- ((np.minimum(left_difference, right_difference)) ** 2) / (2 * sigma**2))
    t = pd.Series(pd.date_range("2010-01-01", "2014-01-01"))
    scaler = MinMaxScaler()
    scaled_t = scaler.fit_transform(t)
    periods = [pd.Timedelta(days=i * 18.2625) for i in range(20)]
    periods_ = [p / scaler.scale_factor_ for p in periods]
    periods_ = np.array(periods_)
    scale_factor = t.max() - t.min()
    res = _X_t(scaled_t, periods_, scaler.scale_factor_, sigma=0.01, year=pd.Timedelta(days=365.25))

    Here is a fit when the data is obtained with seasonal_data utility:


    Code to reproduce:

    from timeseers import RBFSeasonality
    from timeseers.utils import seasonal_data, MinMaxScaler
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df, _ = seasonal_data(5)
    periods = [pd.Timedelta(days=i * 18.2625) for i in range(20)]
    pers = np.array(periods)
    model = RBFSeasonality(period=pd.Timedelta(days=365.25), sigma=0.01)
    model.fit(df[['t']], df['value'], tune=2000, y_scaler=MinMaxScaler)
    model.plot_components(X_true=df, y_true=df['value']);

    Here is a sample fit with rbf_seasonal_data:


    Code to reproduce:

    import pandas as pd
    from timeseers.utils import MinMaxScaler, get_periodic_peaks, rbf_seasonal_data
    from timeseers import RBFSeasonality
    df, _ = rbf_seasonal_data(5)
    ps = get_periodic_peaks(10)
    period = pd.Timedelta(days=365.25)
    model = RBFSeasonality(peaks=ps, period=period, sigma=0.015)
    model.fit(df[['t']], df['value'], tune=2000, y_scaler=MinMaxScaler)
    model.plot_components(X_true=df, y_true=df['value']);

    Not sure about the API, maybe you can point me towards some improvements.

    opened by kori73 1
  • Allow model extension with arbitrary likelihood

    Allow model extension with arbitrary likelihood

    Here's my take on this.

    • Add base Likehood class
    • Allow users to pass arbitrary likelihood terms as instances of Likelihood
    • Define Gaussian likelihood and use it as the default
    • Add StudentT likelihood. We might remove this one and expect the users to extend as they please. Or we can create a pool of likelihoods (i.e. negative binomial).

    I'm not sure about the variable naming.

    Closes #30

    opened by kori73 1
  • add piecewise logistic growth with constant capacity

    add piecewise logistic growth with constant capacity

    Closes #2 Added piecewise logistic growth and tested with some data. I have tested with the example data at prophet docs

    • I had to add a MaxScaler to get the model working properly. I am not sure if it's okay. Fbprophet does something like this:
            if self.growth == 'logistic' and 'floor' in df:
                self.logistic_floor = True
                floor = df['floor']
                floor = 0.
            self.y_scale = (df['y'] - floor).abs().max()
            if 'y' in df:
                df['y_scaled'] = (df['y'] - df['floor']) / self.y_scale
    • I have added a test case following other examples.
    • Currently we have a constant capacity and no floor.
    opened by kori73 1
  • Remove theano imports

    Remove theano imports


    I was browsing through the codebase and found it very interesting, considering playing a bit more with it.

    I saw then, that in some modules, there seems to be an unnecessary dependency on the theano.


    No big issue, but more accessible if this would be removed while being quite a quick fix. What do you think?

    opened by MichalChromcak 1
  • fix unit tests

    fix unit tests

    I went ahead and created a PR. Feel free to reject if you have other plans here.

    • y_scale_factor changed to std_
    • parameter names are updated
    • I forgot to remove cores=1 and chains=1 from logistic growth test. That might be slowing down.

    Closes #35

    opened by kori73 0
  • Sample weight

    Sample weight

    The weighted regression is implemented via pm.Potential and the logp method for each pymc3 distribution. To implement, added define_priors abstract method to generalize the previous abstract observed method.

    The sample_weight argument is added to the fit method of TimeSeriesModel in the same format as sklearn arguments.

    Currently working through tests.

    opened by wd60622 3
  • Add regressors to the model

    Add regressors to the model

    Hi, Matthijs!

    You’ve done a good job with your timeseers package! Thanks! I’m a data scientist in a big retail company and we are now working on a new product in which we want to forecast sales. It seems like timeseers could be a great decision because we have lots of SKUs and it is really difficult to builld a model for each of them individually. In our model we would like to use some exogenous regressors. It seems like timeseers already has a “Regressor” module. However, it is not very clear if it works and how it works. Could you please give some comments about it or some toy example how to use it? Does it work only with categorical features or continuous features can also be used? What “ON” argument is used for?

    Thanks in advance for your reply!


    opened by Kate209 4
  • AttributeError: 'LogisticGrowth' object has no attribute '_y_scaler_'

    AttributeError: 'LogisticGrowth' object has no attribute '_y_scaler_'

    When using the LogisticGrowth model the _y_scale attribute of the base class is not found. This seem to be because the method that actually sets this attribute is never called.

    opened by juan-carvajal 1
  • Does grouping with a single group make it unnecessary slow?

    Does grouping with a single group make it unnecessary slow?

    For example, line 38 - 44 in linear_trend with n_groups=1 makes delta a matrix of 1 by n_changepoints. It might be faster if this is just a vector in that case?

    opened by pim-hoeven 0
  • LinearTrend() error if run without arguments

    LinearTrend() error if run without arguments

    We noticed that if we run the a model with a LinearTrend without any arguments it errors with an unclear error message: " unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' "

    opened by wesleyboelrijk 2
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This application is the basic of automated online-class-joiner(for YıldızEdu) within the right time. Gets the ZOOM link by scheduled date and time.

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