Making a simple app using React and Flask.
- This will be a simple site to host my recipes.
- It will have a react front-end, a flask back-end with a Sqlite(for now atleast) db.
- I will have to learn both react (from scratch) and flask (of which I do have a basic knowledge).\
My Plans
Front-End (made on 20211105 00:15:45, I don't know what will actually happen)
Nav bar
- Home
- Recipes
- Skills
- What can I make page
- About
Home Page
- A nice header image.
- Display 5 (randomly) of each type of cards:
- skills (how to do stuff like dice onions, boil your pasta, etc.)
- recipes (actually making the stuff needed)
- Recipe cards:
- An image
- The name of the dish.
- The preparation time.
- A short description.
- The Difficulty level.
- Veg or non-veg badge at the top.
- Skills cards:
- An image
- The name of the dish.
- The preparation time.
- A short description.
- The Difficulty level.
- Veg or non-veg badge at the top.
- How important the skill is
Recipes/skills Page
NOTE: These will be two separate pages
- A list (maybe just a grid of cards) of all the recipes/skills (which can be filtered).
- Clicking on which will open the page of the specific recipe/skill
Individual Recipe/skill pages
Separate pages for each (using templates i guess)
- A header image
- All the info on the card
- Ingredients
- Steps (clicking on a sentence which is a skill should include a link to that skill, for example: the line is 'boil your pasta until al dente', then it should be a link to the skill page of 'boiling pasta')
- How to prepare or whatever else i will need
About Page
- A link to my github, and socials(lol!).
- And a short bio or such
What can I make page
- The user should be able to select a number of ingredients. (and what to search: recipes or skills)
- The site must then give back the possible recipes/skills which are possible with the given ingredients
- I need a rest api using flask
- This is the first thing i will do
- /: the home page
- /Recipes: the recipes page
- /Skills
- /Recipe/name: the page for an individual recipe
- /Skill/name: the page for an individual skill
- /get-recipes(workshop the name for this one): the page for the 'what can i make page', it will send a get/post (i don't know which) request which will return the
- /about
- There will be an easter egg, find it if you can ;)
- Look at the database_design.graphml (or .jpg) file.
- I don't know how a db this complex will be stored, i might have to use plain sql cause i don't know how the flask sqlalchemy stuff works.
- this is going to be tricky