Easy JSON wrapper modfied to wrok with suggestions

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JSON Suggester

🈷️ Suggester

Easy JSON wrapper modfied to wrok with suggestions.

This was made for small discord bots, for big bots you should not use this.

📥 Usage

Clone this file into your project folder.

Add from suggester import SuggestionBoard to the top of your project.

📄 Docs

board.add_suggestion(content: str, author: int)

Creates a suggestion in the draft category.

Will return the suggestions ID (sID).

"1234567890": {"content": content, "author": author}

board.approve_suggestion(sID: str)

Moves a suggestion from the draft category to the approved category.

Will raise:

  • NoSuchSuggestion: if there is not a suggestion with that sID.

  • SuggestionAlreadyApproved: if the suggestion was already approved.

  • SuggestionWasRejectedBefore: if the suggestion was rejected earlier.

board.reject_suggestion(sID: str)

Moves a suggestion from the draft category to the rejected category.

Will raise:

  • NoSuchSuggestion: if there is not a suggestion with that sID.

  • SuggestionAlreadyRejected: if the suggestion was already rejected.

  • SuggestionWasApprovedBefore: if the suggestion was approved earlier.

board.search(*args, *, sid=None, funnel="?+-*", author=None)

  • kwargs:

    • sid:

      If this kwarg is given, it will return the suggestion with the sID while ignoring all other args and kwargs except funnel

    • funnel:

      Filters suggestions by its status. ?: draft, +: approved, -: rejected.

    • author:

      Filters suggestions by its author.

  • args:

    Filters suggestions if all of the args are in the suggestions content.

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