No more boilerplate to check and build a Python object from JSON.

Related tags

JSON python json typing


This module is for you if you're tired of writing boilerplate that:

  • builds a straightforward Python object from loaded JSON.
  • checks that your input-loaded-JSON has all necessary attributes for your pipeline.
  • checks that your input JSON has the right types.


Main intended usage is through the JSONclass decorator, example below:

>> data['d'] = 1 # Let's fix the missing data >>> example = Example(data) # No more error in loading. >>> >>> >>> # We want to ensure we have *only* annotated parameters >>> data = {'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 1} >>> @JSONclass(annotations=True, annotations_strict=True) ... class Example: ... a : str ... b : int ... >>> try: ... example = Example(data) ... except KeyError: ... print("error - extra 'c'") ... error - extra 'c' >>> del data['c'] # Let's remove unwanted data >>> example = Example(data) # No more error in loading. >>> >>> # We want to ensure we have only annotated parameters and they >>> # are of annotated type. >>> data = {'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb'} >>> @JSONclass(annotations=True, annotations_strict=True, annotations_type=True) ... class Example: ... a : str ... b : int ... >>> try: ... example = Example(data) ... except TypeError: ... print("error - b is int") ... error - b is int">
>>> from jsonloader import JSONclass
>>> # By default we don't check for anything, we just build the object
>>> # as we received it.
>>> data = {'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 1}
>>> @JSONclass
... class Example:
...     pass
>>> example = Example(data)
>>> example.a
>>> example.b
>>> # We want to ensure we have annotated parameters
>>> data = {'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 1}
>>> @JSONclass(annotations=True)
... class Example:
...     a : str
...     d : int
>>> try:
...     example = Example(data)
... except KeyError:
...     print("error - missing 'd'")
error - missing 'd'
>>> data['d'] = 1  # Let's fix the missing data
>>> example = Example(data)  # No more error in loading.
>>> # We want to ensure we have *only* annotated parameters
>>> data = {'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 1}
>>> @JSONclass(annotations=True, annotations_strict=True)
... class Example:
...     a : str
...     b : int
>>> try:
...     example = Example(data)
... except KeyError:
...     print("error - extra 'c'")
error - extra 'c'
>>> del data['c']  # Let's remove unwanted data
>>> example = Example(data)  # No more error in loading.
>>> # We want to ensure we have only annotated parameters and they
>>> # are of annotated type.
>>> data = {'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb'}
>>> @JSONclass(annotations=True, annotations_strict=True, annotations_type=True)
... class Example:
...     a : str
...     b : int
>>> try:
...     example = Example(data)
... except TypeError:
...     print("error - b is int")
error - b is int


User installation

python3 -m virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install jsonloader

Developer installation

Github repository currently points to latest development version. Please jump to latest released version tag if you intend to work on PyPI version. For example git checkout tags/0.4.2.

python3 -m virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -e '.[dev]'

Run Tests

# From this repository top directory
nose2 -t . --with-doctest

Tests coverage

For example, leverage coverage module: nose2 -t . -C --coverage-report html

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