Pyramid - A Python web framework



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Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework. It makes real-world web application development and deployment more fun, more predictable, and more productive.

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response

def hello_world(request):
    return Response('Hello World!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Configurator() as config:
        config.add_route('hello', '/')
        config.add_view(hello_world, route_name='hello')
        app = config.make_wsgi_app()
    server = make_server('', 6543, app)

Pyramid is a project of the Pylons Project.

Support and Documentation

See Pyramid Support and Development for documentation, reporting bugs, and getting support.

Developing and Contributing

See HACKING.txt and for guidelines on running tests, adding features, coding style, and updating documentation when developing in or contributing to Pyramid.


Pyramid is offered under the BSD-derived Repoze Public License.


Pyramid is made available by Agendaless Consulting and a team of contributors.

  • Change `__str__` requirement for identity

    Change `__str__` requirement for identity

    Opening this based on @merwok's

    Hi! Sorry to comment after this is merged, but I was following the issue and not aware of this PR.

    I don’t understand the reason for using __str__ as the method to convert Identity to user ID.

    * `__str__` is meant to control what happens with `print`, `%s` formatting, etc.
    * IMO it is good practice to have `__str__` fast, without side effects, without possibility of failure (so no parsing, casting, etc)
    * `repr` uses `__str__` if the class doesn’t define `__repr__`
    * REPL, logging, others use repr or str, so seeing something that’s a user ID instead of custom str/repr output (like `<SomeIdentityClass id=blah source=value>`) in debug logs, etc. could make inspection harder
    * depending on the system, user ID may not be a string
    * calling `str(identity)` instead of `identity.some_explicit_method()` seems a bit obscure (not discoverable)

    If people agree with the disadvantages here, could this API decision be reconsidered?

    Some previous discussions:

    opened by luhn 84
  • alchemy scaffold updates

    alchemy scaffold updates

    This is a WIP to bring the alchemy scaffold in line with best practices.

    • [x] Remove scoped sessions.
    • [x] Connect session to request method.
    • [x] Switch to jinja2 templates.
    • [x] Add a meta module or package to avoid any circular references when importing.
    • [x] Switch models into a package instead of a module.
    • [x] Scan docs and tutorials for updates related to the changes. Here is the list of files. See comment below.
      • [x] whatsnew-1.6.rst (Scaffolding Enhancements and Documentation Enhancements sections)
      • [x] Quick Tour sqla_demo generated from scaffold and its associated files in quick_tour/sqla_demo/. Note that there are some comments inserted in these files for Sphinx rendering. See quick_tour.rst, Databases section.
      • [x] quick_tour.rst, Databases section
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/src/*/tutorial/[~~authorization~~|~~basiclayout~~|~~models~~|~~tests~~|~~views~~]/ (5 directories)
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/authorization.rst (13 occurrences)
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/basiclayout.rst (2 occurrences)
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/definingmodels.rst (9 occurrences)
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/definingviews.rst (9 occurrences)
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/design.rst (4 occurrences)
      • [x] tutorials/wiki2/tests.rst
    • Pyramid Cookbook recipes
      • [x] (Add a note that this recipe will no longer apply when Pyramid 1.7 is released, and is most likely out of date since Pyramid 1.3. Or maybe just delete it?)
    • [x] Add configure_mappers when initializing the session.
    opened by mmerickel 71
  • Auth post-mortem (Pyramid 2.0)

    Auth post-mortem (Pyramid 2.0)

    Hi guys! I'm interested in taking a crack at reworking the auth system for Pyramid 2.0, based on the Auth API Post-Mortem. Would you be open to starting a discussion?

    I like Pyramid a lot and would love to see a new auth API in 2.0, as mentioned in #2362. Hopefully I'm not being too brash, barging through the front door as a first-time contributor and asking to remodel kitchen. I want to be respectful of your time; once we hash out the details I'm confident I can make it happen independently with minimal time investment from you.

    opened by luhn 53
  • Protect against Session Fixation and session data leakage when crossing privilege boundaries

    Protect against Session Fixation and session data leakage when crossing privilege boundaries

    This will invalidate the session in the SessionAuthenticationPolicy().remember(), ensuring that all the data is copied over to the new session. This will ensure that for server side sessions which have a session ID, a new session ID is granted when going from an unauthenticated user to an authenticated user. For client side sessions this will simply do a little extra work but ultimately be a no-op.

