laTEX is awesome but we are lazy -> groff with markdown syntax and inline code execution



  • A wrapper for groff using python to have a nicer syntax for groff documents
  • Very similar to markdown. So if you know what that is. You will love this :)
  • We hate word -.-
  • Editing pdfs is a pain and please we are lazy
  • We love markdown. But we need pdfs and docx. So why not
  • LaTEX is amazing but it is tooo much work for small things.
  • Vim is love. What can we do without keyboard shortcuts ):

What can you do

  • Write in a text file
  • Get a cover page as well :)
  • Get a Table of contents. (Due to limitations : its only on the last page for now.)
  • Add code. And get execution results directly! Default is python. You can use any other language in your system
  • Easy tables (Aint nobody got time for complicated ones)
  • You can get a word document too (you do need libreoffice for it)
  • Get auto generated, beautifully formatted pdfs and docs instantly
  • Not cry because you moved an image and now your document is in hieroglyphics
  • (You can also write in groff syntax in the file. It will work as well. Just in case you need something extra)


  • You need python of course.
  • For python dependencies, using pip install -r requirements.txt (Only PIL)
  • Almost every unix system has groff preinstalled.
  • If you want to convert to word, you need libreoffice.
  • If you want to get a table of contents you will need pdftk - yay pdftk #arch - sudo pacman -S pdftk #arch - sudo apt install pdftk


  • p -f "demo.txt" -o "syntax.pdf" (most basic)
  • p -f "demo.txt" -o "syntax.pdf" -c True -n "Subhaditya Mukherjee" -t "pyGroff" (with cover page)
  • Please please look at arguments
  • By default, it is assumed that you have images. If you wish to disable it (for more speed), just use -i False
  • Check syntax.pdf and demo.txt for an example
  • Refer to syntax.pdf for new, easier syntax :)
  • This was also generated by the program hehe

Examples of langauge strings

  • python -c (default)
  • argument -l
  • R -e


  • I dont like the cover page - If you know a bit of groff (check the links below), you can use "-d False" and then edit whatever you want using groff itself. - Then run "groff -ms {infile} -Tpdf > {outfile}" replacing the infile and outfile respectively.

Contribution guidelines

  • Can I contribute? - YES
  • What to do? - Check
  • Restrictions? - File an issue first, if it looks useful. Go for it
  • Spelling mistakes? - I mean sure why not xD


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