ObjectViz is a multitouch object detection solution, enabling you to create physical markers out of any reliable multitouch solution.
It's easily configurable and pluggable, using TUIO as a communication protocol with client applications.
To build the documentation (on ubuntu) you need
- texlive-base
- texlive-fonts-extra
go to the docs directory and run make latexpdf
Build & Package
A makefile in packaging
is used for the various operations:
to install the dependencies, ensure python3.6 or newer is installed then:
make -f packaging/Makefile Deps
To run without packaging
python src/main.py
To package the application as an installer for your current platform (though mostly tested on Windows)
make -f packaging/Makefile all
/!\ Make sure you don't have any uncommited change before running this, as it'll make a lot of local changes you'll want to revert later.