A wrapper for SQLite and MySQL, Most of the queries wrapped into commands for ease.


Before you proceed, make sure you know Some real SQL, before looking at the code, otherwise you probably won't understand anything.


pip install EasierSQL

EasySQLite code examples -:

import EasierSQLite

database = EasierSQLite.easierSQLite("dataBaseName")

# Creating a table

created_Table = database.create_Table('table_Name','userName TEXT NOT NULL, userID INT PRIMARY KEY')
The second argument is where you write the Column names, their Datatypes and constraints!
Also there is an optional third argument called 'check_if_exists' by default it is True.

print(created_Table) # Returns the result.

# Inserting values into a table.

insert = database.insert_values('table_Name','columns_names','values_here')

print(insert) # Returns the result.

# Getting values from a table

selected_value = database.select_values('table_Name', columnNames='column_Names',limit='1000',clauses='here')
Most of the arguemnts here, have default values for example,
If you leave columnNames blank it will get all the values from the rows by default. 
If you leave limit blank, it will get 100 rows max from the table by default.

In the clauses argument you can add your where clause, cases etc. If left none it won't affect anything.

print(selected_value) # Returns the list of values (or an error).

To compensate for no documentation at the moment, here are all the functions.

database.execute_custom_query() # Returns the database, so you can execute Your own query, if the module doesn't support that type.

Example of execute_custom_query()

import EasierSQLite

database = EasierSQLite.easierSQLite("dataBaseName")

tempDB = database.execute_custom_query()
cursor = tempDB.cursor()



tempDB.close() # Close database after done with it for good practice.

EasyMySQL Code example -:

import EasierMySQL

database = EasierMySQL.easierMySQL(
    userName = 'userNAME',
    passwrd = 'password',
    host = 'host'
    database = 'database'

# Creating a table

created_Table = database.create_Table('table_Name','userName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, userID INT PRIMARY KEY')

print(created_Table) # Returns the result.

# Inserting values into a table.

insert = database.insert_values('table_Name','columns_names','values_here')

print(insert) # Returns the result.

# Getting values from a table

selected_value = database.select_values('table_Name', columnNames='column_Names',limit='1000',clauses='here')

print(selected_value) # Returns the list of values (or an error).

Here are all the functions but for EasierMYSQL.

database.execute_custom_query() # Returns the database, so you can execute Your own query, if the module doesn't support that type.

The execute_custom_query is as same as the One in EasierSQLLite.

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