Just a Basic like Language for Zeno INC



Just a Basic like Language for Zeno INC

This is written in 100% python. this is basic language like language. so its not for big projects and only for small calcuations and other functions

how to run this masterpiece

firstly, make sure you got python, then what you wanna do, is run the run.bat file next is to type this in RUN("example.zb") example.zb is the file, by the way, this can have any file extension, i decided to use zb, you can change it easily just change the file name at the end.

create a new file, with .zb at the end(or whatever you like). and try to figure out the mess of weird looking code i made.

look at grammer.txt to understand what the grammer of this language. or just look at it here?

Zeno INC

im in Zeno inc, and this project is probably for the org


statements  : NEWLINE* statement (NEWLINE+ statement)* NEWLINE*

statement		: KEYWORD:RETURN expr?
						: expr

expr        : KEYWORD:VAR IDENTIFIER EQ expr
            : comp-expr ((KEYWORD:AND|KEYWORD:OR) comp-expr)*

comp-expr   : NOT comp-expr
            : arith-expr ((EE|LT|GT|LTE|GTE) arith-expr)*

arith-expr  :	term ((PLUS|MINUS) term)*

term        : factor ((MUL|DIV) factor)*

factor      : (PLUS|MINUS) factor
            : power

power       : call (POW factor)*

call        : atom (LPAREN (expr (COMMA expr)*)? RPAREN)?

            : LPAREN expr RPAREN
            : list-expr
            : if-expr
            : for-expr
            : while-expr
            : func-def

list-expr   : LSQUARE (expr (COMMA expr)*)? RSQUARE

if-expr     : KEYWORD:IF expr KEYWORD:THEN
              (statement if-expr-b|if-expr-c?)
            | (NEWLINE statements KEYWORD:END|if-expr-b|if-expr-c)

if-expr-b   : KEYWORD:ELIF expr KEYWORD:THEN
              (statement if-expr-b|if-expr-c?)
            | (NEWLINE statements KEYWORD:END|if-expr-b|if-expr-c)

if-expr-c   : KEYWORD:ELSE
            | (NEWLINE statements KEYWORD:END)

              (KEYWORD:STEP expr)? KEYWORD:THEN
            | (NEWLINE statements KEYWORD:END)

            | (NEWLINE statements KEYWORD:END)

              (ARROW expr)
            | (NEWLINE statements KEYWORD:END)
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