[ICML 2021] “ Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning”, Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Bobak Mortazavi, Zhangyang Wang

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Deep Learning SDCLR

Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning


The recent breakthrough achieved by contrastive learning accelerates the pace for deploying unsupervised training on real-world data applications. However, unlabeled data in reality is commonly imbalanced and shows a long-tail distribution, and it is unclear how robustly the latest contrastive learning methods could perform in the practical scenario. This paper proposes to explicitly tackle this challenge, via a principled framework called Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning (SDCLR), to automatically balance the representation learning without knowing the classes. Our main inspiration is drawn from the recent finding that deep models have difficult-to-memorize samples, and those may be exposed through network pruning [1]. It is further natural to hypothesize that long-tail samples are also tougher for the model to learn well due to insufficient examples. Hence, the key innovation in SDCLR is to create a dynamic self-competitor model to contrast with the target model, which is a pruned version of the latter. During training, contrasting the two models will lead to adaptive online mining of the most easily forgotten samples for the current target model, and implicitly emphasize them more in the contrastive loss. Extensive experiments across multiple datasets and imbalance settings show that SDCLR significantly improves not only overall accuracies but also balancedness, in terms of linear evaluation on the full-shot and few-shot settings.

[1] Hooker, Sara, et al. "What Do Compressed Deep Neural Networks Forget?." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05248 (2019).


pipeline The overview of the proposed SDCLR framework. Built on top of simCLR pipeline by default, the uniqueness of SDCLR lies in its two different network branches: one is the target model to be trained, and the other "self-competitor" model that is pruned from the former online. The two branches share weights for their non-pruned parameters. Either branch has its independent batch normalization layers. Since the self-competitor is always obtained and updated from the latest target model, the two branches will co-evolve during training. Their contrasting will implicitly give more weights on long-tail samples.



pytorch 1.7.1 

Recommend installation cmds (linux)

conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch # change cuda version according to hardware
pip install opencv-python
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn matplotlib

Details about and Imagenet-100-LT Imagenet-LT-exp

Imagenet-100-LT sampling list

Imagenet-LT-exp sampling list

Pretrained models downloading

CIFAR10: pretraining, fine-tuning

CIFAR100: pretraining, fine-tuning

Imagenet100/Imagenet: pretraining, fine-tuning

Train and evaluate pretrained models

Before all

chmod +x  cmds/shell_scrips/*


SimCLR on balanced training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-10-LT.sh -g 1 -w 8 --split split${split_num}_D_b

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-10-LT.sh -g 1 -w 8 --split split${split_num}_D_b  --only_finetuning True  --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar10
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar10 --fewShot

SimCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-10-LT.sh -g 1 -w 8 --split split${split_num}_D_i

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5 
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-10-LT.sh -g 1 -w 8 --split split${split_num}_D_i --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar10 --LT
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar10 --LT --fewShot

SDCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-10-LT.sh -g 1 -w 8 --split split${split_num}_D_i --prune True --prune_percent 0.9 --prune_dual_bn True

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5 
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-10-LT.sh -g 1 -w 8 --split split${split_num}_D_i --prune True --prune_percent 0.9 --prune_dual_bn True --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar10 --LT --prune
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar10 --LT --prune --fewShot


SimCLR on balanced training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-100-LT.sh -g 1 -p 4867 -w 8 --split cifar100_split${split_num}_D_b

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-100-LT.sh -g 1 -p 4867 -w 8 --split cifar100_split${split_num}_D_b --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar100
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar100 --fewShot

SimCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-100-LT.sh -g 1 -p 4867 -w 8 --split cifar100_split${split_num}_D_i

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-100-LT.sh -g 1 -p 4867 -w 8 --split cifar100_split${split_num}_D_i --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar100 --LT
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar100 --LT --fewShot

SDCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-100-LT.sh -g 1 -p 4867 -w 8 --split cifar100_split${split_num}_D_i --prune True --prune_percent 0.9 --prune_dual_bn True

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
for split_num in 1 2 3 4 5
./cmds/shell_scrips/cifar-100-LT.sh -g 1 -p 4867 -w 8 --split cifar100_split${split_num}_D_i --prune True --prune_percent 0.9 --prune_dual_bn True --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar100 --LT --prune
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset cifar100 --LT --prune --fewShot


SimCLR on balanced training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-100-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_100_BL_train

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-100-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_100_BL_train --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet100
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet100 --fewShot

SimCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-100-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_100_LT_train

