Generate text images for training deep learning ocr model


New version release:

Text Renderer

Generate text images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN). Support both latin and non-latin text.


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • python 3.5+

Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


By default, simply run python3 will generate 20 text images and a labels.txt file in output/default/.

example1.jpg example2.jpg

example3.jpg example4.jpg

Use your own data to generate image

  1. Please run python3 --help to see all optional arguments and their meanings. And put your own data in corresponding folder.

  2. Config text effects and fraction in configs/default.yaml file(or create a new config file and use it by --config_file option), here are some examples:

Effect name Image
Origin(Font size 25) origin
Perspective Transform perspective
Random Crop rand_crop
Curve curve
Light border light border
Dark border dark border
Random char space big random char space big
Random char space small random char space small
Middle line middle line
Table line table line
Under line under line
Emboss emboss
Reverse color reverse color
Blur blur
Text color font_color
Line color line_color
  1. Run file.

Strict mode

For no-latin language(e.g Chinese), it's very common that some fonts only support limited chars. In this case, you will get bad results like these:




Select fonts that support all chars in --chars_file is annoying. Run with --strict option, renderer will retry get text from corpus during generate processing until all chars are supported by a font.


You can use script to check how many chars your font not support in --chars_file:

python3 tools/

checking font ./data/fonts/eng/Hack-Regular.ttf
chars not supported(4971):
['', '', '广', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','', '', '', ''...]
0 fonts support all chars(5071) in ./data/chars/chn.txt:

Generate image using GPU

If you want to use GPU to make generate image faster, first compile opencv with CUDA. Compiling OpenCV with CUDA support

Then build Cython part, and add --gpu option when run

cd libs/gpu
python3 build_ext --inplace

Debug mode

Run python3 --debug will save images with extract information. You can see how perspectiveTransform works and all bounding/rotated boxes.




Citing text_renderer

If you use text_renderer in your research, please consider use the following BibTeX entry.

  author =       {weiqing.chu},
  title =        {text_renderer},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         {2021}
  • 标签文件中的文字改成汉字的索引


    默认生成的tmp_labels.txt标签的内容是 ‘ 00000001 命形式原始得令人吃惊 ’ ,这种形式的,现在想把它改成 ‘ 44955828_2248996261.jpg 29 403 2 172 586 167 10 172 110 121 ’ 这种形式的,后面的10个整数对应其在 char_std_5990.txt (5990个汉字字符,网上下载的)中的索引,如果数据量较大的话,重新写个脚本进行转换应该比较耗时,能否直接修改作者的代码进行转换,如果可以,请指教,谢谢!

    opened by wqt2019 5
  • python


      你好,打扰了。我在直接运行python 会报错:glob.glob(fonts_dir + '//*',recursive=True),提示多了recursive参数。删去recursive参数能运行,但是会在加载font和txt文件的时候报错.删去 " / "后能正确加载文件(以上代码所在行数分别是 text_renderer/libs/和 text_renderer/textrenderer/,再次运行python main.py时一直反馈异常,输出 Retry gen_image(异常所在main.py中line71,应该是render.py的gen_image()函数执行出错)我是在ubuntu14和ubuntu18里面跑的,难道只能在ubuntu16里跑么?   谢谢了。       

    opened by caoyangcr7 5
  • Provide better GPU building support

    Provide better GPU building support

    The previous GPU related building is not working on Windows. There's no pkg-config for OpenCV on Windows.

    I do these change:

    • Replace pkg-config based opencv config with cmake based, which is simply implemented in
    • Support both Linux/Mac & Windows, i.e. G++/Clang++ for Linux/Mac, Visual Studio for Windows
    • Give precise steps to take for building, in

    Hope these changes help Windows users.

    opened by zchrissirhcz 3
  •   File

    File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry

    Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 58, in apply_uniform_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 44, in apply_gauss_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 69, in apply_sp_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 69, in apply_sp_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 58, in apply_uniform_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 69, in apply_sp_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Retry gen_img: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 75, in gen_img_retry return renderer.gen_img(img_index) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 94, in gen_img word_img = self.noiser.apply(word_img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 38, in apply return noise_func(img) File "/opt/shakey/synetic/text_renderer/textrenderer/", line 58, in apply_uniform_noise row, col, channel = img.shape ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

    opened by cuimiao187561 2
  • 作者你好,我想请问一下,从语料库中生成需要的训练集时,如何保证我的数据集是平衡的。举个栗子说,我如何确保每个字符的出现的频率大致是相同的,如果数据不均匀,对最终的模型会有多大的影响?


