Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes


Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes

Python Pytorch Blender

This repository provides an end-to-end library for automatic character rigging and blend shapes generation as well as a visualization tool. It is based on our work Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes that is published in SIGGRAPH 2021.


Our code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04. Before starting, please configure your Anaconda environment by

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate neural-blend-shapes

Or you may install the following packages (and their dependencies) manually:

  • pytorch 1.8
  • tensorboard
  • tqdm
  • chumpy
  • opencv-python

Quick Start

We provide a pretrained model that is dedicated for biped character. Download and extract the pretrained model from Google Drive or Baidu Disk (9ras) and put the pre_trained folder under the project directory. Run

python demo.py --pose_file=./eval_constant/sequences/greeting.npy --obj_path=./eval_constant/meshes/maynard.obj

The nice greeting animation showed above will be saved in demo/obj as obj files. In addition, the generated skeleton will be saved as demo/skeleton.bvh and the skinning weight matrix will be saved as demo/weight.npy.

If you are interested in traditional linear blend skinning(LBS) technique result generated with our rig, you can specify --envelope_only=1 to evaluate our model only with the envelope branch.

We also provide other several meshes and animation sequences. Feel free to try their combinations!

Test on Customized Meshes

You may try to run our model with your own meshes by pointing the --obj_path argument to the input mesh. Please make sure your mesh is triangulated and has a consistent upright and front facing orientation. Since our model requires the input meshes are spatially aligned, please specify --normalize=1. Alternatively, you can try to scale and translate your mesh to align the provided eval_constant/meshes/smpl_std.obj without specifying --normalize=1.


To reconstruct the quantitative result with the pretrained model, you need to download the test dataset from Google Drive or Baidu Disk (8b0f) and put the two extracted folders under ./dataset and run

python evaluation.py

Blender Visualization

We provide a simple wrapper of blender's python API (>=2.80) for rendering 3D mesh animations and visualize skinning weight. The following code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and macOS Big Sur with Blender 2.92.

Note that due to the limitation of Blender, you cannot run Eevee render engine with a headless machine.

We also provide several arguments to control the behavior of the scripts. Please refer to the code for more details. To pass arguments to python script in blender, please do following:

blender [blend file path (optional)] -P [python script path] [-b (running at backstage, optional)] -- --arg1 [ARG1] --arg2 [ARG2]


We provide a simple light and camera setting in eval_constant/simple_scene.blend. You may need to adjust it before using. We use ffmpeg to convert images into video. Please make sure you have installed it before running. To render the obj files generated above, run

cd blender_script
blender ../eval_constant/simple_scene.blend -P render_mesh.py -b

The rendered per-frame image will be saved in demo/images and composited video will be saved as demo/video.mov.

Skinning Weight

Visualize the skinning weight is a good sanity check to see whether the model works as expected. We provide a script using Blender's built-in ShaderNodeVertexColor to visualize the skinning weight. Simply run

cd blender_script
blender -P vertex_color.py

You will see something similar to this if the model works as expected:

Mean while, you can import the generated skeleton (in demo/skeleton.bvh) to Blender. For skeleton rendering, please refer to deep-motion-editing.


The code in meshcnn is adapted from MeshCNN by @ranahanocka.

The code in models/skeleton.py is adapted from deep-motion-editing by @kfiraberman, @PeizhuoLi and @HalfSummer11.

The code in dataset/smpl_layer is adapted from smpl_pytorch by @gulvarol.

Part of the test models are taken from and SMPL, MultiGarmentNetwork and Adobe Mixamo.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

  author = {Li, Peizhuo and Aberman, Kfir and Hanocka, Rana and Liu, Libin and Sorkine-Hornung, Olga and Chen, Baoquan},
  title = {Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
  volume = {40},
  number = {4},
  pages = {1},
  year = {2021},
  publisher = {ACM}

Note: This repository is still under construction. We are planning to release the code and dataset for training soon.

  • Export Animated bvh or FBX?

    Export Animated bvh or FBX?

    First, thanks for your great work.

    Just wondering if exporting animated format(such as bvh or fbx) is supported ? Looks like demo.py only exports T-pose skeleton . I've tried to combine all outputs to fbx format but had trouble with animating character with a given pose. (In blender) I used pose (FrameN, Joint_Num,3) data as an input of euler value but it doesn't work.

    Any Suggestions??

    opened by huh8686 7
  • Error when try to show the animation

    Error when try to show the animation

    Great work! When I try to visualize the animation via blender following this, an error occured.

