External Attention Network

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Deep Learning EANet

Beyond Self-attention: External Attention using Two Linear Layers for Visual Tasks

paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.02358

EAMLP will come soon

Jittor code will come soon

Pascal VOC test result link

Pascal VOC pretrained model link

You can download the pretrained model and then run python test.py to reproduce the pascal voc test result.

Other implementation:

Pytorch : https://github.com/xmu-xiaoma666/External-Attention-pytorch


  • release jittor semantic segmentation code and checkpoint.
  • release torch semantic segmentation code and checkpoint.
  • release point cloud related code and checkpoint.
  • merge segmentation module into mmsegmentation to reproduce the ADE20K and Cityscapes dataset results.
  • merge PyTorch-StudioGAN to reproduce the GAN results.


We would like to sincerely thank HamNet_seg, EMANet_seg, openseg, T2T-ViT, mmsegmentation and PyTorch-StudioGAN for their awesome released code.


Attention mechanisms, especially self-attention, play an increasingly important role in deep feature representation in visual tasks. Self-attention updates the feature at each position by computing a weighted sum of features using pair-wise affinities across all positions to capture long-range dependency within a single sample. However, self-attention has a quadratic complexity and ignores potential correlation between different samples. This paper proposes a novel attention mechanism which we call external attention, based on two external, small, learnable, and shared memories, which can be implemented easily by simply using two cascaded linear layers and two normalization layers; it conveniently replaces self-attention in existing popular architectures. External attention has linear complexity and implicitly considers the correlations between all samples. Extensive experiments on image classification, semantic segmentation, image generation, point cloud classification and point cloud segmentation tasks reveal that our method provides comparable or superior performance to the self-attention mechanism and some of its variants, with much lower computational and memory costs.


Jittor is a high-performance deep learning framework which is easy to learn and use. It provides interfaces like Pytorch.

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Jittor homepage: https://cg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/jittor/

Jittor github: https://github.com/Jittor/jittor

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If it is helpful for your work, please cite this paper:

      title={Beyond Self-attention: External Attention using Two Linear Layers for Visual Tasks}, 
      author={Meng-Hao Guo and Zheng-Ning Liu and Tai-Jiang Mu and Shi-Min Hu},
  • the code of multi head external attetion can't work

    the code of multi head external attetion can't work

    85ed43e6f2f7159a117ad374faa6570 It's obvious that the code is wrong. You should check the reshape and transpose part in your code. And what is the coef? It has not been mentioned in the paper. And also you didn't import the torch. And the qkv_bias, qk_scale is not used here. Did you really run the multi-head version in your paper?

    opened by DRJYYDS 3
  • 关于EA实现的2个问题,线性层和normalization


    先reshape(view)再Conv1d和直接11 Conv2d有什么区别,为什么不直接用11 Conv2d呢?

    而且这么看的话,EA和ResNet的bottleneck非常相似,都是沙漏状11 Conv2d中间夹一个模块,只不过ResNet夹的是BN-ReLU-33 Conv2d-BN-ReLU,而EA夹的是double normalization

    另外,我把normalization从先在N=H*W维度上softmax再在k=S维度上L1 norm改成只在k=S维度上softmax,在简单的任务上性能没有显著差异,不知道作者有没有做相关的消融实验?(论文中没有提及)

    opened by YouJiacheng 3
  • Question about multi-head EA

    Question about multi-head EA

    Hi, Thanks for releasing the code! Do you think the representation capability of MEA is lower than EA, since the external memories are shared across different heads?

    opened by easonyang1996 2
  • External_attention in the code is strange, only do attention on channel, but no attention on pixel.

    External_attention in the code is strange, only do attention on channel, but no attention on pixel.

    Hello Menhao, I have some question about the difference between code and paper. In the paper, 'Equation (5) is the similarity between the i-th pixel and the j-th rows of M', external attention do the attention between pixels, however in the code I think Conv1d only can do the attention amount only one pixels’ channels, and pixels in F not do attention with pixels in M. And in the paper 'In fact, we find that a small _S_, e.g. 64, works well in experiments.' but in the code d is setted to 64 instead of S.

    opened by zanonShao 2
  • The problem of  the program running on Cifar10/100

    The problem of the program running on Cifar10/100

    Hi,Menghao. I run the command: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,3 python transfer_learning.py and want to verify the performance of EANet on Cifar10/100. But after two rounds of iteration, the loss function remains unchanged. And the value of ACC is always 10.000%. The result is shown in the figure below: 屏幕截图 2021-06-09 105152 Could you please help me to solve this problem?

    opened by laohanlin 1
  • Reproducing semantic segmentation result on PASCAL VOC

    Reproducing semantic segmentation result on PASCAL VOC

    Not able to reproduce semantic segmentation result on PASCAL VOC val with MMSegmentation. I used the code from https://github.com/MenghaoGuo/-EANet/blob/main/model_torch.py and modified nothing despite replacing the backbone with the one in MMSegmentation. After training EANet and PSPNet with several sets of configs, the result is that the mIoU of EANet is always a little bit below PSPNet, e.g. 73 vs 75. Any suggestions?

    opened by npurson 1
  • Visualization Code of Attention Maps

    Visualization Code of Attention Maps

    Thanks for sharing this great work. I was reading the paper and trying to understand the mechanism. In the paper, Fig 4 outcomes caught my attention, and wanted to see how such amazing attention has been generated. Is the generated code already released or will be?

    opened by innat 0
  • multi_head_attention_torch.py


    作者您好,关于multi head attention代码中,self.coef=4,这里的coef=4的作用是什么呢?self.trans_dims = nn.Linear(dim, dim * self.coef)的输入输出是不同维度,但原始self attention中的Q经过现性变换前后维度相同,这是为什么呢。

    opened by WUHE-art 0
  • EA代码细节问题


    作者您好,最近阅读了你的论文,产生了浓厚的兴趣,仔细阅读了论文和代码,这里有一个疑问。在multi_head_attention_torch.py文件中,外部注意力机制的实现经过了4个线性层,第一个线性层将Q的维度由dim变成dim×4,中间两层是记忆单元维度64,最后输出将dim×4变回dim,但这样做会增加计算量,比自注意力的计算量大,虽然EA的复杂度是线性的。 上面是我的一点疑问,期待你的答复,谢谢。

    opened by WUHE-art 0
  • External Attention v.s. Covolutional Kernel

    External Attention v.s. Covolutional Kernel

    Intuitively, the memory units serve as prototypes for different patterns, almost play the same role as a convolution kernel (especially 1*1 conv kernel). From the perspective of mathematical operation, In both cases, the dot product between the feature vector and the memory unit/convolution kernel will be the output.

    Hence the question comes that, what are the differences between a memory unit and a convolution kernel?

    opened by rayleizhu 0
  • No Resnet connection ?

    No Resnet connection ?


    I see that the new multi-head version doesn 't use resnet connection, which is different from former version. Nor did you use normalization. How do you think about this ?

    Thank you.

    opened by shuuchen 0
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