    语料只要以 txt(utf8) 的格式放在 --corpus_dir 目录下就可以了,会递归地去加载。注意使用不同的语料时 --corpus_mode 要对应,比如中文语料要对应 --corpus_mode=chn

    要兼顾中英文和数字,可以分三次生成数据(--output_dir指向同一个目录)。以生成 500w 数据为例,可以 420w 从中文语料里生成,60w 万从英文语料,20w 随机数字生成,因为中文的字符集最大,所以占的比例肯定要最高,但具体怎么样比例最优我也不确定...


    • 中文语料库:
    • wiki 中英文语料库:

    Originally posted by @Sanster in

    opened by yugengde 2
  • 虚拟机ubuntu16生成样本卡住不动


    我在虚拟机ubuntu16.04下,想测试下。直接运行python3 main.py会卡住不动,图像也没有生成。

    laoma@ubuntu:~/text_renderer-master$ python3 Load fonts from /home/laoma/text_renderer-master/data/fonts/chn Total fonts num: 1 Background num: 1 Loading corpus from: ./data/corpus Loading chn corpus: 1/1 Generate text images in ./output/default 这里就卡住不动了,是环境没配置好吗?

    opened by hbulaoma 2
  • BUG: Why filter out word has less than 2 character in eng corpus ?

    BUG: Why filter out word has less than 2 character in eng corpus ?

    I found that this line

    if word != u'' and len(word) > 2:

    can filter out many important words like "is", "no", ... I'll submit an Pull requests to fix

    opened by Luvata 1
  • Bump pyyaml from 5.1 to 5.4

    Bump pyyaml from 5.1 to 5.4

    Bumps pyyaml from 5.1 to 5.4.


    Sourced from pyyaml's changelog.

    5.4 (2021-01-19)

    5.3.1 (2020-03-18)

    • yaml/pyyaml#386 -- Prevents arbitrary code execution during python/object/new constructor

    5.3 (2020-01-06)

    5.2 (2019-12-02)

    • Repair incompatibilities introduced with 5.1. The default Loader was changed, but several methods like add_constructor still used the old default yaml/pyyaml#279 -- A more flexible fix for custom tag constructors yaml/pyyaml#287 -- Change default loader for yaml.add_constructor yaml/pyyaml#305 -- Change default loader for add_implicit_resolver, add_path_resolver
    • Make FullLoader safer by removing python/object/apply from the default FullLoader yaml/pyyaml#347 -- Move constructor for object/apply to UnsafeConstructor
    • Fix bug introduced in 5.1 where quoting went wrong on systems with sys.maxunicode <= 0xffff yaml/pyyaml#276 -- Fix logic for quoting special characters
    • Other PRs: yaml/pyyaml#280 -- Update CHANGES for 5.1

    5.1.2 (2019-07-30)

    • Re-release of 5.1 with regenerated Cython sources to build properly for Python 3.8b2+

    ... (truncated)

    • 58d0cb7 5.4 release
    • a60f7a1 Fix compatibility with Jython
    • ee98abd Run CI on PR base branch changes
    • ddf2033 constructor.timezone: _copy & deepcopy
    • fc914d5 Avoid repeatedly appending to yaml_implicit_resolvers
    • a001f27 Fix for CVE-2020-14343
    • fe15062 Add 3.9 to appveyor file for completeness sake
    • 1e1c7fb Add a newline character to end of pyproject.toml
    • 0b6b7d6 Start sentences and phrases for capital letters
    • c976915 Shell code improvements
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

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    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • 运行 有个resize 报错

    运行 有个resize 报错

    File "/data/SSD/text_renderer-master/textrenderer/", line 208, in crop_img dst = cv2.resize(dst, (dst_width, self.out_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.4.0) /tmp/pip-req-build-p6arhee9/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:3929: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !ssize.empty() in function 'resize' 可以正常跑完,但不知道数据是否会乱?

    opened by XHQC 0
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