    Saved: '../demo/images/0000.png'
     Time: 00:00.28 (Saving: 00:00.25)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/yusun/Documents/GitHub/neural-blend-shapes/blender_scripts/render_mesh.py", line 96, in <module>
      File "/home/yusun/Documents/GitHub/neural-blend-shapes/blender_scripts/render_mesh.py", line 56, in batch_render
        render_obj(os.path.join(dir, file))
      File "/home/yusun/Documents/GitHub/neural-blend-shapes/blender_scripts/render_mesh.py", line 42, in render_obj
    AttributeError: 'Object' object has no attribute 'select_set'

    I am using Blender v2.91a. Any suggestion?

    opened by Arthur151 7
  • maya


    hello,I am a student of USTB,Thanks for excite project,I want to apply your project to maya, but I can't understand rig,I make a FBX file and run this code to get blendshape values,But with the wrong rig,the results is a bit bad, if you have made a fbx file?

    opened by yangtao19920109 5
  • Miko has lifted skeleton

    Miko has lifted skeleton


    python demo.py --pose_file=./eval_constant/sequences/house-dance.npy --obj_path=./eval_constant/meshes/miko.obj --normalize=1 --obj_output=0 --animated_bvh=1

    Screenshot from 2021-06-18 06-08-54

    opened by fire 4
  • Error: ZeroDivisionError: division by zero when importing custom mesh

    Error: ZeroDivisionError: division by zero when importing custom mesh

    (neural-blend-shapes) D:\CG_Source\NeRFs\3D_Avatar_Pipeline\neural-blend-shapes>python demo.py --pose_file=.\eval_constant\sequences\greeting.npy --obj_path=.\eval_constant\meshes\test_remesh.obj --animated_bvh=1 --obj_output=0 --normalize=1
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "demo.py", line 150, in <module>
      File "demo.py", line 132, in main
        env_model, res_model = load_model(device, model_args, topo_loader, args.model_path)
      File "demo.py", line 59, in load_model
        geo, att, gen = create_envelope_model(device, model_args, topo_loader, is_train=False, parents=parent_smpl)
      File "D:\CG_Source\NeRFs\3D_Avatar_Pipeline\neural-blend-shapes\architecture\__init__.py", line 34, in create_envelope_model
      File "D:\CG_Source\NeRFs\3D_Avatar_Pipeline\neural-blend-shapes\models\networks.py", line 54, in __init__
        topo_loader, requires_recorder, is_cont, save_freq)
      File "D:\CG_Source\NeRFs\3D_Avatar_Pipeline\neural-blend-shapes\models\meshcnn_base.py", line 56, in __init__
        val.extend([1 / len(neighbors)] * len(neighbors))
    ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

    I get this error, everytime I try your model with custom meshes. I checked to make sure they are triangulated and called with normalize=1 but this happens for all the meshes I have. Is there some MeshLab filter that I can apply/script which could parse my custom mesh before sending it to your model or a simple fix for this issue. Thank you for your amazing work!

    opened by codesavory 2
  • penetration occur when use a fat person

    penetration occur when use a fat person

    Hi @PeizhuoLi, thanks for sharing this wonderful work ,and I have try some obj with different shapes, but encountered penetration problem. it seems this situation didn't discuss in the paper, can you give some advice? thanks~

    opened by visonpon 1
  • Provide instructions for GPU based pytorch

    Provide instructions for GPU based pytorch

    Similar to the current cpu version. Provide an environment.yml for cuda based pytorch.

    It is non trivial to switch between gpu and cpu. https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/30664.

    opened by fire 1
  • when I run the command 'blender ......',I got this

    when I run the command 'blender ......',I got this

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "D:\360Downloads\neural_blend_shapes_main\blender_scripts\render_mesh.py", line 96, in batch_render(args.obj_path) File "D:\360Downloads\neural_blend_shapes_main\blender_scripts\render_mesh.py", line 56, in batch_render render_obj(os.path.join(dir, file)) File "D:\360Downloads\neural_blend_shapes_main\blender_scripts\render_mesh.py", line 33, in render_obj add_material_for_objs([obj], 'character') File "D:\360Downloads\neural_blend_shapes_main\blender_scripts\render_mesh.py", line 28, in add_material_for_objs raise Exception("This line shouldn't be reached") Exception: This line shouldn't be reached

    I don't know why this happen. My command is ' blender -P render_mesh.py -b'

    opened by Pean-Mura 1
  • FBX Output Script (Blender)

    FBX Output Script (Blender)