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-100-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4860 -w 10 --split imageNet_100_LT_train --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet100 --LT
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet100 --LT --fewShot

SDCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-100-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_100_LT_train --prune True --prune_percent 0.3 --prune_dual_bn True --temp 0.3

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-100-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4860 -w 10 --split imageNet_100_LT_train --prune True --prune_percent 0.3 --prune_dual_bn True --temp 0.3 --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet100 --LT --prune
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet100 --LT --prune --fewShot


SimCLR on balanced training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_BL_exp_train

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_BL_exp_train --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet --fewShot

SimCLR on long tail training datasets

# pre-train and finetune
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4867 -w 10 --split imageNet_LT_exp_train

# evaluate pretrained model (after download and unzip the pretrained model)
./cmds/shell_scrips/imagenet-res50-LT.sh --data \path\to\imagenet -g 2 -p 4868 -w 10 --split imageNet_LT_exp_train --only_finetuning True --test_only True

# summery result (after "pre-train and finetune" or "evaluate pretrained model")
# linear separability
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet --LT
# few shot
python exp_analyse.py --dataset imagenet --LT --fewShot


title={Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning},
author={Jiang, Ziyu and Chen, Tianlong and Mortazavi, Bobak and Wang, Zhangyang},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
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  • About the results in Table 4

    About the results in Table 4

    Hello, @geekJZY, thanks for sharing your great work! I have a question about (1) how Std is computed, and (2) the results in Table 4.

    스크린샷 2021-09-07 오후 3 43 00

    For the result on CIFAR10-LT, baseline seems more balanced values than SDCLR.

    The second row of Table 4 shows the accuracy of [Many, Medium, Few] of the model which is trained on CIFAR10-LT. SimCLR: [78.18 ± 4.18, 76.23 ± 5.33, 71.37 ± 7.07] SDCLR: [86.44 ± 3.12, 81.84 ± 4.78, 76.23 ± 6.29] The accuracy gap between Many and Few of SImCLR is under 7% but SDCLR is over 10%.

    But Table 4 says SDCLR has lower Std than SimCLR. How did you compute the metric? Thanks!

    opened by hyunOO 5
  • Error of Pruning

    Error of Pruning

    Hi, I encountered error in the pruning model when running on LT cifar-10. Thank you if you can help me figure it out.

    My parameters: --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port 48436 train_simCLR.py res18_scheduling_sgd_temp0.2_wd1e-4_lr0.5_b512_twolayerProj_epoch2000_split1_D_i_newNT_s10_pruneP0.9DualBN --epochs 2000 --batch_size 512 --optimizer sgd --lr 0.5 --temperature 0.2 --model res18 --trainSplit cifar10_imbSub_with_subsets/split1_D_i.npy --save-dir checkpoints --seed 10 --output_ch 128 --num_workers 8 --prune --prune_percent 0.9 --prune_dual_bn

    The error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/students/dipe051-1/workspace/code/SDCLR/train_simCLR.py", line 484, in <module> main() File "/home/students/dipe051-1/workspace/code/SDCLR/train_simCLR.py", line 396, in main train_prune(train_loader, model, optimizer, scheduler, epoch, log, args.local_rank, rank, world_size, args=args) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/workspace/code/SDCLR/prune/prune_simCLR.py", line 57, in train_prune features_2 = model(inputs_2) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/anaconda3/envs/al-ssl-3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/anaconda3/envs/al-ssl-3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/distributed.py", line 799, in forward output = self.module(*inputs[0], **kwargs[0]) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/anaconda3/envs/al-ssl-3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/workspace/code/SDCLR/models/resnet_prune_multibn.py", line 443, in forward return self._forward_impl(x) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/workspace/code/SDCLR/models/resnet_prune_multibn.py", line 412, in _forward_impl x = self.conv1(x) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/anaconda3/envs/al-ssl-3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/students/dipe051-1/workspace/code/SDCLR/models/resnet_prune.py", line 36, in forward return self._conv_forward(input, weight) TypeError: _conv_forward() missing 1 required positional argument: 'bias'

    opened by c-liangyu 3
  • About the results in Table 5

    About the results in Table 5

    Hi, @geekJZY, thanks for your great work. I have a question about the results in Table 5.



    It seems that in Table 5, the results of SimCLR are obtained on long-tail subset D_i of CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, while the results of SDCLR are obtained from the full dataset of CIFAR10 and CIFAR100.

    If so, could we compare these two sets of results as shown in Table 5?


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