This open source Python project allow you to create JSON data trees using Minmup.com. I try to develop this project all the time. But feel free to use :).
This project started at 1/29/2022.
The MindMup-py.exe will work, if you have python already installed in your pc. The project is 100% open source. So if it doesen't work: you can always code it better by you self :).
How it works
- Download MindMup-py.exe. It might warn about virus/troijan. Because i'm not a verified publisher and pepole make viruses with python. So just pass it.
- In MindMup, go to
File -> Download As -> MindMup.
- Fire up the software.
- It will ask input for .mup file. So insert the path of your mindmap file.
- If it can convert the file, enter the path you want to save your new shiny .json file (Remember to enter .json at the end of the path).
MindMup format
- Currently you can have only 2 parents. for example: "Root->Child->Child's_child", so make sure that every value has maximium of 2 parents.
- Value should appear at format "[key] = [value]", for example: "Root->Child->Child's_child = alex".
- If node does not have any children, make sure that it has a value at format: "[key] = [value]".