    This script allows to export neural-blend-shapes file (.fbx, .glb)

    To get neural-blendshapes model , just simply run blender -b -P nbs_fbx_output.py -- --input ../demo --output ../demo/output.fbx

    To get envelop-only model , just simply run blender -b -P nbs_fbx_output.py -- --input ../demo --output ../demo/output.fbx --envelope_only 1

    #Required Input direcotry is the directory where the ouputs are generated from 'demo.py'

    'T-pose.obj', 'skeleton.bvh' , 'weight.npy' and 'basis.npy' , 'coff.npy' should exist in input directory (e.g. ../demo) If 'basis.npy' , 'coff.npy' don't exist , envelope-only model will be exported.

    'basis.npy' and 'coff.npy' (that is required to get neural-blend-shape model) can be achieved from params called basis_full, coff respectively in ./architecture/blend_shapes.py

    e.g. I simply add this code in the forward function in ./architecture/blend_shapes.py

    import numpy as np np_basis = basis_full.detach().cpu().numpy() np_coff = coff.detach().cpu().numpy() np.save('./demo/basis.npy',np_basis) np.save('./demo/coff.npy',np_coff)

    opened by huh8686 0
  • broken custom  mesh after running demo

    broken custom mesh after running demo

    I met some similar issue as other mentioned before. I'm not sure if I missed some step to prepare the mesh. I tried to align it and fix the non manifold issue, but the mesh is still broken after I run the demo. I've attached my files, it contains the one I use as referral(maynard:Mesh) and the one I'm running the demo on(castle:Castleguard1), if you can take a look. Thanks! image

    Uploading confusion.fbx…

    opened by siRoblox 0
  • about data pre process

    about data pre process


    1. 三角化后的模型consistent upright and front facing orientation.是指模型导入引擎,朝向(比如fbx脚本里的axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')一致,然后是T-pose就行? 还是三角面片坐标上有什么含义?
    2. 和smpl_std.obj对齐,直接使用您给定的归一化函数就可以?还是有什么更细致的要求? 1665651058186
    opened by foocker 1
  • Questions regarding blendshapes

    Questions regarding blendshapes

    Thank you for your great work. After reading the paper, I still have some questions. So I hope you or anyone else can answer me if possible.

    In the paper, the Residual Deformation Branch learns to predict blendshapes for each individual character. I'm wondering how these blendshapes are defined.

    I'm not familiar with body blendshapes but as far as I know, blendshapes for facial expressions like jawOpen, eyeBlinkLeft, smileRight, etc., are semantically defined. In the paper[1], personalized facial blendshapes are learned via blendshape gradient loss function, which forces each of the generated blendshapes to have specific semantic meaning.

    Another way to use blendshapes for facial expression is like what was done in MetaHuman[2] (Unreal Engine), where expressions are produced by bones. Blendshapes (called morph targets in Unreal Engine) are used to refine the face, which add more details. I think this is more similar to your work.

    So I would like to know some details on your blendshapes: how they are defined, how they are learned, etc.

    I really appreciate it if you could answer my questions.

    Ref: [1] Personalized Face Modeling for Improved Face Reconstruction and Motion Retargeting [2] MetaHuman

    opened by HoiM 1
  • Something weird with the skeleton

    Something weird with the skeleton

    Hi! When I reproduced this great work and trained from scratch, the skeleton produced some weird result, as shown in the picture. The left is the result I reproduced, and the right is the result produced from the pre_trained model. I think it may because the end effector was set wrongly, but I didn't change any code about it. Could you please help me with this problem? Looking forward to your reply! 屏幕截图 2021-10-28 223501

    opened by Jinhui-Luan 1
  • Workflow to generate custom pose (e.g. from Mixamo fbx)

    Workflow to generate custom pose (e.g. from Mixamo fbx)

    Hi. Could you tell how the sequence pose files(located in ./eval_constant/sequences/ *.npy) are generated ?? It seems like those files were converted from Mixamo files but couldn't find a clue to create those. If you don't mind , could you let us know this process ?

    opened by huh8686 6
  • question: given an arbitary pose mesh, what is the suggested way to convert it to t-pose mesh?

    question: given an arbitary pose mesh, what is the suggested way to convert it to t-pose mesh?

    Is there a recommended way for converting an arbitrary posed mesh to a t-posed mesh?

    Side Question - Also since you are able to calculate skinning weights of a mesh, why isn't it possible to do neural blend shapes on any arbitrary posed mesh?

    opened by codesavory 1
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