Official Pytorch implementation of the paper "Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Synthesis with Transformer VAE", ICCV 2021

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Official Pytorch implementation of the paper "Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Synthesis with Transformer VAE", ICCV 2021.

Please visit our webpage for more details.



If you find this code useful in your research, please cite:

  title     = {Action-Conditioned 3{D} Human Motion Synthesis with Transformer {VAE}},
  author    = {Petrovich, Mathis and Black, Michael J. and Varol, G{\"u}l},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  year      = {2021}

Installation 👷

1. Create conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate actor

Or install the following packages in your pytorch environnement:

pip install tensorboard
pip install matplotlib
pip install ipdb
pip install sklearn
pip install pandas
pip install tqdm
pip install imageio
pip install pyyaml
pip install smplx
pip install chumpy

The code was tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.7.1.

2. Download the datasets

For all the datasets, be sure to read and follow their license agreements, and cite them accordingly.

For more information about the datasets we use in this research, please check this page, where we provide information on how we obtain/process the datasets and their citations. Please cite the original references for each of the datasets as indicated.

Please install gdown to download directly from Google Drive and then:

bash prepare/

Update: Unfortunately, the NTU13 dataset (derived from NTU) is no longer available.

3. Download some SMPL files

bash prepare/

This will download the SMPL neutral model from this github repo and additionnal files.

If you want to integrate the male and the female versions, you must:

  • Download the models from the SMPL website
  • Move them to models/smpl
  • Change the SMPL_MODEL_PATH variable in src/ accordingly.

4. Download the action recogition models

bash prepare/

Action recognition models are used to extract motion features for evaluation.

For NTU13 and HumanAct12, we use the action recognition models directly from Action2Motion project.

For the UESTC dataset, we train an action recognition model using STGCN, with this command line:

python -m src.train.train_stgcn --dataset uestc --extraction_method vibe --pose_rep rot6d --num_epochs 100 --snapshot 50 --batch_size 64 --lr 0.0001 --num_frames 60 --view all --sampling conseq --sampling_step 1 --glob --no-translation --folder recognition_training

How to use ACTOR 🚀



python -m src.train.train_cvae --modelname cvae_transformer_rc_rcxyz_kl --pose_rep rot6d --lambda_kl 1e-5 --jointstype vertices --batch_size 20 --num_frames 60 --num_layers 8 --lr 0.0001 --glob --translation --no-vertstrans --dataset DATASET --num_epochs 2000 --snapshot 100 --folder exp/ntu13



python -m src.train.train_cvae --modelname cvae_transformer_rc_rcxyz_kl --pose_rep rot6d --lambda_kl 1e-5 --jointstype vertices --batch_size 20 --num_frames 60 --num_layers 8 --lr 0.0001 --glob --translation --no-vertstrans --dataset humanact12 --num_epochs 5000 --snapshot 100 --folder exps/humanact12



python -m src.train.train_cvae --modelname cvae_transformer_rc_rcxyz_kl --pose_rep rot6d --lambda_kl 1e-5 --jointstype vertices --batch_size 20 --num_frames 60 --num_layers 8 --lr 0.0001 --glob --translation --no-vertstrans --dataset uestc --num_epochs 1000 --snapshot 100 --folder exps/uestc


python -m src.evaluate.evaluate_cvae PATH/TO/checkpoint_XXXX.pth.tar --batch_size 64 --niter 20

This script will evaluate the trained model, on the epoch XXXX, with 20 different seeds, and put all the results in PATH/TO/evaluation_metrics_XXXX_all.yaml.

If you want to get a table with mean and interval, you can use this script:

python -m src.evaluate.tables.easy_table PATH/TO/evaluation_metrics_XXXX_all.yaml

Pretrained models

You can download pretrained models with this script:

bash prepare/


Grid of stick figures

 python -m src.visualize.visualize_checkpoint PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT.tar --num_actions_to_sample 5  --num_samples_per_action 5

Each line corresponds to an action. The first column on the right represents a movement of the dataset, and the second column represents the reconstruction of the movement (via encoding/decoding). All other columns on the left are generations with random noise.



Generating and rendering SMPL meshes

Additional dependencies

pip install trimesh
pip install pyrender
pip install imageio-ffmpeg

Generate motions

python -m src.generate.generate_sequences PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT.tar --num_samples_per_action 10 --cpu

It will generate 10 samples per action, and store them in PATH/TO/generation.npy.

Render motions

python -m src.render.rendermotion PATH/TO/generation.npy

It will render the sequences into this folder PATH/TO/generation/.