    Fixes #1569

    opened by dstufft 46
  • Security policy implementation

    Security policy implementation

    • [x] ISecurityPolicy
    • [x] Configurator.set_security_policy
    • [x] bwcompat security policy
    • [x] Request properties
    • [x] Security view deriver
    • [x] Built-in policies and helpers
    • [x] Narrative docs
    • [x] DeprecationWarning / zope.deprecation

    Closes #3422

    opened by luhn 44
  • Documentation change: easy_install to pip

    Documentation change: easy_install to pip

    Update the documentation to use pip instead of easy_install.

    Work should be pushed to the branch docs/easy-install-to-pip.2104.

    Branch docs/easy-install-to-pip.2104 will eventually be merged to master upon completion of the items listed below.

    Add omitted items to the lists.

    List of related issues and PRs.


    List of documentation and official tutorials

    (Pretty much every step for tutorials needs updating, so only the indices are shown for brevity.)

    opened by stevepiercy 37
  • accept handling during view lookup is unpredictable

    accept handling during view lookup is unpredictable

    As per the examples in #1259, it should be clear that the accept handling in Pyramid is somewhat unpredictable. It is a smell that the view invoked is somewhat dependent on the ordering of a set. When defining some views with accept predicates, a user should be able to have a solid understanding of when each view will be invoked, and possibly be able to influence what happens what a client simply asks for */* or does not include an Accept header.

    opened by mmerickel 37
  • route_prefix doesn't allow the prefix pattern to match without a trailing slash

    route_prefix doesn't allow the prefix pattern to match without a trailing slash

    The issue here is an ambiguity in handling route_prefix. In general, things work correctly:

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('add_user', '/add')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/users')
    # resulting pattern: '/users/add'

    The ambiguity arises when the included function attempts to add a route using the pattern '/' or '' (an empty string). Pyramid elects to treat the prefix as a container.

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('users', '/')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/users')
    # resulting pattern: '/users/'

    Remember that in Pyramid's config.add_route there is no difference between prepending a '/' or leaving no prefix. Thus, the two route definitions below result in the same url being matched and generated.

    config.add_route('r1', '/route')
    config.add_route('r2', 'route')

    There are 4 possible use cases to account for when looking at the issue.

    Case 1

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('route', '')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/prefix')

    Case 2

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('route', '/')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/prefix')

    Case 3

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('route', '')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/prefix/')

    Case 4

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('route', '/')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/prefix/')


    Pyramid currently treats the route prefix as a container, thus the resulting route will always be appended with a '/'. This may not be ideal, but it at least allows for a workaround where the user can add their own route (at the level of the include):

    def routes(config):
        config.add_route('add', '/add')
    config.include(routes, route_prefix='/users')
    config.add_route('users', '/users')

    If there is a clear way to handle each use-case, and document it as such, then it may be possible to change this behavior but to me it's hard to expect a user to "do the right thing" with case 2 due to the way pyramid currently handles add_route patterns with and without a prefixed slash.

    opened by mmerickel 36
  • wiki2 tutorial - Failed building wheel for bcrypt

    wiki2 tutorial - Failed building wheel for bcrypt

    Unable to install bcrypt in Ubuntu 12.04 with Python 3.5.1.

    Maybe it would be useful to write some note about this possible issue in Ubuntu 12.04.

    Steps to reproduce the problem

    • Follow wiki2's steps until installing bcrypt.
    • pip will show long error message.


    Set dependency to py_bcrypt instead of bcrypt in

    opened by viniciusban 33
  • update docs to use security policy

    update docs to use security policy

    • [X] rename identify to authenticated_identity on ISecurityPolicy
    • [X] quick_tutorial
    • [x] sync cookiecutter to wiki tutorial
    • [x] use security policy in wiki tutorial
    • [X] sync cookiecutter to wiki2
    • [X] use security policy in wiki2 tutorial
    • [x] revise security chapter - this is at least partially complete
    • [x] sync cookiecutter to starter project


    fixes #3548

    opened by mmerickel 31
  • Pass vars to logging.config.fileConfig

    Pass vars to logging.config.fileConfig

    This allows one to set up a logging configuration that is parameterized based on variables specified on the command-line.

