Use your Philips Hue lights as Racing Flags. Works with Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione and iRacing.


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Use your Philips Hue lights as Racing Flags.

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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Supported Systems and Racing Simulators
  3. Local Development
  4. Usage
  5. Roadmap
  6. Contributing
  7. License
  8. Contact
  9. Acknowledgements
  10. Disclaimer

About The Project

Main Screen

Settings Screen

One Friday evening I thought to myself that it would be pretty sweet to use my Philips Hue lights as indicators for the racing flags inside of Assetto Corsa Competizione. As no app was available to achieve this, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create one.

Built With

Supported Systems and Racing Simulators

The app is designed for Windows and currently supports the following racing simulators:

Local Development

To get a local development copy up and running follow these simple steps.



  • Clone the repo
    git clone

Run the app

  • Start the GUI


To just use the app itself without setting up a local development copy, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the latest .exe file from here:
  2. Run the .exe file

Once the app is started, you can use it the following way:

  1. Enter the IP Address of your Philips Hue Bridge under Settings -> General -> Bridge IP. (You can find the IP Address of your Bridge in the interface of your Router)
  2. Press the (hardware) link button on your Philips Hue Bridge and then within 30 seconds hit the "Connect" button in the app. (Pressing the (hardware) link button on your Philips Hue Bridge is only necessary for the very first time you connect the app to a new Bridge)
  3. You should be able to choose one or multiple of your lights under Settings -> General -> Lights to use as the Racing Flag Light(s)
  4. Adjust brightness if needed.
  5. Use the live sync setting to enable live sync on app startup.
  6. Custom colors for your lights can be set under Settings -> Assetto Corsa / Assetto Corsa Competizione / iRacing respectively.
  7. Test your color configuration by using the Test buttons next to each flag.
  8. On the main view you can use the radio buttons under "sim" to switch between Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione or iRacing.
  9. To start syncing the Racing Flag Light(s) with your simulator's race flag click "Start" under "live sync".
  10. To stop syncing the Racing Flag Light(s) click "Stop" under "live sync".


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Tim Unbehaun - [email protected]

Project Link:



I am in no way affiliated with Philips, Kunos Simulazioni or iRacing.

  • Add Pipfile

    Add Pipfile

    In order to make the build easily reproducible for others, I'd recommend adding something like pipenv.

    If you give me the list of required packages (only some Hue package?), I'd be happy to raise a PR and also add a CI job for building the exe. What did you use for building the distributable?

    opened by kiview 3
  • Add a

    Add a "sync on startup" checkbox.

    Hey, it would be really cool if you could add an option that the app starts live sync directly after startup.

    I use iRacing Manger to autmatically start all necessary apps when iracing launches, and so far phue-racing-flags is the only app that needs an addional click to start working. If it is configured before, the app stores all necessary information to work properly, so a "start sync automatically" should be possible.

    Thank you very much for your effort :)

    Best Regards.

    feature request 
    opened by Xantrass 2
  • Setting Light actions

    Setting Light actions

    How do I change the actions the lights take when a flag is displayed? Currently the light blinks once or stays static when the flag is displayed. I would like to find out how to change the yellow flag for example. Id like it to flash yellow during the duration the flag is shown. Same with the green flag.

    opened by RacerKris23 1
  • remove global execution

    remove global execution


    if __name__ == "__main__":

    before this line:

    [then you can look into packaging maybe and use the same function as an entrypoint]

    otherwise nice project, great idea!

    opened by a-tal 1
  • Failed Connection with Hue Bridge

    Failed Connection with Hue Bridge


    I`m having trouble to connect my Hue Bridge to the Software. When I insert the IP of my Bridge into the IP-Adress field it shows my connected Lamps.

    But when I click Start on the Main Window and Start ACC, the LEDs doesn´t show me the flag status.

    Is there anyone I need to be careful or so?

    I`m waiting for helpful answers.

    opened by TheC0DER68 0
  • time of day system

    time of day system

    Greetings i have been looking into getting a systrem that simulates time with lights and turn the lights blue when night. this would be a lovely feature

    opened by RobEbbers 0
  • iRacing ABS support

    iRacing ABS support

    With the upcoming addition of telemetry for ABS engagement for 2021 Season 3 would it be possible to add a strobing alert for when ABS kicks in? ABS brake engagement is now logged to telemetry as the boolean, "BrakeABSactive" 2021 Season 3 Release notes

    feature request 
    opened by WAR6ASM 1
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