RBE3002 Team 15 Lab Repository
Team 15's Repository for all code written for RBE 3002 using the Robotis TurtleBot3
Matthew Haahr, Leo Morris, Brian Shin
Written ByObjectives
Lab 2
- Get comfortable with creating ROS Nodes in Python and launch files
- Get familiar with the Publisher/Subscriber Paradigm used by ROS Topics
- Calculate mobile robot kinematics
- Implement differential drive functionality on the TurtleBot3
- Create a planned trajectory and track the TurtleBot3's position
Lab 3
- Implement the A* pathfinding algorithm on a given environment map to plan paths
- Visualize the progression of A* using RViz
- Extract waypoints for the robot based on a calculated path
- Gain familiarity with ROS services to establish bi-directional communication between ROS nodes
- Demonstrate the TurtleBot3 following a path
Lab 4 (Final Project)
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
- Localize the TurtleBot3 in a real environment
- Navigate the environment and avoid obstacles
- Find frontiers in the environment to expand the map
- Generate and follow an optimal path to an arbitrary position