A library for generating fake data and populating database tables.


Knockoff Factory

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A library for generating mock data and creating database fixtures that can be used for unit testing.

Table of content


pip install knockoff


See the changelog for a history of notable changes to knockoff.


We are working on adding more documentation and examples!

Unit Tests


  • docker
  • poetry (curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python)

Some of the unit tests depend on a database instance. Knockoff will create ephemeral databases within that instance and clean them up when tests have completed. By default it will attempt to connect to an existing instance at postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres and will create and destroy databases per test. This postgres location can be overridden with the KNOCKOFF_TEST_DB_URI environment variable.

If no external postgres instance is available for testing, but postgresql is installed, the TEST_USE_EXTERNAL_DB environment variable can be set to 0. The fixtures will then rely on the testing.postgresql library to create ephemeral postgres instances per fixture.

If postgres is not available, dependent tests can be disabled with the following: export TEST_POSTGRES_ENABLED=0.

Create the database instance using docker:

docker run --rm  --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -d -p 5432:5432  postgres:11.9

Install poetry:

poetry install

Run unit test:

poetry run pytest

Future work

  • Further documentation and examples for SDK
  • Add yaml based configuration for SDK
  • Make extensible generic output for KnockffDB.insert (csv, parquet, etc)
  • Enable append option for KnockoffDB.insert
  • Autodiscover and populate all tables by using reflection and building dependency graph with foreign key relationships
  • Parallelize execution of dag. (e.g. https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/parallel/dag_dependencies.html)
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  • v4.3.2(Aug 3, 2022)

    • Removed dependency on six which was required for py23 compatibility.
    • Updated dependency-injector version to resolve poetry lock issue with six <=1.15.0.

    Additional information about the changes can be found here.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.3.1(Aug 3, 2022)

    Fixed backwards compatibility issue in KnockoffContainer with sqlalchemy breaking change for create_engine's positional arg changing into a kwarg, url. Fix KnockoffDB class so that it actually skips inserts where insert=False for a node Fix KnockoffTableFactory so that if you pass next_strategy_factory it won't complain about also providing next_strategy_callable

    Additional information about the changes can be found here.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.3.0(Jul 27, 2021)

    • Added io utilities for parallelizing writes to sql with joblib
    • Added rename and drop parameters for KnockoffTable
    • Added support for MySQL to TempDatabaseService (knockoff.tempdb.setup_teardown:mysql_setup_teardown)
    • Added reflect_schema method to KnockoffDatabaseService
    • Moved knockoff.testing_postgresql modules to knockoff.utilities.testing.postgresql
    • Parallelized DefaultDatabaseService inserts
    • Renamed KnockoffTable.build_record method to KnockoffTable._build_record declaring it as private by convention
    • Fixed DefaultDatabaseService's reflect_table method for MySql

    Additional information about changes can be found here.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.1(Jul 27, 2021)

    • Added default configurations for knockoff run CLI with environment variable override options
    • Moved clear_env_vars from knockoff.orm to knockoff.utilities.environ
    • Fixed issue where knockoff run CLI was not using the temp db created with the --ephemeral flag
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.0(Jul 19, 2021)

    • Add --ephemeral flag for knockoff run CLI to create temp database for loading knockoff configuration from sdk
    • Add unit tests for KnockoffDB.build and knockoff run CLI
    • Add Documentation and jupyter notebook for TempDatabaseService
    • Add Documentation and jupyter notebook for KnockoffDB
    • Moved legacy YAML based knockoff cli from README.md to legacy.MD
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.1.0(Jul 19, 2021)

  • v4.0.0(Jul 15, 2021)

    • Added ColumnFactory for providing factory functions instead of requiring as a tuple (column, factory)
    • Added build method for KnockoffDB to enable building dataframes without inserting into DB
    • Added run CLI command for loading data into database from sdk configuration
    • Added Blueprint class to sdk for more composable configuration
    • Added tempdb module and TempDatabaseService class
    • Made CLI extensible with injectable subcommands
    • Moved previous CLI to legacy subcommand for loading data into database using yaml configuration
    • Renamed knockoff.utilities.mixin:FactoryMixin to knockoff.utilities.mixin:ResourceLocatorMixin
    • Updated internal knockoff fixtures to use TempDatabaseService

    Additional changes can be found here.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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