Just one left to fix...
- [x] other/least_recently_used.py
- [x] other/lfu_cache.py #5755
- [x] other/lru_cache.py #5755
UPDATE: Our GitHub Actions now run mypy --ignore-missing-imports
excluding those directories that fail that test.
- https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Python/blob/master/mypy.ini#L5
Currently, we are not running mypy
in our regular CI tests as there are a lot of errors in the entire codebase, which needs to be fixed. This won't be a one-person job, so we are asking for help from you. I cannot paste the entire message in here as there are around 600 of them, so here's just a gist of it:
$ mypy --ignore-missing-imports .
strings/word_occurrence.py:17: error: Need type annotation for 'occurrence'
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:36: error: No overload variant of "__setitem__" of "list" matches argument types "int", "str"
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:36: note: Possible overload variants:
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:36: note: def __setitem__(self, int, int) -> None
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:36: note: def __setitem__(self, slice, Iterable[int]) -> None
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:40: error: No overload variant of "__setitem__" of "list" matches argument types "int", "str"
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:40: note: Possible overload variants:
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:40: note: def __setitem__(self, int, int) -> None
strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py:40: note: def __setitem__(self, slice, Iterable[int]) -> None
backtracking/n_queens_math.py:109: error: List comprehension has incompatible type List[str]; expected List[int]
backtracking/n_queens_math.py:110: error: Argument 1 to "append" of "list" has incompatible type "List[int]"; expected "List[str]"
backtracking/n_queens_math.py:149: error: Need type annotation for 'boards' (hint: "boards: List[<type>] = ...")
backtracking/minimax.py:15: error: "list" is not subscriptable, use "typing.List" instead
backtracking/knight_tour.py:6: error: "tuple" is not subscriptable, use "typing.Tuple" instead
backtracking/knight_tour.py:6: error: "list" is not subscriptable, use "typing.List" instead
Guidelines to follow:
- Please make sure you read the Contributing Guidelines first.
- Please submit a fix for a maximum of 3 files at a time (1 file is also acceptable).
- As we are not running
in our CI tests, the user who is submitting a pull request should run it on their local machine and ensure there are no errors in their submission.
- Please ensure your pull request title contains the word
in it. If possible use this template for your pull request title:
[mypy] Fix type annotations for <filenames>
Which errors to fix?
Please follow the below steps to produce all the errors in this library:
- Fork this repository if you haven't already.
- Clone the forked repository on your local machine using the command:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Python.git
Then you need to install all the necessary requirements:
cd python/
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install mypy
Then run either of the two commands:
mypy --ignore-missing-imports .
-> To produce all the error messages for the entire codebase.
mypy --ignore-missing-imports <filepath1> <filepath2> ...
-> To produce error messages for the mentioned file.
How to fix the errors?
- Make a separate branch for your fix with the command:
git checkout -b mypy-fix
- Make changes to the selected files.
- Push it to your forked copy and open a pull request with the appropriate title as mentioned above.
Focus on one directory at a time:
├── [x] arithmetic_analysis
├── [x] backtracking
├── [x] bit_manipulation
├── [x] blockchain
├── [x] boolean_algebra
├── [x] cellular_automata
├── [x] ciphers
├── [x] compression
├── [x] computer_vision
├── [x] conversions
├── [ ] data_structures
├── [x] digital_image_processing
├── [x] divide_and_conquer
├── [ ] dynamic_programming
├── [x] electronics
├── [x] file_transfer
├── [x] fractals
├── [x] fuzzy_logic
├── [x] genetic_algorithm
├── [x] geodesy
├── [x] graphics
├── [ ] graphs
├── [x] hashes
├── [x] knapsack
├── [x] linear_algebra
├── [x] machine_learning
├── [ ] maths
├── [ ] matrix
├── [x] networking_flow
├── [x] neural_network
├── [ ] other
├── [ ] project_euler
├── [x] quantum
├── [x] scheduling
├── [x] scripts
├── [ ] searches
├── [x] sorts
├── [ ] strings
└── [x] web_programming
- You should be familiar with
: https://mypy.readthedocs.io
- You should be familiar with Python type hints: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html
help wanted