    e.g.: the application .ini file could have:

    handlers = console
    class = StreamHandler
    args = (sys.stderr,)
    formatter = generic

    This app could be launched with:


    Cc: @mmerickel, @sontek, @sudarkoff, @sseg, @aconrad

    opened by msabramo 31
  • context matching in views and inheritance (traversal)

    context matching in views and inheritance (traversal)


    given 2 ressources and a @view_config:

    class A:
    class B(A):
    @view_config(context=A, name='foo')
    def foo():

    is there a way to match /someB/foo to A foo() if /someB/foo resolves to context B, but no @view_config(context=B, name='foo') has been defined (but as B is a child of A it could matches foo() registered on A) ?


    opened by silenius 1
  • pserve out function always prints to stderr

    pserve out function always prints to stderr


    The script outputs everything to the stderr file descriptor. If you redirect the stdout and stderr stream to your logger, then for example the 'Starting server' message gets logged as an error.

    I would propose to split the out function into two in PServeCommand:

        def out(self, msg):  # pragma: no cover
            if self.args.verbose > 0:
        def out_err(self, msg):  # pragma: no cover
            if self.args.verbose > 0:
                print(msg, file=sys.stderr)

    And call the out_err function to print 'You must give a config file'.

    In the rest of the file all of the other prints could also be changed to stdout, so that hey would no longer output starting/serving messages to stderr.

    In other scripts even errors get printed to stdout, so this could also be applied in other scripts where applicable:

    I can create a PR if such a changes would be permitted.

    opened by markonose 3
  • tutorial/forms got ERROR:waitress:Exception while serving /favicon.ico

    tutorial/forms got ERROR:waitress:Exception while serving /favicon.ico

    Get Support

    To get help or technical support, see Get Support.

    Bug Report

    Please search the issue tracker for similar issues before submitting a new issue.

    Describe the bug Try to run tutorial/forms, got this exception.

    To Reproduce C:\projects\quick_tutorial\forms>%VENV%\scripts\pserve development.ini --reload Starting monitor for PID 9444. Starting server in PID 14480. ERROR:waitress:Exception while serving /favicon.ico Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 13, in _error_handler response = request.invoke_exception_view(exc_info) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 786, in invoke_exception_view raise HTTPNotFound pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound: The resource could not be found.

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\waitress\", line 426, in service task.service() File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\waitress\", line 168, in service self.execute() File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\waitress\", line 434, in execute app_iter =, start_response) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 270, in call response = self.execution_policy(environ, self) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 276, in default_execution_policy return router.invoke_request(request) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 245, in invoke_request response = handle_request(request) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid_debugtoolbar\", line 238, in toolbar_tween return handler(request) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 43, in excview_tween response = _error_handler(request, exc) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 17, in _error_handler reraise(*exc_info) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 733, in reraise raise value File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 41, in excview_tween response = handler(request) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 143, in handle_request response = _call_view( File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 674, in _call_view response = view_callable(context, request) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 427, in rendered_view result = view(context, request) File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\env\lib\site-packages\pyramid\", line 113, in _class_requestonly_view response = getattr(inst, attr)() File "c:\projects\quick_tutorial\forms\tutorial\", line 64, in wikipage_view page = pages[uid] KeyError: 'favicon.ico'

    opened by LogiFarmer 3
  • Detect routes that collide during registration

    Detect routes that collide during registration

    I've recently been hit by this problem, after changing the ordering in which controllers were registered, some routes weren't called.

    This is because some routes using pattern matching were registered before other routes. For instance route /users/{user_id} registered before /users/export

    Of course this can be fixed by changing the ordering in which routes get registered but it is something that is probably bugging other users and that can be detected.

    I was able to have a unit test that would detect this in our project (by parsing proutes output) but I was wondering if that is a feature that could be of interest to be baked in pyramid itself? I'd be happy to hack on this, please just point me to a starting point in the codebase

    opened by bagerard 5
  • AuthTktCookieHelper debug

    AuthTktCookieHelper debug

    While migrating to the new security policy, I noticed but it is not used in the constructor, leading to:

    TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'debug'

    Is it a bug in the documentation (debug isn't supported anymore?) or a forget while migration to the new authorization/authentication stuff?

    opened by silenius 1
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