These are my opinions... they are subjective. Feel free to completely ignore them. I'm not sending them as a form of criticism. I'm blown away by what you've made. 💖 it! I hope you're as proud as you deserve to be.
I get that some of the recent trends, especially around windows 11 are all washed out, minimal. I'm not a fan. I like color. Among us is really colorful. There's maybe an opportunity for your application to pop. You've also got some cool graphics you can drop into it.
The recent psgcompiler uses the emojis as status.

When compiling it changes to this:

And once successful, it changes one more time.

A design tip....
If you want your combo's to all line up and be flush on the right side, add an sg.Push()
element becore each of them in this screen:

[sg.Text('text'), sg.Combo()]
[sg.Text('text'), sg.Push(), sg.Combo()]
A time saver
There are a number of shortcuts or alias that can really cut down to the typing.
T = Text
I or In = Input
You can also shorten the key and size parm.
Here is a list of the aliases for elements (not yet released in the docs)
| Element Name | Aliases | tkinter Widget | Description |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------- | :------------- | :------------------------ |
| Text | T, Txt | tk.Label | One or more lines of Text |
| Input | I, In, InputText | tk.Entry | Single line text input |
| Combo | DD, Drop, DropDown, InputCombo | | |
| OptionMenu | InputOptionMenu | | |
| Multiline | ML, MLine | | |
| Output | | | |
| Radio | R, Rad | | |
| Checkbox | CB, CBox, Check | | |
| Spin | Sp | | |
| Button | B, Btn | | |
| Image | Im | | |
| Canvas | | | |
| Column | Col | | |
| Frame | Fr | | |
| Tab | | | |
| TabGroup | | | |
| Pane | | | |
| Graph | G | | |
| Slider | Sl | | |
| Listbox | LB, LBox | | |
| Menu | MenuBar, Menubar | | |
| MenubarCustom | | | |
| ButtonMenu | BM, BMenu | | |
| Titlebar | | | |
| ProgressBar | PBar, Prog, Progress | | |
| Table | | | |
| Tree | | | |
| VerticalSeparator | VSep, VSeparator | | |
| HorizontalSeparator | HSep, HSeparator | | |
| StatusBar | SBar | | |
| Sizegrip | SGrip | | |
| Push | P, Stretch | | |
| VPush | VP, VStretch | | |
| Sizer | | | |
Size and Key parms aliases
s = size
k = key
Also, for Text and Input elements, if you want the height to be 1, then you can use an int for the size rather than a tuple.
s=12 is the same as s=(12,1) or size=(12,1)
User Defined Elements
For big layouts like yours, if there is a pattern that repeats, I tend to make a function that returns the elements.
Something like this:
[sg.Text('Times imposter:',key="timesimposter_display"),sg.Input(key="timesimposter",size=(10,None))],
Can be a function
def TxtIn(text, text_key, in_key, in_size)
This gives you one place to change if you want to change the size of all of the input elements.
Your layout will be then be a series of these:
TxtIn('Times imposter:', timesimposter_display", "timesimposter",10)
💗 Seeing this!
help_popup = sg.Window('About AUE',[
[sg.T("Among Us Editor")],
[sg.Text("By Vresod (Vresod#3907) on Discord")],

That's getting into the groove of PySimpleGUI in a "really understanding the spirit of it" kind of way. Very tasty stuff!

Keep making stuff... you've got good instincts!