This is a script that scrapes the longitude and latitude for any restaurant in Manila on, location can be adjusted.
Search Result page
- Python
- Selenium
- Chrome Browser and Chrome Driver
- VPN and the Browser extension for the VPN should be installed in your Chrome browser.
- Beautiful Soup.
- Change the driver path in the script to match yours.
- Avoid making too many requests. There is a limit and a blocker for webscraping implemented by that's why you need to increase the timeout.
- Vpn location can be any country in Asia.
- Selenium is highly unstable, so at times you might get some errors. Do not fret :) just restart the script.
- Running the driver as Headless strangely doesn't work properly because of the proxy problem and since i am using a vpn extension you need to use actual proxy addresses to get it working. So the GUI has to pop up.
👀 - You can adjust the
depending on how many restaurants longitude and latitude you want to scrape.
Number of pages loaded is 1
Number of pages loaded is 2
Number of pages loaded is 3
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
You have scraped 40 links
{'latitude': 14.599870428571428, 'longitude': 120.9797005}
{'latitude': 14.605052185873603, 'longitude': 120.98803399294457}
{'latitude': 14.605344959550562, 'longitude': 120.9881068}
{'latitude': 14.611880266666667, 'longitude': 120.9884545}
{'latitude': 14.599262918622557, 'longitude': 120.9900343411054}
{'latitude': 14.6007231, 'longitude': 120.98439648}
{'latitude': 14.599968222336393, 'longitude': 120.98002192}
{'latitude': 14.599834675, 'longitude': 120.980555425}