Pickup Raising arms High knee running Bending torso Knee raising

Overview of the available models

List of models

modeltype architecture losses
cvae fc rc
gru rcxyz
transformer kl

Construct a model

Follow this: {modeltype}_{architecture} + "_".join(*losses)

For example for the cvae model with Transformer encoder/decoder and with rc, rcxyz and kl loss, you can use: --modelname cvae_transformer_rc_rcxyz_kl.


This code is distributed under an MIT LICENSE.

Note that our code depends on other libraries, including SMPL, SMPL-X, PyTorch3D, and uses datasets which each have their own respective licenses that must also be followed.

  • Training result of UETSC dataset differs from the pertained model

    Training result of UETSC dataset differs from the pertained model

    Hi, first of all, Thank you for releasing the nicely arranged code. Released code really helped understanding of the model, and I appreciate kindly written instructions for the code.

    However, I encountered undesirable result on UETSC dataset, which comes from the model I trained from the scratch. I followed instruction on the dataset, also did not modify training script. python -m src.train.train_cvae --modelname cvae_transformer_rc_rcxyz_kl --pose_rep rot6d --lambda_kl 1e-5 --jointstype vertices --batch_size 20 --num_frames 60 --num_layers 8 --lr 0.0001 --glob --translation --no-vertstrans --dataset uestc --num_epochs 1000 --snapshot 100 --folder exps/uestc

    I double-checked whether saved opt.yml file from the experiment is identical to the pretrained model, but I found that no configurations were different. Also, I conducted the same experiment twice but results were identical.

    This is the train log of the released pretrained model, 스크린샷 2022-02-10 오전 10 41 38

    and these are the train logs from the trainings I conducted. 스크린샷 2022-02-10 오전 10 42 40

    As my training result on HumanAct dataset is same with the pre-trained model, I guess no training environmental issue involves here.

    Is there any possible reason for this failure of the training?

    opened by jinseokbae 4
  • Train/val/test split for HumanAct12

    Train/val/test split for HumanAct12

    Hi, Thanks for releasing your code. I am wondering what is the train/val/test split that you are using for HumanAct12? It seems that you are always using the entire dataset for training and evaluating if I am not mistaken.. Tanks for your feedback and your help.

    opened by fabienbaradel 4
  • GLError  during render motions

    GLError during render motions

    Hello,Mathux! Thanks for your implementation. When I tried to render motions with generation.npy, the error occurs like the following. I have tried the introduction in this link, but it does not work. Thank you in advance! image

    opened by wang-zm18 4
  • How can i input the output data of decoder into input data of decoder?

    How can i input the output data of decoder into input data of decoder?

    I want to expand output length like following method, i.e. run decoder twice. Because i think if i only expand length from 60 to 120 lengths, meaningless output will be generated after 60th frame.

    If i generate 120 length(60 length *2) input -> decoder -> output(60 length) -> input -> decoder -> output(60 length) => total 120 length.

    opened by SinDongHwan 3
  • storing predicted rotations in bvh format

    storing predicted rotations in bvh format


    Is there a way to store model generated rotations as bvh file ? I want to load the generated motion via following package in order to proceed with my research. Thanks.

    opened by Neptune-Trojans 3
  • AttributeError on command visualize grid

    AttributeError on command visualize grid


    I am an University student at UHA (Université de Haute Alsace) and as my university project, I have to try to make your code ACTOR to work on Google Colab. But when I got to the part when i tried to visualize the grid I got this error:

    error visualize I got the same error with the trained models created with the command train or the pretrained models.

    Could you please tell me if you have a solution to this problem?

    Cordialy, Scherrer Xavier

    opened by AllKings 2
  • Question for embedding dimension

    Question for embedding dimension

    Thanks for the wonderful work @Mathux! I really enjoyed reading paper and also testing it on my environment, while looking at your code and paper, I found out that you've set dimensionality of embedding for VAE to 256 and I'm wondering if there's any reason for this.

    Thanks, Joseph

    opened by JosephKKim 2
  • shake in the later sequence

    shake in the later sequence

    Hi, @Mathux , Thanks for your nice work! I encountered some issue when i generated some motion sequences. Like the shake problem occurred about 60 frames later, do you have any idea about it? thanks!

    opened by bigpo 2
  • Adding clothes or skin

    Adding clothes or skin

    Hello Dear Author. Thank you very much for your good work. I wanted to ask if there is a way to add clothes, skin, background to these 3d actions.

    Thank you very much,


    opened by sard0r 1
  • How can I concatenate 2d and 3d tensors?

    How can I concatenate 2d and 3d tensors?

    opened by Eddie-Hwang 1
  • missing module

    missing module "optutils"

    Hi, thank you for the code, I have already trained some models and would like to visualize the results. However, the scripts and are trying to import the module optutils, which seems to be missing from the repository. Could you please add this module?

    opened by gabinsane 1
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