Telegram bot to remove the forwarded tag from messages.


Anonymous Sender Bot @AnonySendBot

Telegram bot to remove the forwarded tag from messages.

Open Source Love svg1

Table of Contents
  1. Usage
  2. Environment Variables
  3. Functions
  4. To-Do
  5. Stats
  6. License
  7. Contributing
  8. Credits
  9. Support


Deploy to Heroku


  1. Tap on above button and fill API_ID, API_HASH, BOT_TOKEN.
  2. Then tap "Deploy App" below it. Wait till deploying is complete (will take atmost 2 minutes).
  3. After deploying is complete, tap on "Manage App"
  4. Check the logs to see if your bot is ready!

Local Deploying

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Edit and fill the needed variables

  3. Enter the directory

    cd AnonymousSenderBot
  4. Run the file


Environment Variables

Mandatory Vars


More features soon, this is a minimal example :)

  1. Removes the tag for everything including texts, images, stickers, videos, inline messages, documents and even polls, location, etc.
  2. Support to remove caption if you don't need the caption!!
  3. Specify owner's account to get help or something.


  1. Add database to support Channel Posting easily
  2. Add support to remove specific entities like Hashtags, URLs, etc.
  3. Support for bot stats in Telegram
  4. Detect NSFW stuff to prevent take down of any bot.
  5. Support for groups, message dump n banning


GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub watchers Maintenance


License: AGPL v3


GitHub contributors

Contributions are heartily accepted.

PRs Welcome



Channel :- @StarkBots

Group Chat :- @StarkBotsChat


ForTheBadge made-with-python

ForTheBadge built-with-love

ForTheBadge makes-people-smile

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