Python API for WatonPlugin
WatonAPI is an API used to connect to spigot servers with the WatonPlugin to communicate. You can send messages to the server and read messages, making it useful for cross-chat programs.
Some examples of possible use cases are:
- Minecraft Chat CLI
- Cross Chat Discord Bot
And many more
WatonAPI is available on PyPi, so you can install it with pip
pip install watonapi
How to use
Documentation will be released soon
WatonAPI is an async library, meaning that it has to be run with asyncio. You can look in the examples directory to find example programs using the WatonAPI.
CLI Example
from watonapi.server import *
import asyncio
server_ip = ""
token = ""
async def async_input():
return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, input)
async def take_input(server):
while True:
msg = await async_input()
await server.send_msg('Waton CLI', msg) # When input is received, send it to the server
async def main(server):
await server.add_listener("minecraft_msg") # Begin listening for a "minecraft_msg" packet
await server.add_listener("player_join") # Begin listening for a "player_join" packet
await server.add_listener("player_leave") # Begin listening for a "player_leave" packet
authorized = False
# If this doesn't fail, the token was correct and the connection authorized
authorized = await server.connect(token)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Couldn't connect to server ( ERROR: {e} )")
if authorized:
input_handler = asyncio.create_task(take_input(server)) # Start an async task to get user input
async for packet in server.get_listeners(): # Get all of the packets that we are listening for
if packet["type"] == "minecraft_msg":
print(f"<{packet['user']}> {packet['content']}")
elif packet["type"] == "player_join":
print(f"{packet['user']} joined the game!")
elif packet["type"] == "player_leave":
print(f"{packet['user']} left the game!")
input_handler.cancel() # If it gets to here, the connection was lost
print("Lost Connection")
server = Server(server_ip) # Create a server object using the server ip
asyncio.run(main(server)) # Run the main function