From "fixed RAnDom CRashes" to "[FIX] Fixed random crashes."


Clean Commit

From fixed RAnDom CRashes to [FIX] Fixed random crashes.

Clean commit helps you by auto-formating your commits to make your repos better !


  • Download the python file.
  • Add alias to your Run Command file : alias gp="python3 /path/to/"

That's it !

How does it work ?

Simply write gp <your commit message>

The script will fclean your repo, add all new files to a commit and push it to your GitHub repo.

It will automatically detect the type of your commit (INIT / FEAT / FIX / STYLE) and format the message as it should.

It will also fix misplaced capital letters.

Commit aliases

By default, the script has two commit aliases :

gp init //[INIT] Initialised repository.
gp cs //[STYLE] Improved coding style.
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